
付録 A: SVG DTD (文書型定義)



A.1 概要

この付録は与えられた文書または文書片が適合しているかどうかの判定に利用される SVG 1.1 の DTD を定める。 この点において DTD がどのように利用されるかについての詳細は 適合性基準 を見よ。 与えられた XML 文書に対し、単にこの DTD に対する妥当性を検証するだけでは、この仕様への適合性判定として確実ではないことに注意。 This appendix defines a DTD for SVG 1.1, which is used as part of determining whether a given document or document fragment is conforming. See Conformance Criteria for details on how the DTD is to be used in this regard. Note in particular that simply validating a given XML document against this DTD cannot definitively, by itself, determine conformance to this specification.

この DTD に見つかった誤りは SVG 1.1 第2版の正誤表 に掲載される。 日付けを伴うひとまとめにされた DTD は常に http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/1.1/DTD/svg11-flat-20110816.dtd から入手できる。 If errors are found in this DTD, then they will be listed in the SVG 1.1 Second Edition errata. A dated version of the flattened DTD will always be available from http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/1.1/DTD/svg11-flat-20110816.dtd.

A.2 モジュール化

ここに含まれる SVG のモジュール化は SVG 1.0 [SVG10] とその修正を特定の機能単位を提供する一連の抽象的なモジュールに分割したものである。 ( XHTML などの)他の仕様で定義されたものも含め、これらモジュールを組み合わせて SVG ファミリの文書型として認定され得る SVG のサブセットや拡張の文書型を定義することができる。 SVG ファミリの文書型については 適合性 の章を見よ。 XHTML, MathML, SVG を組み合わせたプロファイル については [XHTMLplusMathMLplusSVG] を参照のこと。 The modularization of SVG included here is a decomposition of SVG 1.0 [SVG10] and errata into a collection of abstract modules that provide specific units of functionality. These modules may be combined with each other and with modules defined in other specifications (such as XHTML) to create SVG subset and extension document types that qualify as members of the SVG family of document types. See Conformance for a description of SVG family documents, and An XHTML + MathML + SVG Profile [XHTMLplusMathMLplusSVG] for a profile that combines XHTML, MathML and SVG.

この仕様書のそれぞれの主要なセクションの後には、それに対応するそのセクションの名前を冠するモジュールが存在する。 例えば「 Text モジュール」, 「基本 Structure モジュール」など。 モジュール名に「基本」という接頭辞が付いていない場合、対応するセクションのすべての要素と属性の完全なセットが含まれていることを意味する。 完全なモジュールの機能のサブセットが必要になった場合は「基本」という接頭辞が付いた基本モジュールが新たに設けられる。 例えば「基本 Text モジュール」は「 Text モジュール」のサブセットである。 Each major section of the SVG specification corresponds to a module named after that section, e.g. "Text Module" or "Basic Structure Module". A module without the "Basic" prefix implies that the module includes the complete set of elements and attributes, with no restrictions, from the corresponding section of the specification. If there is a need to provide a subset of the functionality of the complete module, then a Basic module is created with the "Basic" prefix added to the name of the complete module. For example, the "Basic Text Module" is a subset of the "Text Module".

SVG 1.1 のプロファイルに完全なモジュールとその基本サブセットの両方(例えば「 Text モジュール」と「基本 Text モジュール」)を含めることはできない。 It is an error for a profile of SVG 1.1 to include both the complete module and its basic subset (e.g. the "Text Module" and the "Basic Text Module").

A.2.1 要素コレクションと属性コレクション

ほとんどのモジュールでは、一連の要素と属性をひとまとめにして名前を付けたコレクションが定義される。 これらは、特定の要素に許容される属性(例えば "Style" 属性コレクション), あるいは特定の要素の子として許容される要素(例えば "Shape" 要素コレクション)を表すための総称として利用される。 すべてのコレクションの総称は大文字から始まる。 Most modules define a named collection of elements or attributes. These collections are used as a shorthand when describing the set of attributes allowed on a particular element (e.g. the "Style" attribute collection) or the set of elements allowed as children of a particular element (e.g. the "Shape" element collection). All collections have names that begin with an uppercase character.

プロファイルを定義する際には、すべての要素/属性コレクションは空と定義されているものと見なされる。 モジュールは要素と属性をプロファイルに追加して,それらをプロファイル内で可用にすることにより、プロファイルに含まれるコレクションを再定義できる。 そのようなわけで、モジュールからプロファイルに含まれていない要素/属性コレクションを参照することは誤りではない。 それは単にコレクションが空であることを意味するに過ぎない。 When defining a profile, it is assumed that all the element and attribute collections are defined to be empty. That way, a module can redefine the collection as it is included in the profile, adding elements or attributes to make them available within the profile. Therefore, it is not a mistake to refer to an element or attribute collection from a module that is not included in the profile, it simply means that collection is empty.

唯一の例外はコレクション Presentation.attrib である。 Presentation.attrib はすべての呈示属性のコレクション("Presentation" が名前の一部であるようなコレクション)を集めたものになる。 Presentation.attrib は、どのモジュールでも定義されないがどのプロファイルにも存在する。 The exception to this is the collection Presentation.attrib, which is the union of all the presentation attribute collections (i.e. all the attribute collections with the string "Presentation" in their name). Presentation.attrib is not defined in any module, but it exists in every profile.

サブセットモジュール(すなわち基本モジュール)がスーパーセットモジュールと異なる名前のコレクションを定義することがある。 一つのプロファイルに同じグループのサブセットとスーパーセットのモジュール両方を含めることはできないので、すべての要素/属性コレクションはそれらを含むモジュールで一度定義されているか, 既定の空になっているかのいずれかである(ここでも、どのモジュールからも定義されない Presentation.attrib は例外になる)。 A subset module (i.e. a Basic module) may define a different named collection from a superset module. Since it is an error to include a subset and superset module of the same group in a profile, all attribute and element collections will either be defined once by the module that includes them, or will have their default empty value (again, with the exception of Presentation.attrib which is not defined by any module).

A.2.2 SVG 仕様のプロファイル

SVG 1.1 におけるモジュール化により、プロファイルは、受け入れ可能な SVG モジュールに加えて,必要ならそれらのモジュールの要素に対する少数の制約あるいは拡張を列挙することにより、記述できるようになる。 The modularization of SVG 1.1 allows profiles to be described by listing the SVG modules they allow and possibly a small number of restrictions or extensions on the elements provided by those modules.

SVG 1.1 の「網羅的な」プロファイルとは、この仕様にある完全なモジュールをすべて集めたものである(すなわち、サブセットでないモジュール全部)。 The "Full" profile of SVG 1.1 is the collection of all the complete modules listed in this specification (i.e., every module that is not a subset module).

未修飾の「 SVG 」という語が適合するという意味で用いられる場合、この仕様で定められた SVG 1.1 の「網羅的な」プロファイルを含意する。 実装においてこの網羅的なプロファイルを組み込めない場合、その実装が適合するプロファイルを明示的に定めるか,もしくは SVG のサブセットを実装していることを明示しなければならない。 When applied to conformance, the unqualified term "SVG" implies the "Full" profile of SVG 1.1 defined by this specification. If an implementation does not implement the Full profile, it must state either the profile to which it conforms, or that it implements a subset of SVG.

A.2.3 実践上の考察

DTD は生来的にある種の複雑な内容モデルを記述する能力に欠いていることに加え, XML 名前空間を扱えるように設計されていないことから、 DTD ベースのモジュール化は組み立て可能な XML 言語を定義するには扱い難い手法であることが判明している。 SVG 1.1 DTD がモジュール化された形で提供されている一方、 XML 言語の混成を達成するためには、名前空間に基づく検証委譲言語( Namespace-based Validation Dispatch Language ) [NVDL] などの別の技術の利用が推奨される。 DTD-based modularization has proven to be an unwieldy method of defining composable XML languages, due to the inherent inability to describe certain complex content models in DTDs as well as their being agnostic with respect to XML namespaces. While the SVG 1.1 DTD is provided in a modularized form, it is recommended that alternate technologies such as Namespace-based Validation Dispatch Language [NVDL] be used to accomplish XML language composition instead.

A.3 SVG 1.1 モジュール定義 と DTD 実装

この節では各 SVG 抽象モジュールの公式な定義を DTD モジュールとして与える。 モジュールで定義された要素と属性のコレクションも挙げる。 This section contains the formal definition of each of the SVG abstract modules as a DTD module. Any element and attribute collections defined by the module are also listed.

A.3.1 Modular Framework モジュール

<!-- ....................................................................... -->
<!-- SVG 1.1 Modular Framework Module ...................................... -->
<!-- file: svg-framework.mod

     This is SVG, a language for describing two-dimensional graphics in XML.
     Copyright 2001, 2002, 2011 W3C (MIT, INRIA, Keio), All Rights Reserved.
     Revision: $Id: svgdtd.html,v 1.2 2011/08/10 04:43:17 schepers Exp $

     This DTD module is identified by the PUBLIC and SYSTEM identifiers:

        PUBLIC "-//W3C//ENTITIES SVG 1.1 Modular Framework//EN"
        SYSTEM "http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/1.1/DTD/svg-framework.mod"

     ....................................................................... -->

<!-- Modular Framework

     This module instantiates the modules needed to support the SVG
     modularization model, including:

        + Datatypes
        + Qualified Name
        + Document Model
        + Attribute Collection

<!ENTITY % svg-datatypes.module "INCLUDE" >
<!ENTITY % svg-datatypes.mod
    PUBLIC "-//W3C//ENTITIES SVG 1.1 Datatypes//EN"
           "svg-datatypes.mod" >

<!ENTITY % svg-qname.module "INCLUDE" >
<!ENTITY % svg-qname.mod
    PUBLIC "-//W3C//ENTITIES SVG 1.1 Qualified Name//EN"
           "svg-qname.mod" >

<!ENTITY % svg-model.module "INCLUDE" >
<!-- instantiate the Document Model declared in the DTD driver -->

<!ENTITY % svg-attribs.module "INCLUDE" >
<!-- instantiate the Attribute Collection declared in the DTD driver -->

<!-- end of svg-framework.mod -->

A.3.2 Datatypes モジュール

<!-- ....................................................................... -->
<!-- SVG 1.1 Datatypes Module .............................................. -->
<!-- file: svg-datatypes.mod

     This is SVG, a language for describing two-dimensional graphics in XML.
     Copyright 2001, 2002, 2011 W3C (MIT, INRIA, Keio), All Rights Reserved.
     Revision: $Id: svgdtd.html,v 1.2 2011/08/10 04:43:17 schepers Exp $

     This DTD module is identified by the PUBLIC and SYSTEM identifiers:

        PUBLIC "-//W3C//ENTITIES SVG 1.1 Datatypes//EN"
        SYSTEM "http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/1.1/DTD/svg-datatypes.mod"

     ....................................................................... -->

<!-- Datatypes

     This module declares common data types for properties and attributes.

<!-- feature specification -->
<!ENTITY % Boolean.datatype "( false | true )" >

<!-- 'clip-rule' or 'fill-rule' property/attribute value -->
<!ENTITY % ClipFillRule.datatype "( nonzero | evenodd | inherit )" >

<!-- media type, as per [RFC2045] -->
<!ENTITY % ContentType.datatype "CDATA" >

<!-- a <coordinate> -->
<!ENTITY % Coordinate.datatype "CDATA" >

<!-- a list of <coordinate>s -->
<!ENTITY % Coordinates.datatype "CDATA" >

<!-- a <color> value -->
<!ENTITY % Color.datatype "CDATA" >

<!-- a <integer> -->
<!ENTITY % Integer.datatype "CDATA" >

<!-- a language code, as per [BCP47] -->
<!ENTITY % LanguageCode.datatype "NMTOKEN" >

<!-- comma-separated list of language codes, as per [BCP47] -->
<!ENTITY % LanguageCodes.datatype "CDATA" >

<!-- a <length> -->
<!ENTITY % Length.datatype "CDATA" >

<!-- a list of <length>s -->
<!ENTITY % Lengths.datatype "CDATA" >

<!-- a <number> -->
<!ENTITY % Number.datatype "CDATA" >

<!-- a list of <number>s -->
<!ENTITY % Numbers.datatype "CDATA" >

<!-- opacity value (e.g., <number>) -->
<!ENTITY % OpacityValue.datatype "CDATA" >

<!-- a path data specification -->
<!ENTITY % PathData.datatype "CDATA" >

<!-- 'preserveAspectRatio' attribute specification -->
<!ENTITY % PreserveAspectRatioSpec.datatype "CDATA" >

<!-- script expression -->
<!ENTITY % Script.datatype "CDATA" >

<!-- An SVG color value (RGB plus optional ICC) -->
<!ENTITY % SVGColor.datatype "CDATA" >

<!-- arbitrary text string -->
<!ENTITY % Text.datatype "CDATA" >

<!-- list of transforms -->
<!ENTITY % TransformList.datatype "CDATA" >

<!-- a Uniform Resource Identifier, see [URI] -->
<!ENTITY % URI.datatype "CDATA" >

<!-- 'viewBox' attribute specification -->
<!ENTITY % ViewBoxSpec.datatype "CDATA" >

<!-- end of svg-datatypes.mod -->

A.3.3 Qualified Name モジュール

<!-- ....................................................................... -->
<!-- SVG 1.1 Qualified Name Module ......................................... -->
<!-- file: svg-qname.mod

     This is SVG, a language for describing two-dimensional graphics in XML.
     Copyright 2001, 2002, 2011 W3C (MIT, INRIA, Keio), All Rights Reserved.
     Revision: $Id: svgdtd.html,v 1.2 2011/08/10 04:43:17 schepers Exp $

     This DTD module is identified by the PUBLIC and SYSTEM identifiers:

        PUBLIC "-//W3C//ENTITIES SVG 1.1 Qualified Name//EN"
        SYSTEM "http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/1.1/DTD/svg-qname.mod"

     ....................................................................... -->

<!-- Qualified Name

     This module is contained in two parts, labeled Section 'A' and 'B':

        Section A declares parameter entities to support namespace-
        qualified names, namespace declarations, and name prefixing
        for SVG and extensions.

        Section B declares parameter entities used to provide
        namespace-qualified names for all SVG element types:

<!-- Section A: SVG XML Namespace Framework :::::::::::::::::::::: -->

<!-- 1. Declare a %SVG.prefixed; conditional section keyword, used
        to activate namespace prefixing. The default value should
        inherit '%NS.prefixed;' from the DTD driver, so that unless
        overridden, the default behaviour follows the overall DTD
        prefixing scheme.
<!ENTITY % NS.prefixed "IGNORE" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.prefixed "%NS.prefixed;" >

<!-- 2. Declare a parameter entity (eg., %SVG.xmlns;) containing
        the URI reference used to identify the SVG namespace:
<!ENTITY % SVG.xmlns "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" >
<!ENTITY % XLINK.xmlns "http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" >

<!-- 3. Declare parameter entities (eg., %SVG.prefix;) containing
        the default namespace prefix string(s) to use when prefixing
        is enabled. This may be overridden in the DTD driver or the
        internal subset of an document instance. If no default prefix
        is desired, this may be declared as an empty string.
<!ENTITY % SVG.prefix "" >
<!ENTITY % XLINK.prefix "xlink" >

<!-- 4. Declare parameter entities (eg., %SVG.pfx;) containing the
        colonized prefix(es) (eg., '%SVG.prefix;:') used when
        prefixing is active, an empty string when it is not.
<!ENTITY % SVG.pfx "%SVG.prefix;:" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.pfx "" >
<!ENTITY % XLINK.pfx "%XLINK.prefix;:" >

<!-- 5. The parameter entity %SVG.xmlns.extra.attrib; may be
        redeclared to contain any non-SVG namespace declaration
        attributes for namespaces embedded in SVG. The default
        is an empty string.
<!ENTITY % SVG.xmlns.extra.attrib "" >

<!-- Declare a parameter entity XLINK.xmlns.attrib containing
     the XML Namespace declarations for XLink.
<!ENTITY % XLINK.xmlns.attrib
     "xmlns:%XLINK.prefix; %URI.datatype; #FIXED '%XLINK.xmlns;'"

<!-- Declare a parameter entity %NS.decl.attrib; containing
     all XML Namespace declarations used in the DTD, plus the
     xmlns declaration for SVG, its form dependent on whether
     prefixing is active.
<!ENTITY % NS.decl.attrib
    "xmlns:%SVG.prefix; %URI.datatype; #FIXED '%SVG.xmlns;'
<!ENTITY % NS.decl.attrib

<!-- Declare a parameter entity %SVG.xmlns.attrib; containing
     all XML namespace declaration attributes used by SVG,
     including a default xmlns attribute when prefixing is
<!ENTITY % SVG.xmlns.attrib
<!ENTITY % SVG.xmlns.attrib
     "xmlns %URI.datatype; #FIXED '%SVG.xmlns;'

<!-- Section B: SVG Qualified Names :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -->

<!-- 6. This section declares parameter entities used to provide
        namespace-qualified names for all SVG element types.

<!-- module: svg-structure.mod ......................... -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.svg.qname "%SVG.pfx;svg" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.g.qname "%SVG.pfx;g" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.defs.qname "%SVG.pfx;defs" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.desc.qname "%SVG.pfx;desc" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.title.qname "%SVG.pfx;title" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.metadata.qname "%SVG.pfx;metadata" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.symbol.qname "%SVG.pfx;symbol" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.use.qname "%SVG.pfx;use" >

<!-- module: svg-conditional.mod ....................... -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.switch.qname "%SVG.pfx;switch" >

<!-- module: svg-image.mod ............................. -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.image.qname "%SVG.pfx;image" >

<!-- module: svg-style.mod ............................. -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.style.qname "%SVG.pfx;style" >

<!-- module: svg-shape.mod ............................. -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.path.qname "%SVG.pfx;path" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.rect.qname "%SVG.pfx;rect" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.circle.qname "%SVG.pfx;circle" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.line.qname "%SVG.pfx;line" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.ellipse.qname "%SVG.pfx;ellipse" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.polyline.qname "%SVG.pfx;polyline" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.polygon.qname "%SVG.pfx;polygon" >

<!-- module: svg-text.mod .............................. -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.text.qname "%SVG.pfx;text" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.tspan.qname "%SVG.pfx;tspan" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.tref.qname "%SVG.pfx;tref" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.textPath.qname "%SVG.pfx;textPath" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.altGlyph.qname "%SVG.pfx;altGlyph" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.altGlyphDef.qname "%SVG.pfx;altGlyphDef" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.altGlyphItem.qname "%SVG.pfx;altGlyphItem" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.glyphRef.qname "%SVG.pfx;glyphRef" >

<!-- module: svg-marker.mod ............................ -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.marker.qname "%SVG.pfx;marker" >

<!-- module: svg-profile.mod ........................... -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.color-profile.qname "%SVG.pfx;color-profile" >

<!-- module: svg-gradient.mod .......................... -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.linearGradient.qname "%SVG.pfx;linearGradient" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.radialGradient.qname "%SVG.pfx;radialGradient" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.stop.qname "%SVG.pfx;stop" >

<!-- module: svg-pattern.mod ........................... -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.pattern.qname "%SVG.pfx;pattern" >

<!-- module: svg-clip.mod .............................. -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.clipPath.qname "%SVG.pfx;clipPath" >

<!-- module: svg-mask.mod .............................. -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.mask.qname "%SVG.pfx;mask" >

<!-- module: svg-filter.mod ............................ -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.filter.qname "%SVG.pfx;filter" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.feBlend.qname "%SVG.pfx;feBlend" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.feColorMatrix.qname "%SVG.pfx;feColorMatrix" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.feComponentTransfer.qname "%SVG.pfx;feComponentTransfer" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.feComposite.qname "%SVG.pfx;feComposite" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.feConvolveMatrix.qname "%SVG.pfx;feConvolveMatrix" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.feDiffuseLighting.qname "%SVG.pfx;feDiffuseLighting" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.feDisplacementMap.qname "%SVG.pfx;feDisplacementMap" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.feFlood.qname "%SVG.pfx;feFlood" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.feGaussianBlur.qname "%SVG.pfx;feGaussianBlur" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.feImage.qname "%SVG.pfx;feImage" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.feMerge.qname "%SVG.pfx;feMerge" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.feMergeNode.qname "%SVG.pfx;feMergeNode" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.feMorphology.qname "%SVG.pfx;feMorphology" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.feOffset.qname "%SVG.pfx;feOffset" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.feSpecularLighting.qname "%SVG.pfx;feSpecularLighting" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.feTile.qname "%SVG.pfx;feTile" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.feTurbulence.qname "%SVG.pfx;feTurbulence" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.feDistantLight.qname "%SVG.pfx;feDistantLight" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.fePointLight.qname "%SVG.pfx;fePointLight" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.feSpotLight.qname "%SVG.pfx;feSpotLight" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.feFuncR.qname "%SVG.pfx;feFuncR" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.feFuncG.qname "%SVG.pfx;feFuncG" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.feFuncB.qname "%SVG.pfx;feFuncB" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.feFuncA.qname "%SVG.pfx;feFuncA" >

<!-- module: svg-cursor.mod ............................ -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.cursor.qname "%SVG.pfx;cursor" >

<!-- module: svg-hyperlink.mod ......................... -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.a.qname "%SVG.pfx;a" >

<!-- module: svg-view.mod .............................. -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.view.qname "%SVG.pfx;view" >

<!-- module: svg-script.mod ............................ -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.script.qname "%SVG.pfx;script" >

<!-- module: svg-animation.mod ......................... -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.animate.qname "%SVG.pfx;animate" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.set.qname "%SVG.pfx;set" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.animateMotion.qname "%SVG.pfx;animateMotion" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.animateColor.qname "%SVG.pfx;animateColor" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.animateTransform.qname "%SVG.pfx;animateTransform" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.mpath.qname "%SVG.pfx;mpath" >

<!-- module: svg-font.mod .............................. -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.font.qname "%SVG.pfx;font" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.font-face.qname "%SVG.pfx;font-face" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.glyph.qname "%SVG.pfx;glyph" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.missing-glyph.qname "%SVG.pfx;missing-glyph" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.hkern.qname "%SVG.pfx;hkern" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.vkern.qname "%SVG.pfx;vkern" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.font-face-src.qname "%SVG.pfx;font-face-src" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.font-face-uri.qname "%SVG.pfx;font-face-uri" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.font-face-format.qname "%SVG.pfx;font-face-format" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.font-face-name.qname "%SVG.pfx;font-face-name" >

<!-- module: svg-extensibility.mod ..................... -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.foreignObject.qname "%SVG.pfx;foreignObject" >

<!-- end of svg-qname.mod -->

A.3.4 Core 属性モジュール

Core 属性モジュールはどの要素にも存在し得るコアの属性のセットである Core.attrib 属性コレクションを定義する。 The Core Attribute Module defines the attribute collection Core.attrib that is the core set of attributes that can be present on any element.

Core.attribid, xml:base, xml:lang, xml:space
<!-- ....................................................................... -->
<!-- SVG 1.1 Core Attribute Module ......................................... -->
<!-- file: svg-core-attrib.mod

     This is SVG, a language for describing two-dimensional graphics in XML.
     Copyright 2001, 2002, 2011 W3C (MIT, INRIA, Keio), All Rights Reserved.
     Revision: $Id: svgdtd.html,v 1.2 2011/08/10 04:43:17 schepers Exp $

     This DTD module is identified by the PUBLIC and SYSTEM identifiers:

        PUBLIC "-//W3C//ENTITIES SVG 1.1 Core Attribute//EN"
        SYSTEM "http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/1.1/DTD/svg-core-attrib.mod"

     ....................................................................... -->

<!-- Core Attribute

        id, xml:base, xml:lang, xml:space

     This module defines the core set of attributes that can be present on
     any element.

<!ENTITY % SVG.id.attrib
    "id ID #IMPLIED"

<!ENTITY % SVG.base.attrib
    "xml:base %URI.datatype; #IMPLIED"

<!ENTITY % SVG.lang.attrib
    "xml:lang %LanguageCode.datatype; #IMPLIED"

<!ENTITY % SVG.space.attrib
    "xml:space ( default | preserve ) #IMPLIED"

<!ENTITY % SVG.Core.extra.attrib "" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.Core.attrib

<!-- end of svg-core-attrib.mod -->

A.3.5 Container 属性モジュール

Container 属性モジュールは Container.attrib 属性コレクションを定義する。 The Container Attribute Module defines the Container.attrib attribute collection.

<!-- ....................................................................... -->
<!-- SVG 1.1 Container Attribute Module .................................... -->
<!-- file: svg-container-attrib.mod

     This is SVG, a language for describing two-dimensional graphics in XML.
     Copyright 2001, 2002, 2011 W3C (MIT, INRIA, Keio), All Rights Reserved.
     Revision: $Id: svgdtd.html,v 1.2 2011/08/10 04:43:17 schepers Exp $

     This DTD module is identified by the PUBLIC and SYSTEM identifiers:

        PUBLIC "-//W3C//ENTITIES SVG 1.1 Container Attribute//EN"
        SYSTEM "http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/1.1/DTD/svg-container-attrib.mod"

     ....................................................................... -->

<!-- Container Attribute


     This module defines the Container attribute set.

<!-- 'enable-background' property/attribute value (e.g., 'new', 'accumulate') -->
<!ENTITY % EnableBackgroundValue.datatype "CDATA" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.enable-background.attrib
    "enable-background %EnableBackgroundValue.datatype; #IMPLIED"

<!ENTITY % SVG.Container.extra.attrib "" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.Container.attrib

<!-- end of svg-container-attrib.mod -->

A.3.6 Viewport 属性モジュール

Container 属性モジュールは Container.attrib 属性コレクションを定義する。 The Container Attribute Module defines the Container.attrib attribute collection.

Viewport.attribclip, overflow
<!-- ....................................................................... -->
<!-- SVG 1.1 Viewport Attribute Module ..................................... -->
<!-- file: svg-viewport-attrib.mod

     This is SVG, a language for describing two-dimensional graphics in XML.
     Copyright 2001, 2002, 2011 W3C (MIT, INRIA, Keio), All Rights Reserved.
     Revision: $Id: svgdtd.html,v 1.2 2011/08/10 04:43:17 schepers Exp $

     This DTD module is identified by the PUBLIC and SYSTEM identifiers:

        PUBLIC "-//W3C//ENTITIES SVG 1.1 Viewport Attribute//EN"
        SYSTEM "http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/1.1/DTD/svg-viewport-attrib.mod"

     ....................................................................... -->

<!-- Viewport Attribute

        clip, overflow

     This module defines the Viewport attribute set.

<!-- 'clip' property/attribute value (e.g., 'auto', rect(...)) -->
<!ENTITY % ClipValue.datatype "CDATA" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.clip.attrib
    "clip %ClipValue.datatype; #IMPLIED"

<!ENTITY % SVG.overflow.attrib
    "overflow ( visible | hidden | scroll | auto | inherit ) #IMPLIED"

<!ENTITY % SVG.Viewport.extra.attrib "" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.Viewport.attrib

<!-- end of svg-viewport-attrib.mod -->

A.3.7 Paint 属性モジュール

Paint 属性モジュールは Paint.attrib 属性コレクションを定義する。 The Paint Attribute Module defines the Paint.attrib attribute collection.

Paint.attribcolor, fill, fill-rule, stroke, stroke-dasharray, stroke-dashoffset, stroke-linecap, stroke-linejoin, stroke-miterlimit, stroke-width, color-interpolation, color-rendering
<!-- ....................................................................... -->
<!-- SVG 1.1 Paint Attribute Module ........................................ -->
<!-- file: svg-paint-attrib.mod

     This is SVG, a language for describing two-dimensional graphics in XML.
     Copyright 2001, 2002, 2011 W3C (MIT, INRIA, Keio), All Rights Reserved.
     Revision: $Id: svgdtd.html,v 1.2 2011/08/10 04:43:17 schepers Exp $

     This DTD module is identified by the PUBLIC and SYSTEM identifiers:

        PUBLIC "-//W3C//ENTITIES SVG 1.1 Paint Attribute//EN"
        SYSTEM "http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/1.1/DTD/svg-paint-attrib.mod"

     ....................................................................... -->

<!-- Paint Attribute

        fill, fill-rule, stroke, stroke-dasharray, stroke-dashoffset,
        stroke-linecap, stroke-linejoin, stroke-miterlimit, stroke-width, color,
        color-interpolation, color-rendering

     This module defines the Paint and Color attribute sets.

<!-- a 'fill' or 'stroke' property/attribute value: <paint> -->
<!ENTITY % Paint.datatype "CDATA" >

<!-- 'stroke-dasharray' property/attribute value (e.g., 'none', list of <number>s) -->
<!ENTITY % StrokeDashArrayValue.datatype "CDATA" >

<!-- 'stroke-dashoffset' property/attribute value (e.g., 'none', <legnth>) -->
<!ENTITY % StrokeDashOffsetValue.datatype "CDATA" >

<!-- 'stroke-miterlimit' property/attribute value (e.g., <number>) -->
<!ENTITY % StrokeMiterLimitValue.datatype "CDATA" >

<!-- 'stroke-width' property/attribute value (e.g., <length>) -->
<!ENTITY % StrokeWidthValue.datatype "CDATA" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.fill.attrib
    "fill %Paint.datatype; #IMPLIED"

<!ENTITY % SVG.fill-rule.attrib
    "fill-rule %ClipFillRule.datatype; #IMPLIED"

<!ENTITY % SVG.stroke.attrib
    "stroke %Paint.datatype; #IMPLIED"

<!ENTITY % SVG.stroke-dasharray.attrib
    "stroke-dasharray %StrokeDashArrayValue.datatype; #IMPLIED"

<!ENTITY % SVG.stroke-dashoffset.attrib
    "stroke-dashoffset %StrokeDashOffsetValue.datatype; #IMPLIED"

<!ENTITY % SVG.stroke-linecap.attrib
    "stroke-linecap ( butt | round | square | inherit ) #IMPLIED"

<!ENTITY % SVG.stroke-linejoin.attrib
    "stroke-linejoin ( miter | round | bevel | inherit ) #IMPLIED"

<!ENTITY % SVG.stroke-miterlimit.attrib
    "stroke-miterlimit %StrokeMiterLimitValue.datatype; #IMPLIED"

<!ENTITY % SVG.stroke-width.attrib
    "stroke-width %StrokeWidthValue.datatype; #IMPLIED"

<!ENTITY % SVG.Paint.extra.attrib "" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.Paint.attrib

<!ENTITY % SVG.color.attrib
    "color %Color.datatype; #IMPLIED"

<!ENTITY % SVG.color-interpolation.attrib
    "color-interpolation ( auto | sRGB | linearRGB | inherit ) #IMPLIED"

<!ENTITY % SVG.color-rendering.attrib
    "color-rendering ( auto | optimizeSpeed | optimizeQuality | inherit )

<!ENTITY % SVG.Color.extra.attrib "" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.Color.attrib

<!-- end of svg-paint-attrib.mod -->

A.3.8 基本 Paint 属性モジュール

基本 Paint 属性モジュールは Paint.attrib 属性コレクションを定義する。 The Basic Paint Attribute Module defines the Paint.attrib attribute collection.

Paint.attribcolor, fill, fill-rule, stroke, stroke-dasharray, stroke-dashoffset, stroke-linecap, stroke-linejoin, stroke-miterlimit, stroke-width, color-rendering
<!-- ....................................................................... -->
<!-- SVG 1.1 Basic Paint Attribute Module .................................. -->
<!-- file: svg-basic-paint-attrib.mod

     This is SVG, a language for describing two-dimensional graphics in XML.
     Copyright 2001, 2002, 2011 W3C (MIT, INRIA, Keio), All Rights Reserved.
     Revision: $Id: svgdtd.html,v 1.2 2011/08/10 04:43:17 schepers Exp $

     This DTD module is identified by the PUBLIC and SYSTEM identifiers:

        PUBLIC "-//W3C//ENTITIES SVG 1.1 Basic Paint Attribute//EN"
        SYSTEM "http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/1.1/DTD/svg-basic-paint-attrib.mod"

     ....................................................................... -->

<!-- Basic Paint Attribute

        fill, fill-rule, stroke, stroke-dasharray, stroke-dashoffset,
        stroke-linecap, stroke-linejoin, stroke-miterlimit, stroke-width, color,

     This module defines the Paint and Color attribute sets.

<!-- a 'fill' or 'stroke' property/attribute value: <paint> -->
<!ENTITY % Paint.datatype "CDATA" >

<!-- 'stroke-dasharray' property/attribute value (e.g., 'none', list of <number>s) -->
<!ENTITY % StrokeDashArrayValue.datatype "CDATA" >

<!-- 'stroke-dashoffset' property/attribute value (e.g., 'none', <legnth>) -->
<!ENTITY % StrokeDashOffsetValue.datatype "CDATA" >

<!-- 'stroke-miterlimit' property/attribute value (e.g., <number>) -->
<!ENTITY % StrokeMiterLimitValue.datatype "CDATA" >

<!-- 'stroke-width' property/attribute value (e.g., <length>) -->
<!ENTITY % StrokeWidthValue.datatype "CDATA" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.fill.attrib
    "fill %Paint.datatype; #IMPLIED"

<!ENTITY % SVG.fill-rule.attrib
    "fill-rule %ClipFillRule.datatype; #IMPLIED"

<!ENTITY % SVG.stroke.attrib
    "stroke %Paint.datatype; #IMPLIED"

<!ENTITY % SVG.stroke-dasharray.attrib
    "stroke-dasharray %StrokeDashArrayValue.datatype; #IMPLIED"

<!ENTITY % SVG.stroke-dashoffset.attrib
    "stroke-dashoffset %StrokeDashOffsetValue.datatype; #IMPLIED"

<!ENTITY % SVG.stroke-linecap.attrib
    "stroke-linecap ( butt | round | square | inherit ) #IMPLIED"

<!ENTITY % SVG.stroke-linejoin.attrib
    "stroke-linejoin ( miter | round | bevel | inherit ) #IMPLIED"

<!ENTITY % SVG.stroke-miterlimit.attrib
    "stroke-miterlimit %StrokeMiterLimitValue.datatype; #IMPLIED"

<!ENTITY % SVG.stroke-width.attrib
    "stroke-width %StrokeWidthValue.datatype; #IMPLIED"

<!ENTITY % SVG.Paint.extra.attrib "" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.Paint.attrib

<!ENTITY % SVG.color.attrib
    "color %Color.datatype; #IMPLIED"

<!ENTITY % SVG.color-rendering.attrib
    "color-rendering ( auto | optimizeSpeed | optimizeQuality | inherit )

<!ENTITY % SVG.Color.extra.attrib "" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.Color.attrib

<!-- end of svg-basic-paint-attrib.mod -->

A.3.9 Paint Opacity 属性モジュール

Paint Opacity 属性モジュールは Opacity.attrib 属性コレクションを定義する。 The Paint Opacity Attribute Module defines the Opacity.attrib attribute collection.

Opacity.attribopacity, stroke-opacity, fill-opacity
<!-- ....................................................................... -->
<!-- SVG 1.1 Paint Opacity Attribute Module ................................ -->
<!-- file: svg-opacity-attrib.mod

     This is SVG, a language for describing two-dimensional graphics in XML.
     Copyright 2001, 2002, 2011 W3C (MIT, INRIA, Keio), All Rights Reserved.
     Revision: $Id: svgdtd.html,v 1.2 2011/08/10 04:43:17 schepers Exp $

     This DTD module is identified by the PUBLIC and SYSTEM identifiers:

        PUBLIC "-//W3C//ENTITIES SVG 1.1 Paint Opacity Attribute//EN"
        SYSTEM "http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/1.1/DTD/svg-opacity-attrib.mod"

     ....................................................................... -->

<!-- Paint Opacity Attribute

        opacity, fill-opacity, stroke-opacity

     This module defines the Opacity attribute set.

<!ENTITY % SVG.opacity.attrib
    "opacity %OpacityValue.datatype; #IMPLIED"

<!ENTITY % SVG.fill-opacity.attrib
    "fill-opacity %OpacityValue.datatype; #IMPLIED"

<!ENTITY % SVG.stroke-opacity.attrib
    "stroke-opacity %OpacityValue.datatype; #IMPLIED"

<!ENTITY % SVG.Opacity.extra.attrib "" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.Opacity.attrib

<!-- end of svg-opacity-attrib.mod -->

A.3.10 Graphics 属性モジュール

Graphics 属性モジュールは Graphics.attrib 属性コレクションを定義する。 The Graphics Attribute Module defines the Graphics.attrib attribute collection.

Graphics.attribdisplay, image-rendering, pointer-events, shape-rendering, text-rendering, visibility
<!-- ....................................................................... -->
<!-- SVG 1.1 Graphics Attribute Module ..................................... -->
<!-- file: svg-graphics-attrib.mod

     This is SVG, a language for describing two-dimensional graphics in XML.
     Copyright 2001, 2002, 2011 W3C (MIT, INRIA, Keio), All Rights Reserved.
     Revision: $Id: svgdtd.html,v 1.2 2011/08/10 04:43:17 schepers Exp $

     This DTD module is identified by the PUBLIC and SYSTEM identifiers:

        PUBLIC "-//W3C//ENTITIES SVG 1.1 Graphics Attribute//EN"
        SYSTEM "http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/1.1/DTD/svg-graphics-attrib.mod"

     ....................................................................... -->

<!-- Graphics Attribute

        display, image-rendering, pointer-events, shape-rendering,
        text-rendering, visibility

     This module defines the Graphics attribute set.

<!ENTITY % SVG.display.attrib
    "display ( inline | block | list-item | run-in | compact | marker |
               table | inline-table | table-row-group | table-header-group |
               table-footer-group | table-row | table-column-group |
               table-column | table-cell | table-caption | none | inherit )

<!ENTITY % SVG.image-rendering.attrib
    "image-rendering ( auto | optimizeSpeed | optimizeQuality | inherit )

<!ENTITY % SVG.pointer-events.attrib
    "pointer-events ( visiblePainted | visibleFill | visibleStroke | visible |
                      painted | fill | stroke | all | none | inherit )

<!ENTITY % SVG.shape-rendering.attrib
    "shape-rendering ( auto | optimizeSpeed | crispEdges | geometricPrecision |
                       inherit ) #IMPLIED"

<!ENTITY % SVG.text-rendering.attrib
    "text-rendering ( auto | optimizeSpeed | optimizeLegibility |
                      geometricPrecision | inherit ) #IMPLIED"

<!ENTITY % SVG.visibility.attrib
    "visibility ( visible | hidden | inherit ) #IMPLIED"

<!ENTITY % SVG.Graphics.extra.attrib "" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.Graphics.attrib

<!-- end of svg-graphics-attrib.mod -->

A.3.11 基本 Graphics 属性モジュール

基本 Graphics 属性モジュールは Graphics.attrib 属性コレクションを定義する。 The Basic Graphics Attribute Module defines the Graphics.attrib attribute collection.

Graphics.attribdisplay, visibility
<!-- ....................................................................... -->
<!-- SVG 1.1 Basic Graphics Attribute Module ............................... -->
<!-- file: svg-basic-graphics-attrib.mod

     This is SVG, a language for describing two-dimensional graphics in XML.
     Copyright 2001, 2002, 2011 W3C (MIT, INRIA, Keio), All Rights Reserved.
     Revision: $Id: svgdtd.html,v 1.2 2011/08/10 04:43:17 schepers Exp $

     This DTD module is identified by the PUBLIC and SYSTEM identifiers:

        PUBLIC "-//W3C//ENTITIES SVG 1.1 Basic Graphics Attribute//EN"
        SYSTEM "http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/1.1/DTD/svg-basic-graphics-attrib.mod"

     ....................................................................... -->

<!-- Basic Graphics Attribute

        display, visibility

     This module defines the Graphics attribute set.

<!ENTITY % SVG.display.attrib
    "display ( inline | block | list-item | run-in | compact | marker |
               table | inline-table | table-row-group | table-header-group |
               table-footer-group | table-row | table-column-group |
               table-column | table-cell | table-caption | none | inherit )

<!ENTITY % SVG.visibility.attrib
    "visibility ( visible | hidden | inherit ) #IMPLIED"

<!ENTITY % SVG.Graphics.extra.attrib "" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.Graphics.attrib

<!-- end of svg-basic-graphics-attrib.mod -->

A.3.12 Document Events 属性モジュール

Document Events 属性モジュールは DocumentEvents.attrib 属性コレクションを定義する。 The Document Events Attribute Module defines the DocumentEvents.attrib attribute collection.

DocumentEvents.attribonunload, onabort, onerror, onresize, onscroll, onzoom
<!-- ....................................................................... -->
<!-- SVG 1.1 Document Events Attribute Module .............................. -->
<!-- file: svg-docevents-attrib.mod

     This is SVG, a language for describing two-dimensional graphics in XML.
     Copyright 2001, 2002, 2011 W3C (MIT, INRIA, Keio), All Rights Reserved.
     Revision: $Id: svgdtd.html,v 1.2 2011/08/10 04:43:17 schepers Exp $

     This DTD module is identified by the PUBLIC and SYSTEM identifiers:

        PUBLIC "-//W3C//ENTITIES SVG 1.1 Document Events Attribute//EN"
        SYSTEM "http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/1.1/DTD/svg-docevents-attrib.mod"

     ....................................................................... -->

<!-- Document Events Attribute

        onunload, onabort, onerror, onresize, onscroll, onzoom

     This module defines the DocumentEvents attribute set.

<!ENTITY % SVG.onunload.attrib
    "onunload %Script.datatype; #IMPLIED"

<!ENTITY % SVG.onabort.attrib
    "onabort %Script.datatype; #IMPLIED"

<!ENTITY % SVG.onerror.attrib
    "onerror %Script.datatype; #IMPLIED"

<!ENTITY % SVG.onresize.attrib
    "onresize %Script.datatype; #IMPLIED"

<!ENTITY % SVG.onscroll.attrib
    "onscroll %Script.datatype; #IMPLIED"

<!ENTITY % SVG.onzoom.attrib
    "onzoom %Script.datatype; #IMPLIED"

<!ENTITY % SVG.DocumentEvents.extra.attrib "" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.DocumentEvents.attrib

<!-- end of svg-docevents-attrib.mod -->

A.3.13 Graphical Element Events 属性モジュール

Graphical Events 属性モジュールは GraphicalEvents.attrib 属性コレクションを定義する。 The Graphical Events Attribute Module defines the GraphicalEvents.attrib attribute collection.

GraphicalEvents.attribonfocusin, onfocusout, onactivate, onclick, onmousedown, onmouseup, onmouseover, onmousemove, onmouseout, onload
<!-- ....................................................................... -->
<!-- SVG 1.1 Graphical Element Events Attribute Module ..................... -->
<!-- file: svg-graphevents-attrib.mod

     This is SVG, a language for describing two-dimensional graphics in XML.
     Copyright 2001, 2002, 2011 W3C (MIT, INRIA, Keio), All Rights Reserved.
     Revision: $Id: svgdtd.html,v 1.2 2011/08/10 04:43:17 schepers Exp $

     This DTD module is identified by the PUBLIC and SYSTEM identifiers:

        PUBLIC "-//W3C//ENTITIES SVG 1.1 Graphical Element Events Attribute//EN"
        SYSTEM "http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/1.1/DTD/svg-graphevents-attrib.mod"

     ....................................................................... -->

<!-- Graphical Element Events Attribute

        onfocusin, onfocusout, onactivate, onclick, onmousedown, onmouseup,
        onmouseover, onmousemove, onmouseout, onload

     This module defines the GraphicalEvents attribute set.

<!ENTITY % SVG.onfocusin.attrib
    "onfocusin %Script.datatype; #IMPLIED"

<!ENTITY % SVG.onfocusout.attrib
    "onfocusout %Script.datatype; #IMPLIED"

<!ENTITY % SVG.onactivate.attrib
    "onactivate %Script.datatype; #IMPLIED"

<!ENTITY % SVG.onclick.attrib
    "onclick %Script.datatype; #IMPLIED"

<!ENTITY % SVG.onmousedown.attrib
    "onmousedown %Script.datatype; #IMPLIED"

<!ENTITY % SVG.onmouseup.attrib
    "onmouseup %Script.datatype; #IMPLIED"

<!ENTITY % SVG.onmouseover.attrib
    "onmouseover %Script.datatype; #IMPLIED"

<!ENTITY % SVG.onmousemove.attrib
    "onmousemove %Script.datatype; #IMPLIED"

<!ENTITY % SVG.onmouseout.attrib
    "onmouseout %Script.datatype; #IMPLIED"

<!ENTITY % SVG.onload.attrib
    "onload %Script.datatype; #IMPLIED"

<!ENTITY % SVG.GraphicalEvents.extra.attrib "" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.GraphicalEvents.attrib

<!-- end of svg-graphevents-attrib.mod -->

A.3.14 Animation Events 属性モジュール

Animation Events 属性モジュールは AnimationEvents.attrib 属性コレクションを定義する。 The Animation Events Attribute Module defines the AnimationEvents.attrib attribute collection.

AnimationEvents.attribonbegin, onend, onrepeat, onload
<!-- ....................................................................... -->
<!-- SVG 1.1 Animation Events Attribute Module ............................. -->
<!-- file: svg-animevents-attrib.mod

     This is SVG, a language for describing two-dimensional graphics in XML.
     Copyright 2001, 2002, 2011 W3C (MIT, INRIA, Keio), All Rights Reserved.
     Revision: $Id: svgdtd.html,v 1.2 2011/08/10 04:43:17 schepers Exp $

     This DTD module is identified by the PUBLIC and SYSTEM identifiers:

        PUBLIC "-//W3C//ENTITIES SVG 1.1 Animation Events Attribute//EN"
        SYSTEM "http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/1.1/DTD/svg-animevents-attrib.mod"

     ....................................................................... -->

<!-- Animation Events Attribute

        onbegin, onend, onrepeat, onload

     This module defines the AnimationEvents attribute set.

<!ENTITY % SVG.onbegin.attrib
    "onbegin %Script.datatype; #IMPLIED"

<!ENTITY % SVG.onend.attrib
    "onend %Script.datatype; #IMPLIED"

<!ENTITY % SVG.onrepeat.attrib
    "onrepeat %Script.datatype; #IMPLIED"

<!ENTITY % SVG.onload.attrib
    "onload %Script.datatype; #IMPLIED"

<!ENTITY % SVG.AnimationEvents.extra.attrib "" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.AnimationEvents.attrib

<!-- end of svg-animevents-attrib.mod -->

A.3.15 XLink 属性モジュール

XLink 属性モジュールは XLink.attrib, XLinkRequired.attrib, XLinkEmbed.attrib and XLinkReplace.attrib 属性コレクションを定義する。 これらのコレクションの違いは xlink:href 属性が要求されるかどうかと xlink:show 属性の既定値が何かについてのみになる。 The XLink Attribute Module defines the XLink.attrib, XLinkRequired.attrib, XLinkEmbed.attrib and XLinkReplace.attrib attribute collections. These collections differ only in whether the ‘xlink:href’ attribute is required or what the default value for the ‘xlink:show’ attribute is.

XLink.attribxlink:type, xlink:href, xlink:role, xlink:arcrole, xlink:title, xlink:show, xlink:actuate
XLinkRequired.attribxlink:type, xlink:href, xlink:role, xlink:arcrole, xlink:title, xlink:show, xlink:actuate
XLinkEmbed.attribxlink:type, xlink:href, xlink:role, xlink:arcrole, xlink:title, xlink:show, xlink:actuate
XLinkReplace.attribxlink:type, xlink:href, xlink:role, xlink:arcrole, xlink:title, xlink:show, xlink:actuate
<!-- ....................................................................... -->
<!-- SVG 1.1 XLink Attribute Module ........................................ -->
<!-- file: svg-xlink-attrib.mod

     This is SVG, a language for describing two-dimensional graphics in XML.
     Copyright 2001, 2002, 2011 W3C (MIT, INRIA, Keio), All Rights Reserved.
     Revision: $Id: svgdtd.html,v 1.2 2011/08/10 04:43:17 schepers Exp $

     This DTD module is identified by the PUBLIC and SYSTEM identifiers:

        PUBLIC "-//W3C//ENTITIES SVG 1.1 XLink Attribute//EN"
        SYSTEM "http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/1.1/DTD/svg-xlink-attrib.mod"

     ....................................................................... -->

<!-- XLink Attribute

       type, href, role, arcrole, title, show, actuate

     This module defines the XLink, XLinkRequired, XLinkEmbed, and
     XLinkReplace attribute set.

<!ENTITY % SVG.XLink.extra.attrib "" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.XLink.attrib
     %XLINK.pfx;type ( simple ) #FIXED 'simple'
     %XLINK.pfx;href %URI.datatype; #IMPLIED
     %XLINK.pfx;role %URI.datatype; #IMPLIED
     %XLINK.pfx;arcrole %URI.datatype; #IMPLIED
     %XLINK.pfx;title CDATA #IMPLIED
     %XLINK.pfx;show ( other ) 'other'
     %XLINK.pfx;actuate ( onLoad ) #FIXED 'onLoad'

<!ENTITY % SVG.XLinkRequired.extra.attrib "" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.XLinkRequired.attrib
     %XLINK.pfx;type ( simple ) #FIXED 'simple'
     %XLINK.pfx;href %URI.datatype; #REQUIRED
     %XLINK.pfx;role %URI.datatype; #IMPLIED
     %XLINK.pfx;arcrole %URI.datatype; #IMPLIED
     %XLINK.pfx;title CDATA #IMPLIED
     %XLINK.pfx;show ( other ) 'other'
     %XLINK.pfx;actuate ( onLoad ) #FIXED 'onLoad'

<!ENTITY % SVG.XLinkEmbed.extra.attrib "" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.XLinkEmbed.attrib
     %XLINK.pfx;type ( simple ) #FIXED 'simple'
     %XLINK.pfx;href %URI.datatype; #REQUIRED
     %XLINK.pfx;role %URI.datatype; #IMPLIED
     %XLINK.pfx;arcrole %URI.datatype; #IMPLIED
     %XLINK.pfx;title CDATA #IMPLIED
     %XLINK.pfx;show ( embed ) 'embed'
     %XLINK.pfx;actuate ( onLoad ) #FIXED 'onLoad'

<!ENTITY % SVG.XLinkReplace.extra.attrib "" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.XLinkReplace.attrib
     %XLINK.pfx;type ( simple ) #FIXED 'simple'
     %XLINK.pfx;href %URI.datatype; #REQUIRED
     %XLINK.pfx;role %URI.datatype; #IMPLIED
     %XLINK.pfx;arcrole %URI.datatype; #IMPLIED
     %XLINK.pfx;title CDATA #IMPLIED
     %XLINK.pfx;show ( new | replace ) 'replace'
     %XLINK.pfx;actuate ( onRequest ) #FIXED 'onRequest'

<!-- end of svg-xlink-attrib.mod -->

A.3.16 External Resources 属性モジュール

External Resources 属性モジュールは External.attrib 属性コレクションを定義する。 The External Resources Attribute Module defines the External.attrib attribute collection.

<!-- ....................................................................... -->
<!-- SVG 1.1 External Resources Attribute Module ........................... -->
<!-- file: svg-extresources-attrib.mod

     This is SVG, a language for describing two-dimensional graphics in XML.
     Copyright 2001, 2002, 2011 W3C (MIT, INRIA, Keio), All Rights Reserved.
     Revision: $Id: svgdtd.html,v 1.2 2011/08/10 04:43:17 schepers Exp $

     This DTD module is identified by the PUBLIC and SYSTEM identifiers:

        PUBLIC "-//W3C//ENTITIES SVG 1.1 External Resources Attribute//EN"
        SYSTEM "http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/1.1/DTD/svg-extresources-attrib.mod"

     ....................................................................... -->

<!-- External Resources Attribute


     This module defines the External attribute set.

<!ENTITY % SVG.externalResourcesRequired.attrib
    "externalResourcesRequired %Boolean.datatype; #IMPLIED"

<!ENTITY % SVG.External.extra.attrib "" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.External.attrib

<!-- end of svg-extresources-attrib.mod -->

A.3.17 Structure モジュール

Structure モジュールは Description.class, Structure.class, Use.class 要素コレクションを定義する。 The Structure Module defines the Description.class, Structure.class and Use.class element collections.

Description.classdesc, title, metadata
Structure.classsvg, g, defs, symbol, Use.class
<!-- ....................................................................... -->
<!-- SVG 1.1 Structure Module .............................................. -->
<!-- file: svg-structure.mod

     This is SVG, a language for describing two-dimensional graphics in XML.
     Copyright 2001, 2002, 2011 W3C (MIT, INRIA, Keio), All Rights Reserved.
     Revision: $Id: svgdtd.html,v 1.2 2011/08/10 04:43:17 schepers Exp $

     This DTD module is identified by the PUBLIC and SYSTEM identifiers:

        PUBLIC "-//W3C//ELEMENTS SVG 1.1 Structure//EN"
        SYSTEM "http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/1.1/DTD/svg-structure.mod"

     ....................................................................... -->

<!-- Structure

        svg, g, defs, desc, title, metadata, symbol, use

     This module declares the major structural elements and their attributes.

<!-- Qualified Names (Default) ......................... -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.svg.qname "svg" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.g.qname "g" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.defs.qname "defs" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.desc.qname "desc" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.title.qname "title" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.metadata.qname "metadata" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.symbol.qname "symbol" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.use.qname "use" >

<!-- Attribute Collections (Default) ................... -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.Core.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Container.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Conditional.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Style.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Viewport.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Text.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.TextContent.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Font.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Paint.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Color.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Opacity.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Graphics.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Marker.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.ColorProfile.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Gradient.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Clip.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Mask.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Filter.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.FilterColor.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.DocumentEvents.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.GraphicalEvents.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Cursor.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.XLinkEmbed.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.External.attrib "" >

<!-- SVG.Description.class ............................. -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.Description.extra.class "" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.Description.class
    "%SVG.desc.qname; | %SVG.title.qname; | %SVG.metadata.qname;

<!-- SVG.Use.class ..................................... -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.Use.extra.class "" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.Use.class
    "| %SVG.use.qname; %SVG.Use.extra.class;"

<!-- SVG.Structure.class ............................... -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.Structure.extra.class "" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.Structure.class
    "| %SVG.svg.qname; | %SVG.g.qname; | %SVG.defs.qname; | %SVG.symbol.qname;
       %SVG.Use.class; %SVG.Structure.extra.class;"

<!-- SVG.Presentation.attrib ........................... -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.Presentation.extra.attrib "" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.Presentation.attrib
     flood-color %SVGColor.datatype; #IMPLIED
     flood-opacity %OpacityValue.datatype; #IMPLIED
     lighting-color %SVGColor.datatype; #IMPLIED

<!-- svg: SVG Document Element ......................... -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.svg.extra.content "" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.svg.element "INCLUDE" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.svg.content
    "( %SVG.Description.class; | %SVG.Animation.class; %SVG.Structure.class;
       %SVG.Conditional.class; %SVG.Image.class; %SVG.Style.class;
       %SVG.Shape.class; %SVG.Text.class; %SVG.Marker.class;
       %SVG.ColorProfile.class; %SVG.Gradient.class; %SVG.Pattern.class;
       %SVG.Clip.class; %SVG.Mask.class; %SVG.Filter.class; %SVG.Cursor.class;
       %SVG.Hyperlink.class; %SVG.View.class; %SVG.Script.class;
       %SVG.Font.class; %SVG.Extensibility.class; %SVG.svg.extra.content; )*"
<!ELEMENT %SVG.svg.qname; %SVG.svg.content; >
<!-- end of SVG.svg.element -->]]>

<!ENTITY % SVG.svg.attlist "INCLUDE" >
<!ATTLIST %SVG.svg.qname;
    x %Coordinate.datatype; #IMPLIED
    y %Coordinate.datatype; #IMPLIED
    width %Length.datatype; #IMPLIED
    height %Length.datatype; #IMPLIED
    viewBox %ViewBoxSpec.datatype; #IMPLIED
    preserveAspectRatio %PreserveAspectRatioSpec.datatype; 'xMidYMid meet'
    zoomAndPan ( disable | magnify ) 'magnify'
    version %Number.datatype; #FIXED '1.1'
    baseProfile %Text.datatype; #IMPLIED
    contentScriptType %ContentType.datatype; 'application/ecmascript'
    contentStyleType %ContentType.datatype; 'text/css'
<!-- end of SVG.svg.attlist -->]]>

<!-- g: Group Element .................................. -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.g.extra.content "" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.g.element "INCLUDE" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.g.content
    "( %SVG.Description.class; | %SVG.Animation.class; %SVG.Structure.class;
       %SVG.Conditional.class; %SVG.Image.class; %SVG.Style.class;
       %SVG.Shape.class; %SVG.Text.class; %SVG.Marker.class;
       %SVG.ColorProfile.class; %SVG.Gradient.class; %SVG.Pattern.class;
       %SVG.Clip.class; %SVG.Mask.class; %SVG.Filter.class; %SVG.Cursor.class;
       %SVG.Hyperlink.class; %SVG.View.class; %SVG.Script.class;
       %SVG.Font.class; %SVG.Extensibility.class; %SVG.g.extra.content; )*"
<!ELEMENT %SVG.g.qname; %SVG.g.content; >
<!-- end of SVG.g.element -->]]>

<!ENTITY % SVG.g.attlist "INCLUDE" >
<!ATTLIST %SVG.g.qname;
    transform %TransformList.datatype; #IMPLIED
<!-- end of SVG.g.attlist -->]]>

<!-- defs: Definisions Element ......................... -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.defs.extra.content "" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.defs.element "INCLUDE" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.defs.content
    "( %SVG.Description.class; | %SVG.Animation.class; %SVG.Structure.class;
       %SVG.Conditional.class; %SVG.Image.class; %SVG.Style.class;
       %SVG.Shape.class; %SVG.Text.class; %SVG.Marker.class;
       %SVG.ColorProfile.class; %SVG.Gradient.class; %SVG.Pattern.class;
       %SVG.Clip.class; %SVG.Mask.class; %SVG.Filter.class; %SVG.Cursor.class;
       %SVG.Hyperlink.class; %SVG.View.class; %SVG.Script.class;
       %SVG.Font.class; %SVG.Extensibility.class; %SVG.defs.extra.content; )*"
<!ELEMENT %SVG.defs.qname; %SVG.defs.content; >
<!-- end of SVG.defs.element -->]]>

<!ENTITY % SVG.defs.attlist "INCLUDE" >
<!ATTLIST %SVG.defs.qname;
    transform %TransformList.datatype; #IMPLIED
<!-- end of SVG.defs.attlist -->]]>

<!-- desc: Description Element ......................... -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.desc.extra.content "" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.desc.element "INCLUDE" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.desc.content
    "( #PCDATA %SVG.desc.extra.content; )*"
<!ELEMENT %SVG.desc.qname; %SVG.desc.content; >
<!-- end of SVG.desc.element -->]]>

<!ENTITY % SVG.desc.attlist "INCLUDE" >
<!ATTLIST %SVG.desc.qname;
<!-- end of SVG.desc.attlist -->]]>

<!-- title: Title Element .............................. -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.title.extra.content "" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.title.element "INCLUDE" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.title.content
    "( #PCDATA %SVG.title.extra.content; )*"
<!ELEMENT %SVG.title.qname; %SVG.title.content; >
<!-- end of SVG.title.element -->]]>

<!ENTITY % SVG.title.attlist "INCLUDE" >
<!ATTLIST %SVG.title.qname;
<!-- end of SVG.title.attlist -->]]>

<!-- metadata: Metadata Element ........................ -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.metadata.extra.content "" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.metadata.element "INCLUDE" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.metadata.content
    "( #PCDATA %SVG.metadata.extra.content; )*"
<!ELEMENT %SVG.metadata.qname; %SVG.metadata.content; >
<!-- end of SVG.metadata.element -->]]>

<!ENTITY % SVG.metadata.attlist "INCLUDE" >
<!ATTLIST %SVG.metadata.qname;
<!-- end of SVG.metadata.attlist -->]]>

<!-- symbol: Symbol Element ............................ -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.symbol.extra.content "" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.symbol.element "INCLUDE" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.symbol.content
    "( %SVG.Description.class; | %SVG.Animation.class; %SVG.Structure.class;
       %SVG.Conditional.class; %SVG.Image.class; %SVG.Style.class;
       %SVG.Shape.class; %SVG.Text.class; %SVG.Marker.class;
       %SVG.ColorProfile.class; %SVG.Gradient.class; %SVG.Pattern.class;
       %SVG.Clip.class; %SVG.Mask.class; %SVG.Filter.class; %SVG.Cursor.class;
       %SVG.Hyperlink.class; %SVG.View.class; %SVG.Script.class;
       %SVG.Font.class; %SVG.Extensibility.class; %SVG.symbol.extra.content; )*"
<!ELEMENT %SVG.symbol.qname; %SVG.symbol.content; >
<!-- end of SVG.symbol.element -->]]>

<!ENTITY % SVG.symbol.attlist "INCLUDE" >
<!ATTLIST %SVG.symbol.qname;
    viewBox %ViewBoxSpec.datatype; #IMPLIED
    preserveAspectRatio %PreserveAspectRatioSpec.datatype; 'xMidYMid meet'
<!-- end of SVG.symbol.attlist -->]]>

<!-- use: Use Element .................................. -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.use.extra.content "" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.use.element "INCLUDE" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.use.content
    "( %SVG.Description.class; | %SVG.Animation.class;
        %SVG.use.extra.content; )*"
<!ELEMENT %SVG.use.qname; %SVG.use.content; >
<!-- end of SVG.use.element -->]]>

<!ENTITY % SVG.use.attlist "INCLUDE" >
<!ATTLIST %SVG.use.qname;
    x %Coordinate.datatype; #IMPLIED
    y %Coordinate.datatype; #IMPLIED
    width %Length.datatype; #IMPLIED
    height %Length.datatype; #IMPLIED
    transform %TransformList.datatype; #IMPLIED
<!-- end of SVG.use.attlist -->]]>

<!-- end of svg-structure.mod -->

A.3.18 基本 Structure モジュール

基本 Structure モジュールは Description.class, Structure.class, Use.class 要素コレクションを定義する。 The Basic Structure Module defines the Description.class, Structure.class and Use.class element collections.

Description.classdesc, title, metadata
Structure.classsvg, g, defs, Use.class
<!-- ....................................................................... -->
<!-- SVG 1.1 Basic Structure Module ........................................ -->
<!-- file: svg-basic-structure.mod

     This is SVG, a language for describing two-dimensional graphics in XML.
     Copyright 2001, 2002, 2011 W3C (MIT, INRIA, Keio), All Rights Reserved.
     Revision: $Id: svgdtd.html,v 1.2 2011/08/10 04:43:17 schepers Exp $

     This DTD module is identified by the PUBLIC and SYSTEM identifiers:

        PUBLIC "-//W3C//ELEMENTS SVG 1.1 Basic Structure//EN"
        SYSTEM "http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/1.1/DTD/svg-basic-structure.mod"

     ....................................................................... -->

<!-- Basic Structure

        svg, g, defs, desc, title, metadata, use

     This module declares the major structural elements and their attributes.

<!-- Qualified Names (Default) ......................... -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.svg.qname "svg" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.g.qname "g" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.defs.qname "defs" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.desc.qname "desc" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.title.qname "title" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.metadata.qname "metadata" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.use.qname "use" >

<!-- Attribute Collections (Default) ................... -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.Core.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Container.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Conditional.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Style.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Viewport.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Text.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.TextContent.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Font.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Paint.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Color.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Opacity.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Graphics.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Marker.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.ColorProfile.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Gradient.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Clip.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Mask.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Filter.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.FilterColor.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.DocumentEvents.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.GraphicalEvents.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Cursor.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.XLinkEmbed.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.External.attrib "" >

<!-- SVG.Description.class ............................. -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.Description.extra.class "" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.Description.class
    "%SVG.desc.qname; | %SVG.title.qname; | %SVG.metadata.qname;

<!-- SVG.Use.class ..................................... -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.Use.extra.class "" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.Use.class
    "| %SVG.use.qname; %SVG.Use.extra.class;"

<!-- SVG.Structure.class ............................... -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.Structure.extra.class "" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.Structure.class
    "| %SVG.g.qname; | %SVG.defs.qname; %SVG.Use.class;

<!-- SVG.Presentation.attrib ........................... -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.Presentation.extra.attrib "" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.Presentation.attrib
     flood-color %SVGColor.datatype; #IMPLIED
     flood-opacity %OpacityValue.datatype; #IMPLIED
     lighting-color %SVGColor.datatype; #IMPLIED

<!-- svg: SVG Document Element ......................... -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.svg.extra.content "" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.svg.element "INCLUDE" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.svg.content
    "( %SVG.Description.class; | %SVG.Animation.class; %SVG.Structure.class;
       %SVG.Conditional.class; %SVG.Image.class; %SVG.Style.class;
       %SVG.Shape.class; %SVG.Text.class; %SVG.Marker.class;
       %SVG.ColorProfile.class; %SVG.Gradient.class; %SVG.Pattern.class;
       %SVG.Clip.class; %SVG.Mask.class; %SVG.Filter.class; %SVG.Cursor.class;
       %SVG.Hyperlink.class; %SVG.View.class; %SVG.Script.class;
       %SVG.Font.class; %SVG.Extensibility.class; %SVG.svg.extra.content; )*"
<!ELEMENT %SVG.svg.qname; %SVG.svg.content; >
<!-- end of SVG.svg.element -->]]>

<!ENTITY % SVG.svg.attlist "INCLUDE" >
<!ATTLIST %SVG.svg.qname;
    x %Coordinate.datatype; #IMPLIED
    y %Coordinate.datatype; #IMPLIED
    width %Length.datatype; #IMPLIED
    height %Length.datatype; #IMPLIED
    viewBox %ViewBoxSpec.datatype; #IMPLIED
    preserveAspectRatio %PreserveAspectRatioSpec.datatype; 'xMidYMid meet'
    zoomAndPan ( disable | magnify ) 'magnify'
    version %Number.datatype; #FIXED '1.1'
    baseProfile %Text.datatype; #IMPLIED
<!-- end of SVG.svg.attlist -->]]>

<!-- g: Group Element .................................. -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.g.extra.content "" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.g.element "INCLUDE" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.g.content
    "( %SVG.Description.class; | %SVG.Animation.class; %SVG.Structure.class;
       %SVG.Conditional.class; %SVG.Image.class; %SVG.Style.class;
       %SVG.Shape.class; %SVG.Text.class; %SVG.Marker.class;
       %SVG.ColorProfile.class; %SVG.Gradient.class; %SVG.Pattern.class;
       %SVG.Clip.class; %SVG.Mask.class; %SVG.Filter.class; %SVG.Cursor.class;
       %SVG.Hyperlink.class; %SVG.View.class; %SVG.Script.class;
       %SVG.Font.class; %SVG.Extensibility.class; %SVG.g.extra.content; )*"
<!ELEMENT %SVG.g.qname; %SVG.g.content; >
<!-- end of SVG.g.element -->]]>

<!ENTITY % SVG.g.attlist "INCLUDE" >
<!ATTLIST %SVG.g.qname;
    transform %TransformList.datatype; #IMPLIED
<!-- end of SVG.g.attlist -->]]>

<!-- defs: Definisions Element ......................... -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.defs.extra.content "" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.defs.element "INCLUDE" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.defs.content
    "( %SVG.Description.class; | %SVG.Animation.class; %SVG.Structure.class;
       %SVG.Conditional.class; %SVG.Image.class; %SVG.Style.class;
       %SVG.Shape.class; %SVG.Text.class; %SVG.Marker.class;
       %SVG.ColorProfile.class; %SVG.Gradient.class; %SVG.Pattern.class;
       %SVG.Clip.class; %SVG.Mask.class; %SVG.Filter.class; %SVG.Cursor.class;
       %SVG.Hyperlink.class; %SVG.View.class; %SVG.Script.class;
       %SVG.Font.class; %SVG.Extensibility.class; %SVG.defs.extra.content; )*"
<!ELEMENT %SVG.defs.qname; %SVG.defs.content; >
<!-- end of SVG.defs.element -->]]>

<!ENTITY % SVG.defs.attlist "INCLUDE" >
<!ATTLIST %SVG.defs.qname;
    transform %TransformList.datatype; #IMPLIED
<!-- end of SVG.defs.attlist -->]]>

<!-- desc: Description Element ......................... -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.desc.extra.content "" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.desc.element "INCLUDE" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.desc.content
    "( #PCDATA %SVG.desc.extra.content; )*"
<!ELEMENT %SVG.desc.qname; %SVG.desc.content; >
<!-- end of SVG.desc.element -->]]>

<!ENTITY % SVG.desc.attlist "INCLUDE" >
<!ATTLIST %SVG.desc.qname;
<!-- end of SVG.desc.attlist -->]]>

<!-- title: Title Element .............................. -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.title.extra.content "" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.title.element "INCLUDE" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.title.content
    "( #PCDATA %SVG.title.extra.content; )*"
<!ELEMENT %SVG.title.qname; %SVG.title.content; >
<!-- end of SVG.title.element -->]]>

<!ENTITY % SVG.title.attlist "INCLUDE" >
<!ATTLIST %SVG.title.qname;
<!-- end of SVG.title.attlist -->]]>

<!-- metadata: Metadata Element ........................ -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.metadata.extra.content "" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.metadata.element "INCLUDE" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.metadata.content
    "( #PCDATA %SVG.metadata.extra.content; )*"
<!ELEMENT %SVG.metadata.qname; %SVG.metadata.content; >
<!-- end of SVG.metadata.element -->]]>

<!ENTITY % SVG.metadata.attlist "INCLUDE" >
<!ATTLIST %SVG.metadata.qname;
<!-- end of SVG.metadata.attlist -->]]>

<!-- use: Use Element .................................. -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.use.extra.content "" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.use.element "INCLUDE" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.use.content
    "( %SVG.Description.class; | %SVG.Animation.class;
        %SVG.use.extra.content; )*"
<!ELEMENT %SVG.use.qname; %SVG.use.content; >
<!-- end of SVG.use.element -->]]>

<!ENTITY % SVG.use.attlist "INCLUDE" >
<!ATTLIST %SVG.use.qname;
    x %Coordinate.datatype; #IMPLIED
    y %Coordinate.datatype; #IMPLIED
    width %Length.datatype; #IMPLIED
    height %Length.datatype; #IMPLIED
    transform %TransformList.datatype; #IMPLIED
<!-- end of SVG.use.attlist -->]]>

<!-- end of svg-basic-structure.mod -->

A.3.19 Conditional Processing モジュール

Conditional Processing モジュールは Conditional.class 要素コレクションと Conditional.attrib 属性コレクションを定義する。 The Conditional Processing Module defines the Conditional.class element collection and the Conditional.attrib attribute collection.

Conditional.attribrequiredFeatures, requiredExtensions, systemLanguage
<!-- ....................................................................... -->
<!-- SVG 1.1 Conditional Processing Module ................................. -->
<!-- file: svg-conditional.mod

     This is SVG, a language for describing two-dimensional graphics in XML.
     Copyright 2001, 2002, 2011 W3C (MIT, INRIA, Keio), All Rights Reserved.
     Revision: $Id: svgdtd.html,v 1.2 2011/08/10 04:43:17 schepers Exp $

     This DTD module is identified by the PUBLIC and SYSTEM identifiers:

        PUBLIC "-//W3C//ELEMENTS SVG 1.1 Conditional Processing//EN"
        SYSTEM "http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/1.1/DTD/svg-conditional.mod"

     ....................................................................... -->

<!-- Conditional Processing


     This module declares markup to provide support for conditional processing.

<!-- extension list specification -->
<!ENTITY % ExtensionList.datatype "CDATA" >

<!-- feature list specification -->
<!ENTITY % FeatureList.datatype "CDATA" >

<!-- Qualified Names (Default) ......................... -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.switch.qname "switch" >

<!-- Attribute Collections (Default) ................... -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.Core.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Container.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Style.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Viewport.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Text.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.TextContent.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Font.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Paint.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Color.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Opacity.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Graphics.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Marker.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.ColorProfile.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Gradient.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Clip.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Mask.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Filter.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.FilterColor.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.GraphicalEvents.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Cursor.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.External.attrib "" >

<!-- SVG.Conditional.class ............................. -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.Conditional.extra.class "" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.Conditional.class
    "| %SVG.switch.qname; %SVG.Conditional.extra.class;"

<!-- SVG.Conditional.attrib ............................ -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.Conditional.extra.attrib "" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.Conditional.attrib
    "requiredFeatures %FeatureList.datatype; #IMPLIED
     requiredExtensions %ExtensionList.datatype; #IMPLIED
     systemLanguage %LanguageCodes.datatype; #IMPLIED

<!-- SVG.Presentation.attrib ........................... -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.Presentation.extra.attrib "" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.Presentation.attrib
     flood-color %SVGColor.datatype; #IMPLIED
     flood-opacity %OpacityValue.datatype; #IMPLIED
     lighting-color %SVGColor.datatype; #IMPLIED

<!-- switch: Switch Element ............................ -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.switch.extra.content "" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.switch.element "INCLUDE" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.switch.content
    "( %SVG.Description.class; | %SVG.svg.qname; | %SVG.g.qname;
     | %SVG.use.qname; | %SVG.text.qname; | %SVG.Animation.class;
       %SVG.Conditional.class; %SVG.Image.class; %SVG.Shape.class;
       %SVG.Hyperlink.class; %SVG.Extensibility.class;
       %SVG.switch.extra.content; )*"
<!ELEMENT %SVG.switch.qname; %SVG.switch.content; >
<!-- end of SVG.switch.element -->]]>

<!ENTITY % SVG.switch.attlist "INCLUDE" >
<!ATTLIST %SVG.switch.qname;
    transform %TransformList.datatype; #IMPLIED
<!-- end of SVG.switch.attlist -->]]>

<!-- end of svg-conditional.mod -->

A.3.20 Image モジュール

Image モジュールは Image.class 要素コレクションを定義する。 The Image Module defines the Image.class element collection.

<!-- ....................................................................... -->
<!-- SVG 1.1 Image Module .................................................. -->
<!-- file: svg-image.mod

     This is SVG, a language for describing two-dimensional graphics in XML.
     Copyright 2001, 2002, 2011 W3C (MIT, INRIA, Keio), All Rights Reserved.
     Revision: $Id: svgdtd.html,v 1.2 2011/08/10 04:43:17 schepers Exp $

     This DTD module is identified by the PUBLIC and SYSTEM identifiers:

        PUBLIC "-//W3C//ELEMENTS SVG 1.1 Image//EN"
        SYSTEM "http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/1.1/DTD/svg-image.mod"

     ....................................................................... -->

<!-- Image


     This module declares markup to provide support for image.

<!-- Qualified Names (Default) ......................... -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.image.qname "image" >

<!-- Attribute Collections (Default) ................... -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.Core.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Conditional.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Style.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Viewport.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Color.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Opacity.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Graphics.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.ColorProfile.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Clip.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Mask.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Filter.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.GraphicalEvents.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Cursor.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.XLinkEmbed.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.External.attrib "" >

<!-- SVG.Image.class ................................... -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.Image.extra.class "" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.Image.class
    "| %SVG.image.qname; %SVG.Image.extra.class;"

<!-- image: Image Element .............................. -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.image.extra.content "" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.image.element "INCLUDE" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.image.content
    "( %SVG.Description.class; | %SVG.Animation.class;
        %SVG.image.extra.content; )*"
<!ELEMENT %SVG.image.qname; %SVG.image.content; >
<!-- end of SVG.image.element -->]]>

<!ENTITY % SVG.image.attlist "INCLUDE" >
<!ATTLIST %SVG.image.qname;
    x %Coordinate.datatype; #IMPLIED
    y %Coordinate.datatype; #IMPLIED
    width %Length.datatype; #REQUIRED
    height %Length.datatype; #REQUIRED
    preserveAspectRatio %PreserveAspectRatioSpec.datatype; 'xMidYMid meet'
    transform %TransformList.datatype; #IMPLIED
<!-- end of SVG.image.attlist -->]]>

<!-- end of svg-image.mod -->

A.3.21 Style モジュール

Style モジュールは Style.class 要素コレクションと Style.attrib 属性コレクションを定義する。 The Style Module defines the Style.class element collection and the Style.attrib attribute collection.

Style.attribstyle, class
<!-- ....................................................................... -->
<!-- SVG 1.1 Style Module .................................................. -->
<!-- file: svg-style.mod

     This is SVG, a language for describing two-dimensional graphics in XML.
     Copyright 2001, 2002, 2011 W3C (MIT, INRIA, Keio), All Rights Reserved.
     Revision: $Id: svgdtd.html,v 1.2 2011/08/10 04:43:17 schepers Exp $

     This DTD module is identified by the PUBLIC and SYSTEM identifiers:

        PUBLIC "-//W3C//ELEMENTS SVG 1.1 Style//EN"
        SYSTEM "http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/1.1/DTD/svg-style.mod"

     ....................................................................... -->

<!-- Style


     This module declares markup to provide support for stylesheet.

<!-- list of classes -->
<!ENTITY % ClassList.datatype "CDATA" >

<!-- comma-separated list of media descriptors. -->
<!ENTITY % MediaDesc.datatype "CDATA" >

<!-- style sheet data -->
<!ENTITY % StyleSheet.datatype "CDATA" >

<!-- Qualified Names (Default) ......................... -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.style.qname "style" >

<!-- Attribute Collections (Default) ................... -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.Core.attrib "" >

<!-- SVG.Style.class ................................... -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.Style.extra.class "" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.Style.class
    "| %SVG.style.qname; %SVG.Style.extra.class;"

<!-- SVG.Style.attrib .................................. -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.Style.extra.attrib "" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.Style.attrib
    "style %StyleSheet.datatype; #IMPLIED
     class %ClassList.datatype; #IMPLIED

<!-- style: Style Element .............................. -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.style.extra.content "" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.style.element "INCLUDE" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.style.content
    "( #PCDATA %SVG.style.extra.content; )*"
<!ELEMENT %SVG.style.qname; %SVG.style.content; >
<!-- end of SVG.style.element -->]]>

<!ENTITY % SVG.style.attlist "INCLUDE" >
<!ATTLIST %SVG.style.qname;
    xml:space ( preserve ) #FIXED 'preserve'
    type %ContentType.datatype; #REQUIRED
    media %MediaDesc.datatype; #IMPLIED
    title %Text.datatype; #IMPLIED
<!-- end of SVG.style.attlist -->]]>

<!-- end of svg-style.mod -->

A.3.22 Shape モジュール

Shape モジュールは Shape.class 要素コレクションを定義する。 The Shape Module defines the Shape.class element collection.

Shape.classrect, circle, line, polyline, polygon, ellipse, path
<!-- ....................................................................... -->
<!-- SVG 1.1 Shape Module .................................................. -->
<!-- file: svg-shape.mod

     This is SVG, a language for describing two-dimensional graphics in XML.
     Copyright 2001, 2002, 2011 W3C (MIT, INRIA, Keio), All Rights Reserved.
     Revision: $Id: svgdtd.html,v 1.2 2011/08/10 04:43:17 schepers Exp $

     This DTD module is identified by the PUBLIC and SYSTEM identifiers:

        PUBLIC "-//W3C//ELEMENTS SVG 1.1 Shape//EN"
        SYSTEM "http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/1.1/DTD/svg-shape.mod"

     ....................................................................... -->

<!-- Shape

        path, rect, circle, line, ellipse, polyline, polygon

     This module declares markup to provide support for graphical shapes.

<!-- a list of points -->
<!ENTITY % Points.datatype "CDATA" >

<!-- Qualified Names (Default) ......................... -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.path.qname "path" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.rect.qname "rect" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.circle.qname "circle" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.line.qname "line" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.ellipse.qname "ellipse" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.polyline.qname "polyline" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.polygon.qname "polygon" >

<!-- Attribute Collections (Default) ................... -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.Core.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Conditional.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Style.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Paint.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Color.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Opacity.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Graphics.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Marker.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Clip.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Mask.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Filter.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.GraphicalEvents.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Cursor.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.External.attrib "" >

<!-- SVG.Shape.class ................................... -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.Shape.extra.class "" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.Shape.class
    "| %SVG.path.qname; | %SVG.rect.qname; | %SVG.circle.qname;
     | %SVG.line.qname; | %SVG.ellipse.qname; | %SVG.polyline.qname;
     | %SVG.polygon.qname; %SVG.Shape.extra.class;"

<!-- path: Path Element ................................ -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.path.extra.content "" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.path.element "INCLUDE" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.path.content
    "( %SVG.Description.class; | %SVG.Animation.class;
        %SVG.path.extra.content; )*"
<!ELEMENT %SVG.path.qname; %SVG.path.content; >
<!-- end of SVG.path.element -->]]>

<!ENTITY % SVG.path.attlist "INCLUDE" >
<!ATTLIST %SVG.path.qname;
    d %PathData.datatype; #REQUIRED
    pathLength %Number.datatype; #IMPLIED
    transform %TransformList.datatype; #IMPLIED
<!-- end of SVG.path.attlist -->]]>

<!-- rect: Rectangle Element ........................... -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.rect.extra.content "" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.rect.element "INCLUDE" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.rect.content
    "( %SVG.Description.class; | %SVG.Animation.class;
        %SVG.rect.extra.content; )*"
<!ELEMENT %SVG.rect.qname; %SVG.rect.content; >
<!-- end of SVG.rect.element -->]]>

<!ENTITY % SVG.rect.attlist "INCLUDE" >
<!ATTLIST %SVG.rect.qname;
    x %Coordinate.datatype; #IMPLIED
    y %Coordinate.datatype; #IMPLIED
    width %Length.datatype; #REQUIRED
    height %Length.datatype; #REQUIRED
    rx %Length.datatype; #IMPLIED
    ry %Length.datatype; #IMPLIED
    transform %TransformList.datatype; #IMPLIED
<!-- end of SVG.rect.attlist -->]]>

<!-- circle: Circle Element ............................ -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.circle.extra.content "" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.circle.element "INCLUDE" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.circle.content
    "( %SVG.Description.class; | %SVG.Animation.class;
        %SVG.circle.extra.content; )*"
<!ELEMENT %SVG.circle.qname; %SVG.circle.content; >
<!-- end of SVG.circle.element -->]]>

<!ENTITY % SVG.circle.attlist "INCLUDE" >
<!ATTLIST %SVG.circle.qname;
    cx %Coordinate.datatype; #IMPLIED
    cy %Coordinate.datatype; #IMPLIED
    r %Length.datatype; #REQUIRED
    transform %TransformList.datatype; #IMPLIED
<!-- end of SVG.circle.attlist -->]]>

<!-- line: Line Element ................................ -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.line.extra.content "" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.line.element "INCLUDE" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.line.content
    "( %SVG.Description.class; | %SVG.Animation.class;
        %SVG.line.extra.content; )*"
<!ELEMENT %SVG.line.qname; %SVG.line.content; >
<!-- end of SVG.line.element -->]]>

<!ENTITY % SVG.line.attlist "INCLUDE" >
<!ATTLIST %SVG.line.qname;
    x1 %Coordinate.datatype; #IMPLIED
    y1 %Coordinate.datatype; #IMPLIED
    x2 %Coordinate.datatype; #IMPLIED
    y2 %Coordinate.datatype; #IMPLIED
    transform %TransformList.datatype; #IMPLIED
<!-- end of SVG.line.attlist -->]]>

<!-- ellipse: Ellipse Element .......................... -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.ellipse.extra.content "" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.ellipse.element "INCLUDE" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.ellipse.content
    "( %SVG.Description.class; | %SVG.Animation.class;
        %SVG.ellipse.extra.content; )*"
<!ELEMENT %SVG.ellipse.qname; %SVG.ellipse.content; >
<!-- end of SVG.ellipse.element -->]]>

<!ENTITY % SVG.ellipse.attlist "INCLUDE" >
<!ATTLIST %SVG.ellipse.qname;
    cx %Coordinate.datatype; #IMPLIED
    cy %Coordinate.datatype; #IMPLIED
    rx %Length.datatype; #REQUIRED
    ry %Length.datatype; #REQUIRED
    transform %TransformList.datatype; #IMPLIED
<!-- end of SVG.ellipse.attlist -->]]>

<!-- polyline: Polyline Element ........................ -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.polyline.extra.content "" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.polyline.element "INCLUDE" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.polyline.content
    "( %SVG.Description.class; | %SVG.Animation.class;
        %SVG.polyline.extra.content; )*"
<!ELEMENT %SVG.polyline.qname; %SVG.polyline.content; >
<!-- end of SVG.polyline.element -->]]>

<!ENTITY % SVG.polyline.attlist "INCLUDE" >
<!ATTLIST %SVG.polyline.qname;
    points %Points.datatype; #REQUIRED
    transform %TransformList.datatype; #IMPLIED
<!-- end of SVG.polyline.attlist -->]]>

<!-- polygon: Polygon Element .......................... -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.polygon.extra.content "" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.polygon.element "INCLUDE" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.polygon.content
    "( %SVG.Description.class; | %SVG.Animation.class;
        %SVG.polygon.extra.content; )*"
<!ELEMENT %SVG.polygon.qname; %SVG.polygon.content; >
<!-- end of SVG.polygon.element -->]]>

<!ENTITY % SVG.polygon.attlist "INCLUDE" >
<!ATTLIST %SVG.polygon.qname;
    points %Points.datatype; #REQUIRED
    transform %TransformList.datatype; #IMPLIED
<!-- end of SVG.polygon.attlist -->]]>

<!-- end of svg-shape.mod -->

A.3.23 Text モジュール

Text モジュールは Text.class, TextContent.class 要素コレクションと Text.attrib, TextContent.attrib, Font.attrib 属性セットを定義する。 The Text Module defines the Text.class and TextContent.class element collections and the Text.attrib, TextContent.attrib and Font.attrib attribute sets.

Text.classtext, altGlyphDef
TextContent.classtspan, tref, textPath, altGlyph
TextContent.attribalignment-baseline, baseline-shift, direction, dominant-baseline, glyph-orientation-horizontal, glyph-orientation-vertical, kerning, letter-spacing, text-anchor, text-decoration, unicode-bidi, word-spacing
Font.attribfont-family, font-size, font-size-adjust, font-stretch, font-style, font-variant, font-weight
<!-- ....................................................................... -->
<!-- SVG 1.1 Text Module ................................................... -->
<!-- file: svg-text.mod

     This is SVG, a language for describing two-dimensional graphics in XML.
     Copyright 2001, 2002, 2011 W3C (MIT, INRIA, Keio), All Rights Reserved.
     Revision: $Id: svgdtd.html,v 1.2 2011/08/10 04:43:17 schepers Exp $

     This DTD module is identified by the PUBLIC and SYSTEM identifiers:

        PUBLIC "-//W3C//ELEMENTS SVG 1.1 Text//EN"
        SYSTEM "http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/1.1/DTD/svg-text.mod"

     ....................................................................... -->

<!-- Text

        text, tspan, tref, textPath, altGlyph, altGlyphDef, altGlyphItem,

     This module declares markup to provide support for alternate glyph.

<!-- 'baseline-shift' property/attribute value (e.g., 'baseline', 'sub', etc.) -->
<!ENTITY % BaselineShiftValue.datatype "CDATA" >

<!-- 'font-family' property/attribute value (i.e., list of fonts) -->
<!ENTITY % FontFamilyValue.datatype "CDATA" >

<!-- 'font-size' property/attribute value -->
<!ENTITY % FontSizeValue.datatype "CDATA" >

<!-- 'font-size-adjust' property/attribute value -->
<!ENTITY % FontSizeAdjustValue.datatype "CDATA" >

<!-- 'glyph-orientation-horizontal' property/attribute value (e.g., <angle>) -->
<!ENTITY % GlyphOrientationHorizontalValue.datatype "CDATA" >

<!-- 'glyph-orientation-vertical' property/attribute value (e.g., 'auto', <angle>) -->
<!ENTITY % GlyphOrientationVerticalValue.datatype "CDATA" >

<!-- 'kerning' property/attribute value (e.g., 'auto', <length>) -->
<!ENTITY % KerningValue.datatype "CDATA" >

<!-- 'letter-spacing' or 'word-spacing' property/attribute value (e.g., 'normal', <length>) -->
<!ENTITY % SpacingValue.datatype "CDATA" >

<!-- 'text-decoration' property/attribute value (e.g., 'none', 'underline') -->
<!ENTITY % TextDecorationValue.datatype "CDATA" >

<!-- Qualified Names (Default) ......................... -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.text.qname "text" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.tspan.qname "tspan" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.tref.qname "tref" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.textPath.qname "textPath" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.altGlyph.qname "altGlyph" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.altGlyphDef.qname "altGlyphDef" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.altGlyphItem.qname "altGlyphItem" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.glyphRef.qname "glyphRef" >

<!-- Attribute Collections (Default) ................... -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.Core.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Conditional.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Style.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Paint.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Color.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Opacity.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Graphics.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Clip.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Mask.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Filter.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.GraphicalEvents.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Cursor.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.XLink.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.XLinkRequired.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.External.attrib "" >

<!-- SVG.Text.class .................................... -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.Text.extra.class "" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.Text.class
    "| %SVG.text.qname; | %SVG.altGlyphDef.qname; %SVG.Text.extra.class;"

<!-- SVG.TextContent.class ............................. -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.TextContent.extra.class "" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.TextContent.class
    "| %SVG.tspan.qname; | %SVG.tref.qname; | %SVG.textPath.qname;
     | %SVG.altGlyph.qname; %SVG.TextContent.extra.class;"

<!-- SVG.Text.attrib ................................... -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.Text.extra.attrib "" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.Text.attrib
    "writing-mode ( lr-tb | rl-tb | tb-rl | lr | rl | tb | inherit ) #IMPLIED

<!-- SVG.TextContent.attrib ............................ -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.TextContent.extra.attrib "" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.TextContent.attrib
    "alignment-baseline ( auto | baseline | before-edge | text-before-edge |
                          middle | central | after-edge | text-after-edge |
                          ideographic | alphabetic | hanging | mathematical |
                          inherit ) #IMPLIED
     baseline-shift %BaselineShiftValue.datatype; #IMPLIED
     direction ( ltr | rtl | inherit ) #IMPLIED
     dominant-baseline ( auto | use-script | no-change | reset-size |
                         ideographic | alphabetic | hanging | mathematical |
                         central | middle | text-after-edge | text-before-edge |
                         inherit ) #IMPLIED
     glyph-orientation-horizontal %GlyphOrientationHorizontalValue.datatype;
     glyph-orientation-vertical %GlyphOrientationVerticalValue.datatype;
     kerning %KerningValue.datatype; #IMPLIED
     letter-spacing %SpacingValue.datatype; #IMPLIED
     text-anchor ( start | middle | end | inherit ) #IMPLIED
     text-decoration %TextDecorationValue.datatype; #IMPLIED
     unicode-bidi ( normal | embed | bidi-override | inherit ) #IMPLIED
     word-spacing %SpacingValue.datatype; #IMPLIED

<!-- SVG.Font.attrib ................................... -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.Font.extra.attrib "" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.Font.attrib
    "font-family %FontFamilyValue.datatype; #IMPLIED
     font-size %FontSizeValue.datatype; #IMPLIED
     font-size-adjust %FontSizeAdjustValue.datatype; #IMPLIED
     font-stretch ( normal | wider | narrower | ultra-condensed |
                    extra-condensed | condensed | semi-condensed |
                    semi-expanded | expanded | extra-expanded |
                    ultra-expanded | inherit ) #IMPLIED
     font-style ( normal | italic | oblique | inherit ) #IMPLIED
     font-variant ( normal | small-caps | inherit ) #IMPLIED
     font-weight ( normal | bold | bolder | lighter | 100 | 200 | 300 | 400 |
                   500 | 600 | 700 | 800 | 900 | inherit ) #IMPLIED

<!-- text: Text Element ................................ -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.text.extra.content "" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.text.element "INCLUDE" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.text.content
    "( #PCDATA | %SVG.Description.class; | %SVG.Animation.class;
       %SVG.TextContent.class; %SVG.Hyperlink.class;
       %SVG.text.extra.content; )*"
<!ELEMENT %SVG.text.qname; %SVG.text.content; >
<!-- end of SVG.text.element -->]]>

<!ENTITY % SVG.text.attlist "INCLUDE" >
<!ATTLIST %SVG.text.qname;
    x %Coordinates.datatype; #IMPLIED
    y %Coordinates.datatype; #IMPLIED
    dx %Lengths.datatype; #IMPLIED
    dy %Lengths.datatype; #IMPLIED
    rotate %Numbers.datatype; #IMPLIED
    textLength %Length.datatype; #IMPLIED
    lengthAdjust ( spacing | spacingAndGlyphs ) #IMPLIED
    transform %TransformList.datatype; #IMPLIED
<!-- end of SVG.text.attlist -->]]>

<!-- tspan: Text Span Element .......................... -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.tspan.extra.content "" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.tspan.element "INCLUDE" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.tspan.content
    "( #PCDATA | %SVG.tspan.qname; | %SVG.tref.qname; | %SVG.altGlyph.qname;
     | %SVG.animate.qname; | %SVG.set.qname; | %SVG.animateColor.qname;
     | %SVG.Description.class; %SVG.Hyperlink.class;
       %SVG.tspan.extra.content; )*"
<!ELEMENT %SVG.tspan.qname; %SVG.tspan.content; >
<!-- end of SVG.tspan.element -->]]>

<!ENTITY % SVG.tspan.attlist "INCLUDE" >
<!ATTLIST %SVG.tspan.qname;
    x %Coordinates.datatype; #IMPLIED
    y %Coordinates.datatype; #IMPLIED
    dx %Lengths.datatype; #IMPLIED
    dy %Lengths.datatype; #IMPLIED
    rotate %Numbers.datatype; #IMPLIED
    textLength %Length.datatype; #IMPLIED
    lengthAdjust ( spacing | spacingAndGlyphs ) #IMPLIED
<!-- end of SVG.tspan.attlist -->]]>

<!-- tref: Text Reference Element ...................... -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.tref.extra.content "" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.tref.element "INCLUDE" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.tref.content
    "( %SVG.animate.qname; | %SVG.set.qname; | %SVG.animateColor.qname;
     | %SVG.Description.class; %SVG.tref.extra.content; )*"
<!ELEMENT %SVG.tref.qname; %SVG.tref.content; >
<!-- end of SVG.tref.element -->]]>

<!ENTITY % SVG.tref.attlist "INCLUDE" >
<!ATTLIST %SVG.tref.qname;
    x %Coordinates.datatype; #IMPLIED
    y %Coordinates.datatype; #IMPLIED
    dx %Lengths.datatype; #IMPLIED
    dy %Lengths.datatype; #IMPLIED
    rotate %Numbers.datatype; #IMPLIED
    textLength %Length.datatype; #IMPLIED
    lengthAdjust ( spacing | spacingAndGlyphs ) #IMPLIED
<!-- end of SVG.tref.attlist -->]]>

<!-- textPath: Text Path Element ....................... -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.textPath.extra.content "" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.textPath.element "INCLUDE" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.textPath.content
    "( #PCDATA | %SVG.tspan.qname; | %SVG.tref.qname; | %SVG.altGlyph.qname;
     | %SVG.animate.qname; | %SVG.set.qname; | %SVG.animateColor.qname;
     | %SVG.Description.class; %SVG.Hyperlink.class;
       %SVG.textPath.extra.content; )*"
<!ELEMENT %SVG.textPath.qname; %SVG.textPath.content; >
<!-- end of SVG.textPath.element -->]]>

<!ENTITY % SVG.textPath.attlist "INCLUDE" >
<!ATTLIST %SVG.textPath.qname;
    startOffset %Length.datatype; #IMPLIED
    textLength %Length.datatype; #IMPLIED
    lengthAdjust ( spacing | spacingAndGlyphs ) #IMPLIED
    method ( align | stretch ) #IMPLIED
    spacing ( auto | exact ) #IMPLIED
<!-- end of SVG.textPath.attlist -->]]>

<!-- altGlyph: Alternate Glyph Element ................. -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.altGlyph.extra.content "" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.altGlyph.element "INCLUDE" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.altGlyph.content
    "( #PCDATA %SVG.altGlyph.extra.content; )*"
<!ELEMENT %SVG.altGlyph.qname; %SVG.altGlyph.content; >
<!-- end of SVG.altGlyph.element -->]]>

<!ENTITY % SVG.altGlyph.attlist "INCLUDE" >
<!ATTLIST %SVG.altGlyph.qname;
    x %Coordinates.datatype; #IMPLIED
    y %Coordinates.datatype; #IMPLIED
    dx %Lengths.datatype; #IMPLIED
    dy %Lengths.datatype; #IMPLIED
    glyphRef CDATA #IMPLIED
    format CDATA #IMPLIED
    rotate %Numbers.datatype; #IMPLIED
<!-- end of SVG.altGlyph.attlist -->]]>

<!-- altGlyphDef: Alternate Glyph Definition Element ... -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.altGlyphDef.extra.content "" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.altGlyphDef.element "INCLUDE" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.altGlyphDef.content
    "(( %SVG.glyphRef.qname;+ | %SVG.altGlyphItem.qname;+ )
        %SVG.altGlyphDef.extra.content; )"
<!ELEMENT %SVG.altGlyphDef.qname; %SVG.altGlyphDef.content; >
<!-- end of SVG.altGlyphDef.element -->]]>

<!ENTITY % SVG.altGlyphDef.attlist "INCLUDE" >
<!ATTLIST %SVG.altGlyphDef.qname;
<!-- end of SVG.altGlyphDef.attlist -->]]>

<!-- altGlyphItem: Alternate Glyph Item Element ........ -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.altGlyphItem.extra.content "" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.altGlyphItem.element "INCLUDE" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.altGlyphItem.content
    "( %SVG.glyphRef.qname;+ %SVG.altGlyphItem.extra.content; )"
<!ELEMENT %SVG.altGlyphItem.qname; %SVG.altGlyphItem.content; >
<!-- end of SVG.altGlyphItem.element -->]]>

<!ENTITY % SVG.altGlyphItem.attlist "INCLUDE" >
<!ATTLIST %SVG.altGlyphItem.qname;
<!-- end of SVG.altGlyphItem.attlist -->]]>

<!-- glyphRef: Glyph Reference Element ................. -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.glyphRef.element "INCLUDE" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.glyphRef.content "EMPTY" >
<!ELEMENT %SVG.glyphRef.qname; %SVG.glyphRef.content; >
<!-- end of SVG.glyphRef.element -->]]>

<!ENTITY % SVG.glyphRef.attlist "INCLUDE" >
<!ATTLIST %SVG.glyphRef.qname;
    x %Number.datatype; #IMPLIED
    y %Number.datatype; #IMPLIED
    dx %Number.datatype; #IMPLIED
    dy %Number.datatype; #IMPLIED
    glyphRef CDATA #IMPLIED
    format CDATA #IMPLIED
<!-- end of SVG.glyphRef.attlist -->]]>

<!-- end of svg-text.mod -->

A.3.24 基本 Text モジュール

基本 Text モジュールは Text.class, TextContent.class 要素コレクションと TextContent.attrib, Font.attrib 属性セットを定義する。 The Basic Text Module defines the Text.class and TextContent.class element collections and the TextContent.attrib and Font.attrib attribute sets.

Font.attribfont-family, font-size, font-style, font-weight
<!-- ....................................................................... -->
<!-- SVG 1.1 Basic Text Module ............................................. -->
<!-- file: svg-basic-text.mod

     This is SVG, a language for describing two-dimensional graphics in XML.
     Copyright 2001, 2002, 2011 W3C (MIT, INRIA, Keio), All Rights Reserved.
     Revision: $Id: svgdtd.html,v 1.2 2011/08/10 04:43:17 schepers Exp $

     This DTD module is identified by the PUBLIC and SYSTEM identifiers:

        PUBLIC "-//W3C//ELEMENTS SVG 1.1 Basic Text//EN"
        SYSTEM "http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/1.1/DTD/svg-basic-text.mod"

     ....................................................................... -->

<!-- Basic Text


     This module declares markup to provide support for text.

<!-- 'font-family' property/attribute value (i.e., list of fonts) -->
<!ENTITY % FontFamilyValue.datatype "CDATA" >

<!-- 'font-size' property/attribute value -->
<!ENTITY % FontSizeValue.datatype "CDATA" >

<!-- Qualified Names (Default) ......................... -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.text.qname "text" >

<!-- Attribute Collections (Default) ................... -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.Core.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Conditional.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Style.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Paint.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Color.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Opacity.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Graphics.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Clip.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Mask.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Filter.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.GraphicalEvents.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Cursor.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.External.attrib "" >

<!-- SVG.Text.class .................................... -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.Text.extra.class "" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.Text.class
    "| %SVG.text.qname; %SVG.Text.extra.class;"

<!-- SVG.TextContent.attrib ............................ -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.TextContent.extra.attrib "" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.TextContent.attrib
    "text-anchor ( start | middle | end | inherit ) #IMPLIED

<!-- SVG.Font.attrib ................................... -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.Font.extra.attrib "" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.Font.attrib
    "font-family %FontFamilyValue.datatype; #IMPLIED
     font-size %FontSizeValue.datatype; #IMPLIED
     font-style ( normal | italic | oblique | inherit ) #IMPLIED
     font-weight ( normal | bold | bolder | lighter | 100 | 200 | 300 | 400 |
                   500 | 600 | 700 | 800 | 900 | inherit ) #IMPLIED

<!-- text: Text Element ................................ -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.text.extra.content "" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.text.element "INCLUDE" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.text.content
    "( #PCDATA | %SVG.Description.class; | %SVG.Animation.class;
       %SVG.Hyperlink.class; %SVG.text.extra.content; )*"
<!ELEMENT %SVG.text.qname; %SVG.text.content; >
<!-- end of SVG.text.element -->]]>

<!ENTITY % SVG.text.attlist "INCLUDE" >
<!ATTLIST %SVG.text.qname;
    x %Coordinates.datatype; #IMPLIED
    y %Coordinates.datatype; #IMPLIED
    rotate %Numbers.datatype; #IMPLIED
    transform %TransformList.datatype; #IMPLIED
<!-- end of SVG.text.attlist -->]]>

<!-- end of svg-basic-text.mod -->

A.3.25 Marker モジュール

Marker モジュールは Marker.class 要素コレクションと Marker.attrib 属性セットを定義する。 The Marker Module defines the Marker.class element collection and the Marker.attrib attribute set.

Marker.attribmarker-start, marker-mid, marker-end
<!-- ....................................................................... -->
<!-- SVG 1.1 Marker Module ................................................. -->
<!-- file: svg-marker.mod

     This is SVG, a language for describing two-dimensional graphics in XML.
     Copyright 2001, 2002, 2011 W3C (MIT, INRIA, Keio), All Rights Reserved.
     Revision: $Id: svgdtd.html,v 1.2 2011/08/10 04:43:17 schepers Exp $

     This DTD module is identified by the PUBLIC and SYSTEM identifiers:

        PUBLIC "-//W3C//ELEMENTS SVG 1.1 Marker//EN"
        SYSTEM "http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/1.1/DTD/svg-marker.mod"

     ....................................................................... -->

<!-- Marker


     This module declares markup to provide support for marker.

<!-- 'marker' property/attribute value (e.g., 'none', <uri>) -->
<!ENTITY % MarkerValue.datatype "CDATA" >

<!-- Qualified Names (Default) ......................... -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.marker.qname "marker" >

<!-- Attribute Collections (Default) ................... -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.Core.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Container.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Style.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Viewport.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Text.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.TextContent.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Font.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Paint.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Color.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Opacity.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Graphics.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.ColorProfile.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Gradient.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Clip.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Mask.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Filter.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.FilterColor.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Cursor.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.External.attrib "" >

<!-- SVG.Marker.class .................................. -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.Marker.extra.class "" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.Marker.class
    "| %SVG.marker.qname; %SVG.Marker.extra.class;"

<!-- SVG.Marker.attrib ................................. -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.Marker.extra.attrib "" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.Marker.attrib
    "marker-start %MarkerValue.datatype; #IMPLIED
     marker-mid %MarkerValue.datatype; #IMPLIED
     marker-end %MarkerValue.datatype; #IMPLIED

<!-- SVG.Presentation.attrib ........................... -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.Presentation.extra.attrib "" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.Presentation.attrib
     flood-color %SVGColor.datatype; #IMPLIED
     flood-opacity %OpacityValue.datatype; #IMPLIED
     lighting-color %SVGColor.datatype; #IMPLIED

<!-- marker: Marker Element ............................ -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.marker.extra.content "" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.marker.element "INCLUDE" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.marker.content
    "( %SVG.Description.class; | %SVG.Animation.class; %SVG.Structure.class;
       %SVG.Conditional.class; %SVG.Image.class; %SVG.Style.class;
       %SVG.Shape.class; %SVG.Text.class; %SVG.Marker.class;
       %SVG.ColorProfile.class; %SVG.Gradient.class; %SVG.Pattern.class;
       %SVG.Clip.class; %SVG.Mask.class; %SVG.Filter.class; %SVG.Cursor.class;
       %SVG.Hyperlink.class; %SVG.View.class; %SVG.Script.class;
       %SVG.Font.class; %SVG.Extensibility.class; %SVG.marker.extra.content; )*"
<!ELEMENT %SVG.marker.qname; %SVG.marker.content; >
<!-- end of SVG.marker.element -->]]>

<!ENTITY % SVG.marker.attlist "INCLUDE" >
<!ATTLIST %SVG.marker.qname;
    refX %Coordinate.datatype; #IMPLIED
    refY %Coordinate.datatype; #IMPLIED
    markerUnits ( strokeWidth | userSpaceOnUse ) #IMPLIED
    markerWidth  %Length.datatype; #IMPLIED
    markerHeight %Length.datatype; #IMPLIED
    orient CDATA #IMPLIED
    viewBox %ViewBoxSpec.datatype; #IMPLIED
    preserveAspectRatio %PreserveAspectRatioSpec.datatype; 'xMidYMid meet'
<!-- end of SVG.marker.attlist -->]]>

<!-- end of svg-marker.mod -->

A.3.26 Color Profile モジュール

Color Profile モジュールは ColorProfile.class 要素コレクションを定義する。 The Color Profile Module defines the ColorProfile.class element collection.

<!-- ....................................................................... -->
<!-- SVG 1.1 Color Profile Module .......................................... -->
<!-- file: svg-profile.mod

     This is SVG, a language for describing two-dimensional graphics in XML.
     Copyright 2001, 2002, 2011 W3C (MIT, INRIA, Keio), All Rights Reserved.
     Revision: $Id: svgdtd.html,v 1.2 2011/08/10 04:43:17 schepers Exp $

     This DTD module is identified by the PUBLIC and SYSTEM identifiers:

        PUBLIC "-//W3C//ELEMENTS SVG 1.1 Color Profile//EN"
        SYSTEM "http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/1.1/DTD/svg-profile.mod"

     ....................................................................... -->

<!-- Color Profile


     This module declares markup to provide support for color profile.

<!-- Qualified Names (Default) ......................... -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.color-profile.qname "color-profile" >

<!-- Attribute Collections (Default) ................... -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.Core.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.XLink.attrib "" >

<!-- SVG.ColorProfile.class ............................ -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.ColorProfile.extra.class "" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.ColorProfile.class
    "| %SVG.color-profile.qname; %SVG.ColorProfile.extra.class;"

<!-- SVG.ColorProfile.attrib ........................... -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.ColorProfile.extra.attrib "" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.ColorProfile.attrib
    "color-profile CDATA #IMPLIED

<!-- color-profile: Color Profile Element .............. -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.color-profile.extra.content "" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.color-profile.element "INCLUDE" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.color-profile.content
    "( %SVG.Description.class; %SVG.color-profile.extra.content; )*"
<!ELEMENT %SVG.color-profile.qname; %SVG.color-profile.content; >
<!-- end of SVG.color-profile.element -->]]>

<!ENTITY % SVG.color-profile.attlist "INCLUDE" >
<!ATTLIST %SVG.color-profile.qname;
    local CDATA #IMPLIED
    rendering-intent ( auto | perceptual | relative-colorimetric | saturation |
                       absolute-colorimetric ) 'auto'
<!-- end of SVG.color-profile.attlist -->]]>

<!-- end of svg-profile.mod -->

A.3.27 Gradient モジュール

Gradient モジュールは Gradient.class 要素コレクションと Gradient.attrib 属性セットを定義する。 The Gradient Module defines the Gradient.class element collection and the Gradient.attrib attribute set.

Gradient.classlinearGradient, radialGradient
Gradient.attribstop-color, stop-opacity
<!-- ....................................................................... -->
<!-- SVG 1.1 Gradient Module ............................................... -->
<!-- file: svg-gradient.mod

     This is SVG, a language for describing two-dimensional graphics in XML.
     Copyright 2001, 2002, 2011 W3C (MIT, INRIA, Keio), All Rights Reserved.
     Revision: $Id: svgdtd.html,v 1.2 2011/08/10 04:43:17 schepers Exp $

     This DTD module is identified by the PUBLIC and SYSTEM identifiers:

        PUBLIC "-//W3C//ELEMENTS SVG 1.1 Gradient//EN"
        SYSTEM "http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/1.1/DTD/svg-gradient.mod"

     ....................................................................... -->

<!-- Gradient

        linearGradient, radialGradient, stop

     This module declares markup to provide support for gradient fill.

<!-- a <number> or a <percentage> -->
<!ENTITY % NumberOrPercentage.datatype "CDATA" >

<!-- Qualified Names (Default) ......................... -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.linearGradient.qname "linearGradient" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.radialGradient.qname "radialGradient" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.stop.qname "stop" >

<!-- Attribute Collections (Default) ................... -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.Core.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Style.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Color.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.XLink.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.External.attrib "" >

<!-- SVG.Gradient.class ................................ -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.Gradient.extra.class "" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.Gradient.class
    "| %SVG.linearGradient.qname; | %SVG.radialGradient.qname;

<!-- SVG.Gradient.attrib ............................... -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.Gradient.extra.attrib "" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.Gradient.attrib
    "stop-color %SVGColor.datatype; #IMPLIED
     stop-opacity %OpacityValue.datatype; #IMPLIED

<!-- linearGradient: Linear Gradient Element ........... -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.linearGradient.extra.content "" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.linearGradient.element "INCLUDE" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.linearGradient.content
    "( %SVG.Description.class; | %SVG.stop.qname; | %SVG.animate.qname;
     | %SVG.set.qname; | %SVG.animateTransform.qname;
       %SVG.linearGradient.extra.content; )*"
<!ELEMENT %SVG.linearGradient.qname; %SVG.linearGradient.content; >
<!-- end of SVG.linearGradient.element -->]]>

<!ENTITY % SVG.linearGradient.attlist "INCLUDE" >
<!ATTLIST %SVG.linearGradient.qname;
    x1 %Coordinate.datatype; #IMPLIED
    y1 %Coordinate.datatype; #IMPLIED
    x2 %Coordinate.datatype; #IMPLIED
    y2 %Coordinate.datatype; #IMPLIED
    gradientUnits ( userSpaceOnUse | objectBoundingBox ) #IMPLIED
    gradientTransform %TransformList.datatype; #IMPLIED
    spreadMethod ( pad | reflect | repeat ) #IMPLIED
<!-- end of SVG.linearGradient.attlist -->]]>

<!-- radialGradient: Radial Gradient Element ........... -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.radialGradient.extra.content "" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.radialGradient.element "INCLUDE" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.radialGradient.content
    "( %SVG.Description.class; | %SVG.stop.qname; | %SVG.animate.qname;
     | %SVG.set.qname; | %SVG.animateTransform.qname;
       %SVG.radialGradient.extra.content; )*"
<!ELEMENT %SVG.radialGradient.qname; %SVG.radialGradient.content; >
<!-- end of SVG.radialGradient.element -->]]>

<!ENTITY % SVG.radialGradient.attlist "INCLUDE" >
<!ATTLIST %SVG.radialGradient.qname;
    cx %Coordinate.datatype; #IMPLIED
    cy %Coordinate.datatype; #IMPLIED
    r %Length.datatype; #IMPLIED
    fx %Coordinate.datatype; #IMPLIED
    fy %Coordinate.datatype; #IMPLIED
    gradientUnits ( userSpaceOnUse | objectBoundingBox ) #IMPLIED
    gradientTransform %TransformList.datatype; #IMPLIED
    spreadMethod ( pad | reflect | repeat ) #IMPLIED
<!-- end of SVG.radialGradient.attlist -->]]>

<!-- stop: Stop Element ................................ -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.stop.extra.content "" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.stop.element "INCLUDE" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.stop.content
    "( %SVG.animate.qname; | %SVG.set.qname; | %SVG.animateColor.qname;
       %SVG.stop.extra.content; )*"
<!ELEMENT %SVG.stop.qname; %SVG.stop.content; >
<!-- end of SVG.stop.element -->]]>

<!ENTITY % SVG.stop.attlist "INCLUDE" >
<!ATTLIST %SVG.stop.qname;
    offset %NumberOrPercentage.datatype; #REQUIRED
<!-- end of SVG.stop.attlist -->]]>

<!-- end of svg-gradient.mod -->

A.3.28 Pattern モジュール

Pattern モジュールは Pattern.class 要素コレクションを定義する。 The Pattern Module defines the Pattern.class element collection.

<!-- ....................................................................... -->
<!-- SVG 1.1 Pattern Module ................................................ -->
<!-- file: svg-pattern.mod

     This is SVG, a language for describing two-dimensional graphics in XML.
     Copyright 2001, 2002, 2011 W3C (MIT, INRIA, Keio), All Rights Reserved.
     Revision: $Id: svgdtd.html,v 1.2 2011/08/10 04:43:17 schepers Exp $

     This DTD module is identified by the PUBLIC and SYSTEM identifiers:

        PUBLIC "-//W3C//ELEMENTS SVG 1.1 Pattern//EN"
        SYSTEM "http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/1.1/DTD/svg-pattern.mod"

     ....................................................................... -->

<!-- Pattern


     This module declares markup to provide support for pattern fill.

<!-- Qualified Names (Default) ......................... -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.pattern.qname "pattern" >

<!-- Attribute Collections (Default) ................... -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.Core.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Container.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Conditional.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Style.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Viewport.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Text.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.TextContent.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Font.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Paint.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Color.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Opacity.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Graphics.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Marker.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.ColorProfile.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Gradient.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Clip.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Mask.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Filter.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.FilterColor.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Cursor.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.XLink.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.External.attrib "" >

<!-- SVG.Pattern.class ................................. -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.Pattern.extra.class "" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.Pattern.class
    "| %SVG.pattern.qname; %SVG.Pattern.extra.class;"

<!-- SVG.Presentation.attrib ........................... -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.Presentation.extra.attrib "" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.Presentation.attrib
     flood-color %SVGColor.datatype; #IMPLIED
     flood-opacity %OpacityValue.datatype; #IMPLIED
     lighting-color %SVGColor.datatype; #IMPLIED

<!-- pattern: Pattern Element .......................... -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.pattern.extra.content "" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.pattern.element "INCLUDE" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.pattern.content
    "( %SVG.Description.class; | %SVG.Animation.class; %SVG.Structure.class;
       %SVG.Conditional.class; %SVG.Image.class; %SVG.Style.class;
       %SVG.Shape.class; %SVG.Text.class; %SVG.Marker.class;
       %SVG.ColorProfile.class; %SVG.Gradient.class; %SVG.Pattern.class;
       %SVG.Clip.class; %SVG.Mask.class; %SVG.Filter.class; %SVG.Cursor.class;
       %SVG.Hyperlink.class; %SVG.View.class; %SVG.Script.class;
       %SVG.Font.class; %SVG.Extensibility.class; %SVG.pattern.extra.content; )*"
<!ELEMENT %SVG.pattern.qname; %SVG.pattern.content; >
<!-- end of SVG.pattern.element -->]]>

<!ENTITY % SVG.pattern.attlist "INCLUDE" >
<!ATTLIST %SVG.pattern.qname;
    x %Coordinate.datatype; #IMPLIED
    y %Coordinate.datatype; #IMPLIED
    width %Length.datatype; #IMPLIED
    height %Length.datatype; #IMPLIED
    patternUnits ( userSpaceOnUse | objectBoundingBox ) #IMPLIED
    patternContentUnits ( userSpaceOnUse | objectBoundingBox ) #IMPLIED
    patternTransform %TransformList.datatype; #IMPLIED
    viewBox %ViewBoxSpec.datatype; #IMPLIED
    preserveAspectRatio %PreserveAspectRatioSpec.datatype; 'xMidYMid meet'
<!-- end of SVG.pattern.attlist -->]]>

<!-- end of svg-pattern.mod -->

A.3.29 Clip モジュール

Clip モジュールは Clip.class 要素コレクションと Clip.attrib 属性コレクションを定義する。 The Clip Module defines the Clip.class element collection and the Clip.attrib attribute collection.

Clip.attribclip-path, clip-rule
<!-- ....................................................................... -->
<!-- SVG 1.1 Clip Module ................................................... -->
<!-- file: svg-clip.mod

     This is SVG, a language for describing two-dimensional graphics in XML.
     Copyright 2001, 2002, 2011 W3C (MIT, INRIA, Keio), All Rights Reserved.
     Revision: $Id: svgdtd.html,v 1.2 2011/08/10 04:43:17 schepers Exp $

     This DTD module is identified by the PUBLIC and SYSTEM identifiers:

        PUBLIC "-//W3C//ELEMENTS SVG 1.1 Clip//EN"
        SYSTEM "http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/1.1/DTD/svg-clip.mod"

     ....................................................................... -->

<!-- Clip


     This module declares markup to provide support for clipping.

<!-- 'clip-path' property/attribute value (e.g., 'none', <uri>) -->
<!ENTITY % ClipPathValue.datatype "CDATA" >

<!-- Qualified Names (Default) ......................... -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.clipPath.qname "clipPath" >

<!-- Attribute Collections (Default) ................... -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.Core.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Conditional.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Style.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Text.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.TextContent.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Font.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Paint.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Color.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Opacity.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Graphics.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Mask.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Filter.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Cursor.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.External.attrib "" >

<!-- SVG.Clip.class .................................... -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.Clip.extra.class "" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.Clip.class
    "| %SVG.clipPath.qname; %SVG.Clip.extra.class;"

<!-- SVG.Clip.attrib ................................... -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.Clip.extra.attrib "" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.Clip.attrib
    "clip-path %ClipPathValue.datatype; #IMPLIED
     clip-rule %ClipFillRule.datatype; #IMPLIED

<!-- clipPath: Clip Path Element ....................... -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.clipPath.extra.content "" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.clipPath.element "INCLUDE" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.clipPath.content
    "( %SVG.Description.class; | %SVG.Animation.class; %SVG.Use.class;
       %SVG.Shape.class; | %SVG.text.qname; %SVG.clipPath.extra.content; )*"
<!ELEMENT %SVG.clipPath.qname; %SVG.clipPath.content; >
<!-- end of SVG.clipPath.element -->]]>

<!ENTITY % SVG.clipPath.attlist "INCLUDE" >
<!ATTLIST %SVG.clipPath.qname;
    transform %TransformList.datatype; #IMPLIED
    clipPathUnits ( userSpaceOnUse | objectBoundingBox ) #IMPLIED
<!-- end of SVG.clipPath.attlist -->]]>

<!-- end of svg-clip.mod -->

A.3.30 基本 Clip モジュール

基本 Clip モジュールは Clip.class 要素コレクションと Clip.attrib 属性コレクションを定義する。 The Basic Clip Module defines the Clip.class element collection and the Clip.attrib attribute collection.

Clip.attribclip-path, clip-rule
<!-- ....................................................................... -->
<!-- SVG 1.1 Basic Clip Module ............................................. -->
<!-- file: svg-basic-clip.mod

     This is SVG, a language for describing two-dimensional graphics in XML.
     Copyright 2001, 2002, 2011 W3C (MIT, INRIA, Keio), All Rights Reserved.
     Revision: $Id: svgdtd.html,v 1.2 2011/08/10 04:43:17 schepers Exp $

     This DTD module is identified by the PUBLIC and SYSTEM identifiers:

        PUBLIC "-//W3C//ELEMENTS SVG 1.1 Basic Clip//EN"
        SYSTEM "http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/1.1/DTD/svg-basic-clip.mod"

     ....................................................................... -->

<!-- Basic Clip


     This module declares markup to provide support for clipping.

<!-- 'clip-path' property/attribute value (e.g., 'none', <uri>) -->
<!ENTITY % ClipPathValue.datatype "CDATA" >

<!-- Qualified Names (Default) ......................... -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.clipPath.qname "clipPath" >

<!-- Attribute Collections (Default) ................... -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.Core.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Conditional.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Style.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Text.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.TextContent.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Font.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Paint.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Color.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Opacity.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Graphics.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Mask.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Filter.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Cursor.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.External.attrib "" >

<!-- SVG.Clip.class .................................... -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.Clip.extra.class "" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.Clip.class
    "| %SVG.clipPath.qname; %SVG.Clip.extra.class;"

<!-- SVG.Clip.attrib ................................... -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.Clip.extra.attrib "" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.Clip.attrib
    "clip-path %ClipPathValue.datatype; #IMPLIED
     clip-rule %ClipFillRule.datatype; #IMPLIED

<!-- clipPath: Clip Path Element ....................... -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.clipPath.extra.content "" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.clipPath.element "INCLUDE" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.clipPath.content
    "( %SVG.Description.class; | %SVG.Animation.class; %SVG.Use.class;
       %SVG.Shape.class; | %SVG.text.qname; %SVG.clipPath.extra.content; )*"
<!ELEMENT %SVG.clipPath.qname; %SVG.clipPath.content; >
<!-- end of SVG.clipPath.element -->]]>

<!ENTITY % SVG.clipPath.attlist "INCLUDE" >
<!ATTLIST %SVG.clipPath.qname;
    transform %TransformList.datatype; #IMPLIED
    clipPathUnits ( userSpaceOnUse | objectBoundingBox ) #IMPLIED
<!-- end of SVG.clipPath.attlist -->]]>

<!-- end of svg-basic-clip.mod -->

A.3.31 Mask モジュール

Mask モジュールは Mask.class 要素コレクションと Mask.attrib 属性コレクションを定義する。 The Mask Module defines the Mask.class element collection and the Mask.attrib attribute collection.

<!-- ....................................................................... -->
<!-- SVG 1.1 Mask Module ................................................... -->
<!-- file: svg-mask.mod

     This is SVG, a language for describing two-dimensional graphics in XML.
     Copyright 2001, 2002, 2011 W3C (MIT, INRIA, Keio), All Rights Reserved.
     Revision: $Id: svgdtd.html,v 1.2 2011/08/10 04:43:17 schepers Exp $

     This DTD module is identified by the PUBLIC and SYSTEM identifiers:

        PUBLIC "-//W3C//ELEMENTS SVG 1.1 Mask//EN"
        SYSTEM "http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/1.1/DTD/svg-mask.mod"

     ....................................................................... -->

<!-- Mask


     This module declares markup to provide support for masking.

<!-- 'mask' property/attribute value (e.g., 'none', <uri>) -->
<!ENTITY % MaskValue.datatype "CDATA" >

<!-- Qualified Names (Default) ......................... -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.mask.qname "mask" >

<!-- Attribute Collections (Default) ................... -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.Core.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Container.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Conditional.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Style.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Viewport.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Text.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.TextContent.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Font.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Paint.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Color.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Opacity.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Graphics.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Marker.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.ColorProfile.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Gradient.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Clip.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Filter.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.FilterColor.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Cursor.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.External.attrib "" >

<!-- SVG.Mask.class .................................... -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.Mask.extra.class "" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.Mask.class
    "| %SVG.mask.qname; %SVG.Mask.extra.class;"

<!-- SVG.Mask.attrib ................................... -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.Mask.extra.attrib "" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.Mask.attrib
    "mask %MaskValue.datatype; #IMPLIED

<!-- SVG.Presentation.attrib ........................... -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.Presentation.extra.attrib "" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.Presentation.attrib
     flood-color %SVGColor.datatype; #IMPLIED
     flood-opacity %OpacityValue.datatype; #IMPLIED
     lighting-color %SVGColor.datatype; #IMPLIED

<!-- mask: Mask Element ................................ -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.mask.extra.content "" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.mask.element "INCLUDE" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.mask.content
    "( %SVG.Description.class; | %SVG.Animation.class; %SVG.Structure.class;
       %SVG.Conditional.class; %SVG.Image.class; %SVG.Style.class;
       %SVG.Shape.class; %SVG.Text.class; %SVG.Marker.class;
       %SVG.ColorProfile.class; %SVG.Gradient.class; %SVG.Pattern.class;
       %SVG.Clip.class; %SVG.Mask.class; %SVG.Filter.class; %SVG.Cursor.class;
       %SVG.Hyperlink.class; %SVG.View.class; %SVG.Script.class;
       %SVG.Font.class; %SVG.Extensibility.class; %SVG.mask.extra.content; )*"
<!ELEMENT %SVG.mask.qname; %SVG.mask.content; >
<!-- end of SVG.mask.element -->]]>

<!ENTITY % SVG.mask.attlist "INCLUDE" >
<!ATTLIST %SVG.mask.qname;
    x %Coordinate.datatype; #IMPLIED
    y %Coordinate.datatype; #IMPLIED
    width %Length.datatype; #IMPLIED
    height %Length.datatype; #IMPLIED
    maskUnits ( userSpaceOnUse | objectBoundingBox ) #IMPLIED
    maskContentUnits ( userSpaceOnUse | objectBoundingBox ) #IMPLIED
<!-- end of SVG.mask.attlist -->]]>

<!-- end of svg-mask.mod -->

A.3.32 Filter モジュール

Filter モジュールは Filter.class, FilterPrimitive.class 要素コレクションと Filter.attrib, FilterColor.attrib, FilterPrimitive.attrib, FilterPrimitiveWithIn.attrib 属性コレクションを定義する。 The Filter Module defines the Filter.class and FilterPrimitive.class element collections and the Filter.attrib, FilterColor.attrib, FilterPrimitive.attrib and FilterPrimitiveWithIn.attrib attribute collections.

FilterPrimitive.classfeBlend, feFlood, feColorMatrix, feComponentTransfer, feComposite, feConvolveMatrix, feDiffuseLighting, feDisplacementMap, feGaussianBlur, feImage, feMerge, feMorphology, feOffset, feSpecularLighting, feTile, feTurbulence
FilterPrimitive.attribx, y, width, height, result
FilterPrimitiveWithIn.attribFilterPrimitive.attrib, in
<!-- ....................................................................... -->
<!-- SVG 1.1 Filter Module ................................................. -->
<!-- file: svg-filter.mod

     This is SVG, a language for describing two-dimensional graphics in XML.
     Copyright 2001, 2002, 2011 W3C (MIT, INRIA, Keio), All Rights Reserved.
     Revision: $Id: svgdtd.html,v 1.2 2011/08/10 04:43:17 schepers Exp $

     This DTD module is identified by the PUBLIC and SYSTEM identifiers:

        PUBLIC "-//W3C//ELEMENTS SVG 1.1 Filter//EN"
        SYSTEM "http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/1.1/DTD/svg-filter.mod"

     ....................................................................... -->

<!-- Filter

        filter, feBlend, feColorMatrix, feComponentTransfer, feComposite,
        feConvolveMatrix, feDiffuseLighting, feDisplacementMap, feFlood,
        feGaussianBlur, feImage, feMerge, feMergeNode, feMorphology, feOffset,
        feSpecularLighting, feTile, feTurbulence, feDistantLight, fePointLight,
        feSpotLight, feFuncR, feFuncG, feFuncB, feFuncA

     This module declares markup to provide support for filter effect.

<!-- 'filter' property/attribute value (e.g., 'none', <uri>) -->
<!ENTITY % FilterValue.datatype "CDATA" >

<!-- list of <number>s, but at least one and at most two -->
<!ENTITY % NumberOptionalNumber.datatype "CDATA" >

<!-- Qualified Names (Default) ......................... -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.filter.qname "filter" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.feBlend.qname "feBlend" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.feColorMatrix.qname "feColorMatrix" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.feComponentTransfer.qname "feComponentTransfer" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.feComposite.qname "feComposite" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.feConvolveMatrix.qname "feConvolveMatrix" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.feDiffuseLighting.qname "feDiffuseLighting" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.feDisplacementMap.qname "feDisplacementMap" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.feFlood.qname "feFlood" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.feGaussianBlur.qname "feGaussianBlur" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.feImage.qname "feImage" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.feMerge.qname "feMerge" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.feMergeNode.qname "feMergeNode" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.feMorphology.qname "feMorphology" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.feOffset.qname "feOffset" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.feSpecularLighting.qname "feSpecularLighting" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.feTile.qname "feTile" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.feTurbulence.qname "feTurbulence" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.feDistantLight.qname "feDistantLight" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.fePointLight.qname "fePointLight" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.feSpotLight.qname "feSpotLight" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.feFuncR.qname "feFuncR" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.feFuncG.qname "feFuncG" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.feFuncB.qname "feFuncB" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.feFuncA.qname "feFuncA" >

<!-- Attribute Collections (Default) ................... -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.Core.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Container.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Style.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Viewport.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Text.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.TextContent.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Font.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Paint.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Color.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Opacity.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Graphics.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Marker.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.ColorProfile.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Gradient.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Clip.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Mask.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Cursor.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.XLink.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.XLinkEmbed.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.External.attrib "" >

<!-- SVG.Filter.class .................................. -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.Filter.extra.class "" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.Filter.class
    "| %SVG.filter.qname; %SVG.Filter.extra.class;"

<!-- SVG.FilterPrimitive.class ......................... -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.FilterPrimitive.extra.class "" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.FilterPrimitive.class
    "| %SVG.feBlend.qname; | %SVG.feColorMatrix.qname;
     | %SVG.feComponentTransfer.qname; | %SVG.feComposite.qname;
     | %SVG.feConvolveMatrix.qname; | %SVG.feDiffuseLighting.qname;
     | %SVG.feDisplacementMap.qname; | %SVG.feFlood.qname;
     | %SVG.feGaussianBlur.qname; | %SVG.feImage.qname; | %SVG.feMerge.qname;
     | %SVG.feMorphology.qname; | %SVG.feOffset.qname;
     | %SVG.feSpecularLighting.qname; | %SVG.feTile.qname;
     | %SVG.feTurbulence.qname; %SVG.FilterPrimitive.extra.class;"

<!-- SVG.Filter.attrib ................................. -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.Filter.extra.attrib "" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.Filter.attrib
    "filter %FilterValue.datatype; #IMPLIED

<!-- SVG.FilterColor.attrib ............................ -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.FilterColor.extra.attrib "" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.FilterColor.attrib
    "color-interpolation-filters ( auto | sRGB | linearRGB | inherit )

<!-- SVG.FilterPrimitive.attrib ........................ -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.FilterPrimitive.extra.attrib "" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.FilterPrimitive.attrib
    "x %Coordinate.datatype; #IMPLIED
     y %Coordinate.datatype; #IMPLIED
     width %Length.datatype; #IMPLIED
     height %Length.datatype; #IMPLIED
     result CDATA #IMPLIED

<!-- SVG.FilterPrimitiveWithIn.attrib .................. -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.FilterPrimitiveWithIn.extra.attrib "" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.FilterPrimitiveWithIn.attrib

<!-- SVG.Presentation.attrib ........................... -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.Presentation.extra.attrib "" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.Presentation.attrib
     flood-color %SVGColor.datatype; #IMPLIED
     flood-opacity %OpacityValue.datatype; #IMPLIED
     lighting-color %SVGColor.datatype; #IMPLIED

<!-- filter: Filter Element ............................ -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.filter.extra.content "" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.filter.element "INCLUDE" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.filter.content
    "( %SVG.Description.class; | %SVG.animate.qname; | %SVG.set.qname;
        %SVG.FilterPrimitive.class; %SVG.filter.extra.content; )*"
<!ELEMENT %SVG.filter.qname; %SVG.filter.content; >
<!-- end of SVG.filter.element -->]]>

<!ENTITY % SVG.filter.attlist "INCLUDE" >
<!ATTLIST %SVG.filter.qname;
    x %Coordinate.datatype; #IMPLIED
    y %Coordinate.datatype; #IMPLIED
    width %Length.datatype; #IMPLIED
    height %Length.datatype; #IMPLIED
    filterRes %NumberOptionalNumber.datatype; #IMPLIED
    filterUnits ( userSpaceOnUse | objectBoundingBox ) #IMPLIED
    primitiveUnits ( userSpaceOnUse | objectBoundingBox ) #IMPLIED
<!-- end of SVG.filter.attlist -->]]>

<!-- feBlend: Filter Effect Blend Element .............. -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.feBlend.extra.content "" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.feBlend.element "INCLUDE" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.feBlend.content
    "( %SVG.animate.qname; | %SVG.set.qname; %SVG.feBlend.extra.content; )*"
<!ELEMENT %SVG.feBlend.qname; %SVG.feBlend.content; >
<!-- end of SVG.feBlend.element -->]]>

<!ENTITY % SVG.feBlend.attlist "INCLUDE" >
<!ATTLIST %SVG.feBlend.qname;
    mode ( normal | multiply | screen | darken | lighten ) 'normal'
<!-- end of SVG.feBlend.attlist -->]]>

<!-- feColorMatrix: Filter Effect Color Matrix Element . -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.feColorMatrix.extra.content "" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.feColorMatrix.element "INCLUDE" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.feColorMatrix.content
    "( %SVG.animate.qname; | %SVG.set.qname;
       %SVG.feColorMatrix.extra.content; )*"
<!ELEMENT %SVG.feColorMatrix.qname; %SVG.feColorMatrix.content; >
<!-- end of SVG.feColorMatrix.element -->]]>

<!ENTITY % SVG.feColorMatrix.attlist "INCLUDE" >
<!ATTLIST %SVG.feColorMatrix.qname;
    type ( matrix | saturate | hueRotate | luminanceToAlpha ) 'matrix'
    values CDATA #IMPLIED
<!-- end of SVG.feColorMatrix.attlist -->]]>

<!-- feComponentTransfer: Filter Effect Component Transfer Element -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.feComponentTransfer.extra.content "" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.feComponentTransfer.element "INCLUDE" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.feComponentTransfer.content
    "( %SVG.feFuncR.qname;?, %SVG.feFuncG.qname;?, %SVG.feFuncB.qname;?,
       %SVG.feFuncA.qname;? %SVG.feComponentTransfer.extra.content; )"
<!ELEMENT %SVG.feComponentTransfer.qname; %SVG.feComponentTransfer.content; >
<!-- end of SVG.feComponentTransfer.element -->]]>

<!ENTITY % SVG.feComponentTransfer.attlist "INCLUDE" >
<!ATTLIST %SVG.feComponentTransfer.qname;
<!-- end of SVG.feComponentTransfer.attlist -->]]>

<!-- feComposite: Filter Effect Composite Element ...... -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.feComposite.extra.content "" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.feComposite.element "INCLUDE" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.feComposite.content
    "( %SVG.animate.qname; | %SVG.set.qname; %SVG.feComposite.extra.content; )*"
<!ELEMENT %SVG.feComposite.qname; %SVG.feComposite.content; >
<!-- end of SVG.feComposite.element -->]]>

<!ENTITY % SVG.feComposite.attlist "INCLUDE" >
<!ATTLIST %SVG.feComposite.qname;
    operator ( over | in | out | atop | xor | arithmetic ) 'over'
    k1 %Number.datatype; #IMPLIED
    k2 %Number.datatype; #IMPLIED
    k3 %Number.datatype; #IMPLIED
    k4 %Number.datatype; #IMPLIED
<!-- end of SVG.feComposite.attlist -->]]>

<!-- feConvolveMatrix: Filter Effect Convolve Matrix Element -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.feConvolveMatrix.extra.content "" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.feConvolveMatrix.element "INCLUDE" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.feConvolveMatrix.content
    "( %SVG.animate.qname; | %SVG.set.qname;
       %SVG.feConvolveMatrix.extra.content; )*"
<!ELEMENT %SVG.feConvolveMatrix.qname; %SVG.feConvolveMatrix.content; >
<!-- end of SVG.feConvolveMatrix.element -->]]>

<!ENTITY % SVG.feConvolveMatrix.attlist "INCLUDE" >
<!ATTLIST %SVG.feConvolveMatrix.qname;
    order %NumberOptionalNumber.datatype; #IMPLIED
    kernelMatrix CDATA #REQUIRED
    divisor %Number.datatype; #IMPLIED
    bias %Number.datatype; #IMPLIED
    targetX %Integer.datatype; #IMPLIED
    targetY %Integer.datatype; #IMPLIED
    edgeMode ( duplicate | wrap | none ) 'duplicate'
    kernelUnitLength %NumberOptionalNumber.datatype; #IMPLIED
    preserveAlpha %Boolean.datatype; #IMPLIED
<!-- end of SVG.feConvolveMatrix.attlist -->]]>

<!-- feDiffuseLighting: Filter Effect Diffuse Lighting Element -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.feDiffuseLighting.extra.content "" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.feDiffuseLighting.element "INCLUDE" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.feDiffuseLighting.content
    "(( %SVG.feDistantLight.qname; | %SVG.fePointLight.qname;
      | %SVG.feSpotLight.qname; ), ( %SVG.animate.qname; | %SVG.set.qname;
      | %SVG.animateColor.qname; %SVG.feDiffuseLighting.extra.content; )*)"
<!ELEMENT %SVG.feDiffuseLighting.qname; %SVG.feDiffuseLighting.content; >
<!-- end of SVG.feDiffuseLighting.element -->]]>

<!ENTITY % SVG.feDiffuseLighting.attlist "INCLUDE" >
<!ATTLIST %SVG.feDiffuseLighting.qname;
    surfaceScale %Number.datatype; #IMPLIED
    diffuseConstant %Number.datatype; #IMPLIED
    kernelUnitLength %NumberOptionalNumber.datatype; #IMPLIED
<!-- end of SVG.feDiffuseLighting.attlist -->]]>

<!-- feDisplacementMap: Filter Effect Displacement Map Element -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.feDisplacementMap.extra.content "" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.feDisplacementMap.element "INCLUDE" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.feDisplacementMap.content
    "( %SVG.animate.qname; | %SVG.set.qname;
       %SVG.feDisplacementMap.extra.content; )*"
<!ELEMENT %SVG.feDisplacementMap.qname; %SVG.feDisplacementMap.content; >
<!-- end of SVG.feDisplacementMap.element -->]]>

<!ENTITY % SVG.feDisplacementMap.attlist "INCLUDE" >
<!ATTLIST %SVG.feDisplacementMap.qname;
    scale %Number.datatype; #IMPLIED
    xChannelSelector ( R | G | B | A ) 'A'
    yChannelSelector ( R | G | B | A ) 'A'
<!-- end of SVG.feDisplacementMap.attlist -->]]>

<!-- feFlood: Filter Effect Flood Element .............. -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.feFlood.extra.content "" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.feFlood.element "INCLUDE" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.feFlood.content
    "( %SVG.animate.qname; | %SVG.set.qname; | %SVG.animateColor.qname;
       %SVG.feFlood.extra.content; )*"
<!ELEMENT %SVG.feFlood.qname; %SVG.feFlood.content; >
<!-- end of SVG.feFlood.element -->]]>

<!ENTITY % SVG.feFlood.attlist "INCLUDE" >
<!ATTLIST %SVG.feFlood.qname;
<!-- end of SVG.feFlood.attlist -->]]>

<!-- feGaussianBlur: Filter Effect Gaussian Blur Element -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.feGaussianBlur.extra.content "" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.feGaussianBlur.element "INCLUDE" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.feGaussianBlur.content
    "( %SVG.animate.qname; | %SVG.set.qname;
       %SVG.feGaussianBlur.extra.content; )*"
<!ELEMENT %SVG.feGaussianBlur.qname; %SVG.feGaussianBlur.content; >
<!-- end of SVG.feGaussianBlur.element -->]]>

<!ENTITY % SVG.feGaussianBlur.attlist "INCLUDE" >
<!ATTLIST %SVG.feGaussianBlur.qname;
    stdDeviation %NumberOptionalNumber.datatype; #IMPLIED
<!-- end of SVG.feGaussianBlur.attlist -->]]>

<!-- feImage: Filter Effect Image Element .............. -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.feImage.extra.content "" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.feImage.element "INCLUDE" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.feImage.content
    "( %SVG.animate.qname; | %SVG.set.qname; | %SVG.animateTransform.qname;
       %SVG.feImage.extra.content; )*"
<!ELEMENT %SVG.feImage.qname; %SVG.feImage.content; >
<!-- end of SVG.feImage.element -->]]>

<!ENTITY % SVG.feImage.attlist "INCLUDE" >
<!ATTLIST %SVG.feImage.qname;
    preserveAspectRatio %PreserveAspectRatioSpec.datatype; 'xMidYMid meet'
<!-- end of SVG.feImage.attlist -->]]>

<!-- feMerge: Filter Effect Merge Element .............. -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.feMerge.extra.content "" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.feMerge.element "INCLUDE" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.feMerge.content
    "( %SVG.feMergeNode.qname; %SVG.feMerge.extra.content; )*"
<!ELEMENT %SVG.feMerge.qname; %SVG.feMerge.content; >
<!-- end of SVG.feMerge.element -->]]>

<!ENTITY % SVG.feMerge.attlist "INCLUDE" >
<!ATTLIST %SVG.feMerge.qname;
<!-- end of SVG.feMerge.attlist -->]]>

<!-- feMergeNode: Filter Effect Merge Node Element ..... -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.feMergeNode.extra.content "" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.feMergeNode.element "INCLUDE" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.feMergeNode.content
    "( %SVG.animate.qname; | %SVG.set.qname; %SVG.feMergeNode.extra.content; )*"
<!ELEMENT %SVG.feMergeNode.qname; %SVG.feMergeNode.content; >
<!-- end of SVG.feMergeNode.element -->]]>

<!ENTITY % SVG.feMergeNode.attlist "INCLUDE" >
<!ATTLIST %SVG.feMergeNode.qname;
<!-- end of SVG.feMergeNode.attlist -->]]>

<!-- feMorphology: Filter Effect Morphology Element .... -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.feMorphology.extra.content "" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.feMorphology.element "INCLUDE" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.feMorphology.content
    "( %SVG.animate.qname; | %SVG.set.qname;
       %SVG.feMorphology.extra.content; )*"
<!ELEMENT %SVG.feMorphology.qname; %SVG.feMorphology.content; >
<!-- end of SVG.feMorphology.element -->]]>

<!ENTITY % SVG.feMorphology.attlist "INCLUDE" >
<!ATTLIST %SVG.feMorphology.qname;
    operator ( erode | dilate ) 'erode'
    radius %NumberOptionalNumber.datatype; #IMPLIED
<!-- end of SVG.feMorphology.attlist -->]]>

<!-- feOffset: Filter Effect Offset Element ............ -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.feOffset.extra.content "" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.feOffset.element "INCLUDE" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.feOffset.content
    "( %SVG.animate.qname; | %SVG.set.qname; %SVG.feOffset.extra.content; )*"
<!ELEMENT %SVG.feOffset.qname; %SVG.feOffset.content; >
<!-- end of SVG.feOffset.element -->]]>

<!ENTITY % SVG.feOffset.attlist "INCLUDE" >
<!ATTLIST %SVG.feOffset.qname;
    dx %Number.datatype; #IMPLIED
    dy %Number.datatype; #IMPLIED
<!-- end of SVG.feOffset.attlist -->]]>

<!-- feSpecularLighting: Filter Effect Specular Lighting Element -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.feSpecularLighting.extra.content "" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.feSpecularLighting.element "INCLUDE" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.feSpecularLighting.content
    "(( %SVG.feDistantLight.qname; | %SVG.fePointLight.qname;
      | %SVG.feSpotLight.qname; ), ( %SVG.animate.qname; | %SVG.set.qname;
      | %SVG.animateColor.qname; %SVG.feSpecularLighting.extra.content; )*)"
<!ELEMENT %SVG.feSpecularLighting.qname; %SVG.feSpecularLighting.content; >
<!-- end of SVG.feSpecularLighting.element -->]]>

<!ENTITY % SVG.feSpecularLighting.attlist "INCLUDE" >
<!ATTLIST %SVG.feSpecularLighting.qname;
    surfaceScale %Number.datatype; #IMPLIED
    specularConstant %Number.datatype; #IMPLIED
    specularExponent %Number.datatype; #IMPLIED
    kernelUnitLength %NumberOptionalNumber.datatype; #IMPLIED
<!-- end of SVG.feSpecularLighting.attlist -->]]>

<!-- feTile: Filter Effect Tile Element ................ -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.feTile.extra.content "" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.feTile.element "INCLUDE" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.feTile.content
    "( %SVG.animate.qname; | %SVG.set.qname; %SVG.feTile.extra.content; )*"
<!ELEMENT %SVG.feTile.qname; %SVG.feTile.content; >
<!-- end of SVG.feTile.element -->]]>

<!ENTITY % SVG.feTile.attlist "INCLUDE" >
<!ATTLIST %SVG.feTile.qname;
<!-- end of SVG.feTile.attlist -->]]>

<!-- feTurbulence: Filter Effect Turbulence Element .... -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.feTurbulence.extra.content "" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.feTurbulence.element "INCLUDE" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.feTurbulence.content
    "( %SVG.animate.qname; | %SVG.set.qname;
       %SVG.feTurbulence.extra.content; )*"
<!ELEMENT %SVG.feTurbulence.qname; %SVG.feTurbulence.content; >
<!-- end of SVG.feTurbulence.element -->]]>

<!ENTITY % SVG.feTurbulence.attlist "INCLUDE" >
<!ATTLIST %SVG.feTurbulence.qname;
    baseFrequency %NumberOptionalNumber.datatype; #IMPLIED
    numOctaves %Integer.datatype; #IMPLIED
    seed %Number.datatype; #IMPLIED
    stitchTiles ( stitch | noStitch ) 'noStitch'
    type ( fractalNoise | turbulence ) 'turbulence'
<!-- end of SVG.feTurbulence.attlist -->]]>

<!-- feDistantLight: Filter Effect Distant Light Element -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.feDistantLight.extra.content "" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.feDistantLight.element "INCLUDE" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.feDistantLight.content
    "( %SVG.animate.qname; | %SVG.set.qname;
       %SVG.feDistantLight.extra.content; )*"
<!ELEMENT %SVG.feDistantLight.qname; %SVG.feDistantLight.content; >
<!-- end of SVG.feDistantLight.element -->]]>

<!ENTITY % SVG.feDistantLight.attlist "INCLUDE" >
<!ATTLIST %SVG.feDistantLight.qname;
    azimuth %Number.datatype; #IMPLIED
    elevation %Number.datatype; #IMPLIED
<!-- end of SVG.feDistantLight.attlist -->]]>

<!-- fePointLight: Filter Effect Point Light Element ... -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.fePointLight.extra.content "" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.fePointLight.element "INCLUDE" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.fePointLight.content
    "( %SVG.animate.qname; | %SVG.set.qname;
       %SVG.fePointLight.extra.content; )*"
<!ELEMENT %SVG.fePointLight.qname; %SVG.fePointLight.content; >
<!-- end of SVG.fePointLight.element -->]]>

<!ENTITY % SVG.fePointLight.attlist "INCLUDE" >
<!ATTLIST %SVG.fePointLight.qname;
    x %Number.datatype; #IMPLIED
    y %Number.datatype; #IMPLIED
    z %Number.datatype; #IMPLIED
<!-- end of SVG.fePointLight.attlist -->]]>

<!-- feSpotLight: Filter Effect Spot Light Element ..... -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.feSpotLight.extra.content "" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.feSpotLight.element "INCLUDE" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.feSpotLight.content
    "( %SVG.animate.qname; | %SVG.set.qname; %SVG.feSpotLight.extra.content; )*"
<!ELEMENT %SVG.feSpotLight.qname; %SVG.feSpotLight.content; >
<!-- end of SVG.feSpotLight.element -->]]>

<!ENTITY % SVG.feSpotLight.attlist "INCLUDE" >
<!ATTLIST %SVG.feSpotLight.qname;
    x %Number.datatype; #IMPLIED
    y %Number.datatype; #IMPLIED
    z %Number.datatype; #IMPLIED
    pointsAtX %Number.datatype; #IMPLIED
    pointsAtY %Number.datatype; #IMPLIED
    pointsAtZ %Number.datatype; #IMPLIED
    specularExponent %Number.datatype; #IMPLIED
    limitingConeAngle %Number.datatype; #IMPLIED
<!-- end of SVG.feSpotLight.attlist -->]]>

<!-- feFuncR: Filter Effect Function Red Element ....... -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.feFuncR.extra.content "" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.feFuncR.element "INCLUDE" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.feFuncR.content
    "( %SVG.animate.qname; | %SVG.set.qname; %SVG.feFuncR.extra.content; )*"
<!ELEMENT %SVG.feFuncR.qname; %SVG.feFuncR.content; >
<!-- end of SVG.feFuncR.element -->]]>

<!ENTITY % SVG.feFuncR.attlist "INCLUDE" >
<!ATTLIST %SVG.feFuncR.qname;
    type ( identity | table | discrete | linear | gamma ) #REQUIRED
    tableValues CDATA #IMPLIED
    slope %Number.datatype; #IMPLIED
    intercept %Number.datatype; #IMPLIED
    amplitude %Number.datatype; #IMPLIED
    exponent %Number.datatype; #IMPLIED
    offset %Number.datatype; #IMPLIED
<!-- end of SVG.feFuncR.attlist -->]]>

<!-- feFuncG: Filter Effect Function Green Element ..... -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.feFuncG.extra.content "" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.feFuncG.element "INCLUDE" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.feFuncG.content
    "( %SVG.animate.qname; | %SVG.set.qname; %SVG.feFuncG.extra.content; )*"
<!ELEMENT %SVG.feFuncG.qname; %SVG.feFuncG.content; >
<!-- end of SVG.feFuncG.element -->]]>

<!ENTITY % SVG.feFuncG.attlist "INCLUDE" >
<!ATTLIST %SVG.feFuncG.qname;
    type ( identity | table | discrete | linear | gamma ) #REQUIRED
    tableValues CDATA #IMPLIED
    slope %Number.datatype; #IMPLIED
    intercept %Number.datatype; #IMPLIED
    amplitude %Number.datatype; #IMPLIED
    exponent %Number.datatype; #IMPLIED
    offset %Number.datatype; #IMPLIED
<!-- end of SVG.feFuncG.attlist -->]]>

<!-- feFuncB: Filter Effect Function Blue Element ...... -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.feFuncB.extra.content "" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.feFuncB.element "INCLUDE" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.feFuncB.content
    "( %SVG.animate.qname; | %SVG.set.qname; %SVG.feFuncB.extra.content; )*"
<!ELEMENT %SVG.feFuncB.qname; %SVG.feFuncB.content; >
<!-- end of SVG.feFuncB.element -->]]>

<!ENTITY % SVG.feFuncB.attlist "INCLUDE" >
<!ATTLIST %SVG.feFuncB.qname;
    type ( identity | table | discrete | linear | gamma ) #REQUIRED
    tableValues CDATA #IMPLIED
    slope %Number.datatype; #IMPLIED
    intercept %Number.datatype; #IMPLIED
    amplitude %Number.datatype; #IMPLIED
    exponent %Number.datatype; #IMPLIED
    offset %Number.datatype; #IMPLIED
<!-- end of SVG.feFuncB.attlist -->]]>

<!-- feFuncA: Filter Effect Function Alpha Element ..... -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.feFuncA.extra.content "" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.feFuncA.element "INCLUDE" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.feFuncA.content
    "( %SVG.animate.qname; | %SVG.set.qname; %SVG.feFuncA.extra.content; )*"
<!ELEMENT %SVG.feFuncA.qname; %SVG.feFuncA.content; >
<!-- end of SVG.feFuncA.element -->]]>

<!ENTITY % SVG.feFuncA.attlist "INCLUDE" >
<!ATTLIST %SVG.feFuncA.qname;
    type ( identity | table | discrete | linear | gamma ) #REQUIRED
    tableValues CDATA #IMPLIED
    slope %Number.datatype; #IMPLIED
    intercept %Number.datatype; #IMPLIED
    amplitude %Number.datatype; #IMPLIED
    exponent %Number.datatype; #IMPLIED
    offset %Number.datatype; #IMPLIED
<!-- end of SVG.feFuncA.attlist -->]]>

<!-- end of svg-filter.mod -->

A.3.33 基本 Filter モジュール

基本 Filter モジュールは Filter.class, FilterPrimitive.class 要素コレクションと Filter.attrib, FilterColor.attrib, FilterPrimitive.attrib, FilterPrimitiveWithIn.attrib 属性コレクションを定義する。 The Basic Filter Module defines the Filter.class and FilterPrimitive.class element collections and the Filter.attrib, FilterColor.attrib, FilterPrimitive.attrib and FilterPrimitiveWithIn.attrib attribute collections.

FilterPrimitive.classfeBlend, feFlood, feColorMatrix, feComponentTransfer, feComposite, feGaussianBlur, feImage, feMerge, feOffset, feTile
FilterPrimitive.attribx, y, width, height, result
FilterPrimitiveWithIn.attribFilterPrimitive.attrib, in
<!-- ....................................................................... -->
<!-- SVG 1.1 Basic Filter Module ........................................... -->
<!-- file: svg-basic-filter.mod

     This is SVG, a language for describing two-dimensional graphics in XML.
     Copyright 2001, 2002, 2011 W3C (MIT, INRIA, Keio), All Rights Reserved.
     Revision: $Id: svgdtd.html,v 1.2 2011/08/10 04:43:17 schepers Exp $

     This DTD module is identified by the PUBLIC and SYSTEM identifiers:

        PUBLIC "-//W3C//ELEMENTS SVG 1.1 Basic Filter//EN"
        SYSTEM "http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/1.1/DTD/svg-basic-filter.mod"

     ....................................................................... -->

<!-- Basic Filter

        filter, feBlend, feColorMatrix, feComponentTransfer, feComposite,
        feFlood, feGaussianBlur, feImage, feMerge, feMergeNode, feOffset,
        feTile, feFuncR, feFuncG, feFuncB, feFuncA

     This module declares markup to provide support for filter effect.

<!-- 'filter' property/attribute value (e.g., 'none', <uri>) -->
<!ENTITY % FilterValue.datatype "CDATA" >

<!-- list of <number>s, but at least one and at most two -->
<!ENTITY % NumberOptionalNumber.datatype "CDATA" >

<!-- Qualified Names (Default) ......................... -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.filter.qname "filter" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.feBlend.qname "feBlend" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.feColorMatrix.qname "feColorMatrix" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.feComponentTransfer.qname "feComponentTransfer" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.feComposite.qname "feComposite" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.feFlood.qname "feFlood" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.feGaussianBlur.qname "feGaussianBlur" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.feImage.qname "feImage" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.feMerge.qname "feMerge" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.feMergeNode.qname "feMergeNode" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.feOffset.qname "feOffset" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.feTile.qname "feTile" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.feFuncR.qname "feFuncR" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.feFuncG.qname "feFuncG" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.feFuncB.qname "feFuncB" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.feFuncA.qname "feFuncA" >

<!-- Attribute Collections (Default) ................... -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.Core.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Container.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Style.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Viewport.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Text.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.TextContent.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Font.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Paint.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Color.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Opacity.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Graphics.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Marker.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.ColorProfile.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Gradient.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Clip.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Mask.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Cursor.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.XLink.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.XLinkEmbed.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.External.attrib "" >

<!-- SVG.Filter.class .................................. -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.Filter.extra.class "" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.Filter.class
    "| %SVG.filter.qname; %SVG.Filter.extra.class;"

<!-- SVG.FilterPrimitive.class ......................... -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.FilterPrimitive.extra.class "" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.FilterPrimitive.class
    "| %SVG.feBlend.qname; | %SVG.feColorMatrix.qname;
     | %SVG.feComponentTransfer.qname; | %SVG.feComposite.qname;
     | %SVG.feFlood.qname; | %SVG.feGaussianBlur.qname; | %SVG.feImage.qname;
     | %SVG.feMerge.qname; | %SVG.feOffset.qname; | %SVG.feTile.qname;

<!-- SVG.Filter.attrib ................................. -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.Filter.extra.attrib "" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.Filter.attrib
    "filter %FilterValue.datatype; #IMPLIED

<!-- SVG.FilterColor.attrib ............................ -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.FilterColor.extra.attrib "" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.FilterColor.attrib
    "color-interpolation-filters ( auto | sRGB | linearRGB | inherit )

<!-- SVG.FilterPrimitive.attrib ........................ -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.FilterPrimitive.extra.attrib "" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.FilterPrimitive.attrib
    "x %Coordinate.datatype; #IMPLIED
     y %Coordinate.datatype; #IMPLIED
     width %Length.datatype; #IMPLIED
     height %Length.datatype; #IMPLIED
     result CDATA #IMPLIED

<!-- SVG.FilterPrimitiveWithIn.attrib .................. -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.FilterPrimitiveWithIn.extra.attrib "" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.FilterPrimitiveWithIn.attrib

<!-- SVG.Presentation.attrib ........................... -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.Presentation.extra.attrib "" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.Presentation.attrib
     flood-color %SVGColor.datatype; #IMPLIED
     flood-opacity %OpacityValue.datatype; #IMPLIED
     lighting-color %SVGColor.datatype; #IMPLIED

<!-- filter: Filter Element ............................ -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.filter.extra.content "" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.filter.element "INCLUDE" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.filter.content
    "( %SVG.Description.class; | %SVG.animate.qname; | %SVG.set.qname;
       %SVG.FilterPrimitive.class; %SVG.filter.extra.content; )*"
<!ELEMENT %SVG.filter.qname; %SVG.filter.content; >
<!-- end of SVG.filter.element -->]]>

<!ENTITY % SVG.filter.attlist "INCLUDE" >
<!ATTLIST %SVG.filter.qname;
    x %Coordinate.datatype; #IMPLIED
    y %Coordinate.datatype; #IMPLIED
    width %Length.datatype; #IMPLIED
    height %Length.datatype; #IMPLIED
    filterRes %NumberOptionalNumber.datatype; #IMPLIED
    filterUnits ( userSpaceOnUse | objectBoundingBox ) #IMPLIED
    primitiveUnits ( userSpaceOnUse | objectBoundingBox ) #IMPLIED
<!-- end of SVG.filter.attlist -->]]>

<!-- feBlend: Filter Effect Blend Element .............. -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.feBlend.extra.content "" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.feBlend.element "INCLUDE" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.feBlend.content
    "( %SVG.animate.qname; | %SVG.set.qname; %SVG.feBlend.extra.content; )*"
<!ELEMENT %SVG.feBlend.qname; %SVG.feBlend.content; >
<!-- end of SVG.feBlend.element -->]]>

<!ENTITY % SVG.feBlend.attlist "INCLUDE" >
<!ATTLIST %SVG.feBlend.qname;
    mode ( normal | multiply | screen | darken | lighten ) 'normal'
<!-- end of SVG.feBlend.attlist -->]]>

<!-- feColorMatrix: Filter Effect Color Matrix Element . -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.feColorMatrix.extra.content "" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.feColorMatrix.element "INCLUDE" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.feColorMatrix.content
    "( %SVG.animate.qname; | %SVG.set.qname;
       %SVG.feColorMatrix.extra.content; )*"
<!ELEMENT %SVG.feColorMatrix.qname; %SVG.feColorMatrix.content; >
<!-- end of SVG.feColorMatrix.element -->]]>

<!ENTITY % SVG.feColorMatrix.attlist "INCLUDE" >
<!ATTLIST %SVG.feColorMatrix.qname;
    type ( matrix | saturate | hueRotate | luminanceToAlpha ) 'matrix'
    values CDATA #IMPLIED
<!-- end of SVG.feColorMatrix.attlist -->]]>

<!-- feComponentTransfer: Filter Effect Component Transfer Element -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.feComponentTransfer.extra.content "" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.feComponentTransfer.element "INCLUDE" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.feComponentTransfer.content
    "( %SVG.feFuncR.qname;?, %SVG.feFuncG.qname;?, %SVG.feFuncB.qname;?,
       %SVG.feFuncA.qname;? %SVG.feComponentTransfer.extra.content; )"
<!ELEMENT %SVG.feComponentTransfer.qname; %SVG.feComponentTransfer.content; >
<!-- end of SVG.feComponentTransfer.element -->]]>

<!ENTITY % SVG.feComponentTransfer.attlist "INCLUDE" >
<!ATTLIST %SVG.feComponentTransfer.qname;
<!-- end of SVG.feComponentTransfer.attlist -->]]>

<!-- feComposite: Filter Effect Composite Element ...... -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.feComposite.extra.content "" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.feComposite.element "INCLUDE" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.feComposite.content
    "( %SVG.animate.qname; | %SVG.set.qname; %SVG.feComposite.extra.content; )*"
<!ELEMENT %SVG.feComposite.qname; %SVG.feComposite.content; >
<!-- end of SVG.feComposite.element -->]]>

<!ENTITY % SVG.feComposite.attlist "INCLUDE" >
<!ATTLIST %SVG.feComposite.qname;
    operator ( over | in | out | atop | xor | arithmetic ) 'over'
    k1 %Number.datatype; #IMPLIED
    k2 %Number.datatype; #IMPLIED
    k3 %Number.datatype; #IMPLIED
    k4 %Number.datatype; #IMPLIED
<!-- end of SVG.feComposite.attlist -->]]>

<!-- feFlood: Filter Effect Flood Element .............. -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.feFlood.extra.content "" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.feFlood.element "INCLUDE" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.feFlood.content
    "( %SVG.animate.qname; | %SVG.set.qname; | %SVG.animateColor.qname;
       %SVG.feFlood.extra.content; )*"
<!ELEMENT %SVG.feFlood.qname; %SVG.feFlood.content; >
<!-- end of SVG.feFlood.element -->]]>

<!ENTITY % SVG.feFlood.attlist "INCLUDE" >
<!ATTLIST %SVG.feFlood.qname;
    flood-color %SVGColor.datatype; #IMPLIED
    flood-opacity %OpacityValue.datatype; #IMPLIED
<!-- end of SVG.feFlood.attlist -->]]>

<!-- feGaussianBlur: Filter Effect Gaussian Blur Element -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.feGaussianBlur.extra.content "" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.feGaussianBlur.element "INCLUDE" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.feGaussianBlur.content
    "( %SVG.animate.qname; | %SVG.set.qname;
       %SVG.feGaussianBlur.extra.content; )*"
<!ELEMENT %SVG.feGaussianBlur.qname; %SVG.feGaussianBlur.content; >
<!-- end of SVG.feGaussianBlur.element -->]]>

<!ENTITY % SVG.feGaussianBlur.attlist "INCLUDE" >
<!ATTLIST %SVG.feGaussianBlur.qname;
    stdDeviation %NumberOptionalNumber.datatype; #IMPLIED
<!-- end of SVG.feGaussianBlur.attlist -->]]>

<!-- feImage: Filter Effect Image Element .............. -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.feImage.extra.content "" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.feImage.element "INCLUDE" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.feImage.content
    "( %SVG.animate.qname; | %SVG.set.qname; | %SVG.animateTransform.qname;
       %SVG.feImage.extra.content; )*"
<!ELEMENT %SVG.feImage.qname; %SVG.feImage.content; >
<!-- end of SVG.feImage.element -->]]>

<!ENTITY % SVG.feImage.attlist "INCLUDE" >
<!ATTLIST %SVG.feImage.qname;
    preserveAspectRatio %PreserveAspectRatioSpec.datatype; 'xMidYMid meet'
<!-- end of SVG.feImage.attlist -->]]>

<!-- feMerge: Filter Effect Merge Element .............. -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.feMerge.extra.content "" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.feMerge.element "INCLUDE" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.feMerge.content
    "( %SVG.feMergeNode.qname; %SVG.feMerge.extra.content; )*"
<!ELEMENT %SVG.feMerge.qname; %SVG.feMerge.content; >
<!-- end of SVG.feMerge.element -->]]>

<!ENTITY % SVG.feMerge.attlist "INCLUDE" >
<!ATTLIST %SVG.feMerge.qname;
<!-- end of SVG.feMerge.attlist -->]]>

<!-- feMergeNode: Filter Effect Merge Node Element ..... -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.feMergeNode.extra.content "" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.feMergeNode.element "INCLUDE" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.feMergeNode.content
    "( %SVG.animate.qname; | %SVG.set.qname; %SVG.feMergeNode.extra.content; )*"
<!ELEMENT %SVG.feMergeNode.qname; %SVG.feMergeNode.content; >
<!-- end of SVG.feMergeNode.element -->]]>

<!ENTITY % SVG.feMergeNode.attlist "INCLUDE" >
<!ATTLIST %SVG.feMergeNode.qname;
<!-- end of SVG.feMergeNode.attlist -->]]>

<!-- feOffset: Filter Effect Offset Element ............ -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.feOffset.extra.content "" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.feOffset.element "INCLUDE" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.feOffset.content
    "( %SVG.animate.qname; | %SVG.set.qname; %SVG.feOffset.extra.content; )*"
<!ELEMENT %SVG.feOffset.qname; %SVG.feOffset.content; >
<!-- end of SVG.feOffset.element -->]]>

<!ENTITY % SVG.feOffset.attlist "INCLUDE" >
<!ATTLIST %SVG.feOffset.qname;
    dx %Number.datatype; #IMPLIED
    dy %Number.datatype; #IMPLIED
<!-- end of SVG.feOffset.attlist -->]]>

<!-- feTile: Filter Effect Tile Element ................ -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.feTile.extra.content "" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.feTile.element "INCLUDE" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.feTile.content
    "( %SVG.animate.qname; | %SVG.set.qname; %SVG.feTile.extra.content; )*"
<!ELEMENT %SVG.feTile.qname; %SVG.feTile.content; >
<!-- end of SVG.feTile.element -->]]>

<!ENTITY % SVG.feTile.attlist "INCLUDE" >
<!ATTLIST %SVG.feTile.qname;
<!-- end of SVG.feTile.attlist -->]]>

<!-- feFuncR: Filter Effect Function Red Element ....... -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.feFuncR.extra.content "" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.feFuncR.element "INCLUDE" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.feFuncR.content
    "( %SVG.animate.qname; | %SVG.set.qname; %SVG.feFuncR.extra.content; )*"
<!ELEMENT %SVG.feFuncR.qname; %SVG.feFuncR.content; >
<!-- end of SVG.feFuncR.element -->]]>

<!ENTITY % SVG.feFuncR.attlist "INCLUDE" >
<!ATTLIST %SVG.feFuncR.qname;
    type ( identity | table | discrete | linear | gamma ) #REQUIRED
    tableValues CDATA #IMPLIED
    slope %Number.datatype; #IMPLIED
    intercept %Number.datatype; #IMPLIED
    amplitude %Number.datatype; #IMPLIED
    exponent %Number.datatype; #IMPLIED
    offset %Number.datatype; #IMPLIED
<!-- end of SVG.feFuncR.attlist -->]]>

<!-- feFuncG: Filter Effect Function Green Element ..... -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.feFuncG.extra.content "" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.feFuncG.element "INCLUDE" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.feFuncG.content
    "( %SVG.animate.qname; | %SVG.set.qname; %SVG.feFuncG.extra.content; )*"
<!ELEMENT %SVG.feFuncG.qname; %SVG.feFuncG.content; >
<!-- end of SVG.feFuncG.element -->]]>

<!ENTITY % SVG.feFuncG.attlist "INCLUDE" >
<!ATTLIST %SVG.feFuncG.qname;
    type ( identity | table | discrete | linear | gamma ) #REQUIRED
    tableValues CDATA #IMPLIED
    slope %Number.datatype; #IMPLIED
    intercept %Number.datatype; #IMPLIED
    amplitude %Number.datatype; #IMPLIED
    exponent %Number.datatype; #IMPLIED
    offset %Number.datatype; #IMPLIED
<!-- end of SVG.feFuncG.attlist -->]]>

<!-- feFuncB: Filter Effect Function Blue Element ...... -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.feFuncB.extra.content "" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.feFuncB.element "INCLUDE" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.feFuncB.content
    "( %SVG.animate.qname; | %SVG.set.qname; %SVG.feFuncB.extra.content; )*"
<!ELEMENT %SVG.feFuncB.qname; %SVG.feFuncB.content; >
<!-- end of SVG.feFuncB.element -->]]>

<!ENTITY % SVG.feFuncB.attlist "INCLUDE" >
<!ATTLIST %SVG.feFuncB.qname;
    type ( identity | table | discrete | linear | gamma ) #REQUIRED
    tableValues CDATA #IMPLIED
    slope %Number.datatype; #IMPLIED
    intercept %Number.datatype; #IMPLIED
    amplitude %Number.datatype; #IMPLIED
    exponent %Number.datatype; #IMPLIED
    offset %Number.datatype; #IMPLIED
<!-- end of SVG.feFuncB.attlist -->]]>

<!-- feFuncA: Filter Effect Function Alpha Element ..... -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.feFuncA.extra.content "" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.feFuncA.element "INCLUDE" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.feFuncA.content
    "( %SVG.animate.qname; | %SVG.set.qname; %SVG.feFuncA.extra.content; )*"
<!ELEMENT %SVG.feFuncA.qname; %SVG.feFuncA.content; >
<!-- end of SVG.feFuncA.element -->]]>

<!ENTITY % SVG.feFuncA.attlist "INCLUDE" >
<!ATTLIST %SVG.feFuncA.qname;
    type ( identity | table | discrete | linear | gamma ) #REQUIRED
    tableValues CDATA #IMPLIED
    slope %Number.datatype; #IMPLIED
    intercept %Number.datatype; #IMPLIED
    amplitude %Number.datatype; #IMPLIED
    exponent %Number.datatype; #IMPLIED
    offset %Number.datatype; #IMPLIED
<!-- end of SVG.feFuncA.attlist -->]]>

<!-- end of svg-basic-filter.mod -->

A.3.34 Cursor モジュール

Cursor モジュールは Cursor.class 要素コレクションと Cursor.attrib 属性コレクションを定義する。 The Cursor Module defines the Cursor.class element collection and the Cursor.attrib attribute collection.

<!-- ....................................................................... -->
<!-- SVG 1.1 Cursor Module ................................................. -->
<!-- file: svg-cursor.mod

     This is SVG, a language for describing two-dimensional graphics in XML.
     Copyright 2001, 2002, 2011 W3C (MIT, INRIA, Keio), All Rights Reserved.
     Revision: $Id: svgdtd.html,v 1.2 2011/08/10 04:43:17 schepers Exp $

     This DTD module is identified by the PUBLIC and SYSTEM identifiers:

        PUBLIC "-//W3C//ELEMENTS SVG 1.1 Cursor//EN"
        SYSTEM "http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/1.1/DTD/svg-cursor.mod"

     ....................................................................... -->

<!-- Cursor


     This module declares markup to provide support for cursor.

<!-- 'cursor' property/attribute value (e.g., 'crosshair', <uri>) -->
<!ENTITY % CursorValue.datatype "CDATA" >

<!-- Qualified Names (Default) ......................... -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.cursor.qname "cursor" >

<!-- Attribute Collections (Default) ................... -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.Core.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Conditional.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.XLinkRequired.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.External.attrib "" >

<!-- SVG.Cursor.class .................................. -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.Cursor.extra.class "" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.Cursor.class
    "| %SVG.cursor.qname; %SVG.Cursor.extra.class;"

<!-- SVG.Cursor.attrib ................................. -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.Cursor.extra.attrib "" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.Cursor.attrib
    "cursor %CursorValue.datatype; #IMPLIED

<!-- cursor: Cursor Element ............................ -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.cursor.extra.content "" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.cursor.element "INCLUDE" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.cursor.content
    "( %SVG.Description.class; %SVG.cursor.extra.content; )*"
<!ELEMENT %SVG.cursor.qname; %SVG.cursor.content; >
<!-- end of SVG.cursor.element -->]]>

<!ENTITY % SVG.cursor.attlist "INCLUDE" >
<!ATTLIST %SVG.cursor.qname;
    x %Coordinate.datatype; #IMPLIED
    y %Coordinate.datatype; #IMPLIED
<!-- end of SVG.cursor.attlist -->]]>

<!-- end of svg-cursor.mod -->

A.3.35 Hyperlinking モジュール

Hyperlinking モジュールは Hyperlink.class 要素コレクションを定義する。 The Hyperlinking Module defines the Hyperlink.class element collection.

<!-- ....................................................................... -->
<!-- SVG 1.1 Hyperlinking Module ........................................... -->
<!-- file: svg-hyperlink.mod

     This is SVG, a language for describing two-dimensional graphics in XML.
     Copyright 2001, 2002, 2011 W3C (MIT, INRIA, Keio), All Rights Reserved.
     Revision: $Id: svgdtd.html,v 1.2 2011/08/10 04:43:17 schepers Exp $

     This DTD module is identified by the PUBLIC and SYSTEM identifiers:

        PUBLIC "-//W3C//ELEMENTS SVG 1.1 Hyperlinking//EN"
        SYSTEM "http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/1.1/DTD/svg-hyperlink.mod"

     ....................................................................... -->

<!-- Hyperlinking


     This module declares markup to provide support for hyper linking.

<!-- link to this target -->
<!ENTITY % LinkTarget.datatype "NMTOKEN" >

<!-- Qualified Names (Default) ......................... -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.a.qname "a" >

<!-- Attribute Collections (Default) ................... -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.Core.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Conditional.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Style.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Viewport.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Text.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.TextContent.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Font.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Paint.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Color.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Opacity.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Graphics.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Marker.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Gradient.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Clip.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Mask.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Filter.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.FilterColor.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.GraphicalEvents.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Cursor.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.XLinkReplace.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.External.attrib "" >

<!-- SVG.Hyperlink.class ............................... -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.Hyperlink.extra.class "" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.Hyperlink.class
    "| %SVG.a.qname; %SVG.Hyperlink.extra.class;"

<!-- SVG.Presentation.attrib ........................... -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.Presentation.extra.attrib "" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.Presentation.attrib
     flood-color %SVGColor.datatype; #IMPLIED
     flood-opacity %OpacityValue.datatype; #IMPLIED
     lighting-color %SVGColor.datatype; #IMPLIED

<!-- a: Anchor Element ................................. -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.a.extra.content "" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.a.element "INCLUDE" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.a.content
    "( #PCDATA | %SVG.Description.class; | %SVG.Animation.class;
       %SVG.Structure.class; %SVG.Conditional.class; %SVG.Image.class;
       %SVG.Style.class; %SVG.Shape.class; %SVG.Text.class; %SVG.Marker.class;
       %SVG.ColorProfile.class; %SVG.Gradient.class; %SVG.Pattern.class;
       %SVG.Clip.class; %SVG.Mask.class; %SVG.Filter.class; %SVG.Cursor.class;
       %SVG.Hyperlink.class; %SVG.View.class; %SVG.Script.class;
       %SVG.Font.class; %SVG.Extensibility.class; %SVG.a.extra.content; )*"
<!ELEMENT %SVG.a.qname; %SVG.a.content; >
<!-- end of SVG.a.element -->]]>

<!ENTITY % SVG.a.attlist "INCLUDE" >
<!ATTLIST %SVG.a.qname;
    transform %TransformList.datatype; #IMPLIED
    target %LinkTarget.datatype; #IMPLIED
<!-- end of SVG.a.attlist -->]]>

<!-- end of svg-hyperlink.mod -->

A.3.36 View モジュール

View モジュールは View.class 要素コレクションを定義する。 The View Module defines the View.class element collection.

<!-- ....................................................................... -->
<!-- SVG 1.1 View Module ................................................... -->
<!-- file: svg-view.mod

     This is SVG, a language for describing two-dimensional graphics in XML.
     Copyright 2001, 2002, 2011 W3C (MIT, INRIA, Keio), All Rights Reserved.
     Revision: $Id: svgdtd.html,v 1.2 2011/08/10 04:43:17 schepers Exp $

     This DTD module is identified by the PUBLIC and SYSTEM identifiers:

        PUBLIC "-//W3C//ELEMENTS SVG 1.1 View//EN"
        SYSTEM "http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/1.1/DTD/svg-view.mod"

     ....................................................................... -->

<!-- View


     This module declares markup to provide support for view.

<!-- Qualified Names (Default) ......................... -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.view.qname "view" >

<!-- Attribute Collections (Default) ................... -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.Core.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.External.attrib "" >

<!-- SVG.View.class .................................... -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.View.extra.class "" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.View.class
    "| %SVG.view.qname; %SVG.View.extra.class;"

<!-- view: View Element ................................ -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.view.extra.content "" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.view.element "INCLUDE" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.view.content
    "( %SVG.Description.class; %SVG.view.extra.content; )*"
<!ELEMENT %SVG.view.qname; %SVG.view.content; >
<!-- end of SVG.view.element -->]]>

<!ENTITY % SVG.view.attlist "INCLUDE" >
<!ATTLIST %SVG.view.qname;
    viewBox %ViewBoxSpec.datatype; #IMPLIED
    preserveAspectRatio %PreserveAspectRatioSpec.datatype; 'xMidYMid meet'
    zoomAndPan ( disable | magnify ) 'magnify'
    viewTarget CDATA #IMPLIED
<!-- end of SVG.view.attlist -->]]>

<!-- end of svg-view.mod -->

A.3.37 Scripting モジュール

Script モジュールは Script.class 要素コレクションを定義する。 The Script Module defines the Script.class element collection.

<!-- ....................................................................... -->
<!-- SVG 1.1 Scripting Module .............................................. -->
<!-- file: svg-script.mod

     This is SVG, a language for describing two-dimensional graphics in XML.
     Copyright 2001, 2002, 2011 W3C (MIT, INRIA, Keio), All Rights Reserved.
     Revision: $Id: svgdtd.html,v 1.2 2011/08/10 04:43:17 schepers Exp $

     This DTD module is identified by the PUBLIC and SYSTEM identifiers:

        PUBLIC "-//W3C//ELEMENTS SVG 1.1 Scripting//EN"
        SYSTEM "http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/1.1/DTD/svg-script.mod"

     ....................................................................... -->

<!-- Scripting


     This module declares markup to provide support for scripting.

<!-- Qualified Names (Default) ......................... -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.script.qname "script" >

<!-- Attribute Collections (Default) ................... -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.Core.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.XLink.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.External.attrib "" >

<!-- SVG.Script.class .................................. -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.Script.extra.class "" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.Script.class
    "| %SVG.script.qname; %SVG.Script.extra.class;"

<!-- script: Script Element ............................ -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.script.extra.content "" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.script.element "INCLUDE" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.script.content
    "( #PCDATA %SVG.script.extra.content; )*"
<!ELEMENT %SVG.script.qname; %SVG.script.content; >
<!-- end of SVG.script.element -->]]>

<!ENTITY % SVG.script.attlist "INCLUDE" >
<!ATTLIST %SVG.script.qname;
    type %ContentType.datatype; #REQUIRED
<!-- end of SVG.script.attlist -->]]>

<!-- end of svg-script.mod -->

A.3.38 Animation モジュール

Animation モジュールは Animation.class 要素コレクションと Animation.attrib, AnimationAttribute.attrib, AnimationTiming.attrib, AnimationValue.attrib, AnimationAddtion.attrib 属性コレクションを定義する。 The Animation Module defines the Animation.class element collection and the Animation.attrib, AnimationAttribute.attrib, AnimationTiming.attrib, AnimationValue.attrib and AnimationAddtion.attrib attribute collections.

Animation.classanimate, animateColor, animateTransform, animateMotion, set
AnimationAttribute.attribattributeName, attributeType
AnimationTiming.attribbegin, dur, end, min, max, restart, repeatCount, repeatDur, fill
AnimationValue.attribcalcMode, values, keyTimes, keySplines, from, to, by
AnimationAddition.attribadditive, accumulate
<!-- ....................................................................... -->
<!-- SVG 1.1 Animation Module .............................................. -->
<!-- file: svg-animation.mod

     This is SVG, a language for describing two-dimensional graphics in XML.
     Copyright 2001, 2002, 2011 W3C (MIT, INRIA, Keio), All Rights Reserved.
     Revision: $Id: svgdtd.html,v 1.2 2011/08/10 04:43:17 schepers Exp $

     This DTD module is identified by the PUBLIC and SYSTEM identifiers:

        PUBLIC "-//W3C//ELEMENTS SVG 1.1 Animation//EN"
        SYSTEM "http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/1.1/DTD/svg-animation.mod"

     ....................................................................... -->

<!-- Animation

        animate, set, animateMotion, animateColor, animateTransform, mpath

     This module declares markup to provide support for animation.

<!-- Qualified Names (Default) ......................... -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.animate.qname "animate" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.set.qname "set" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.animateMotion.qname "animateMotion" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.animateColor.qname "animateColor" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.animateTransform.qname "animateTransform" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.mpath.qname "mpath" >

<!-- Attribute Collections (Default) ................... -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.Core.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Conditional.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.AnimationEvents.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.XLink.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.XLinkRequired.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.External.attrib "" >

<!-- SVG.Animation.class ............................... -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.Animation.extra.class "" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.Animation.class
    "%SVG.animate.qname; | %SVG.set.qname; | %SVG.animateMotion.qname; |
     %SVG.animateColor.qname; | %SVG.animateTransform.qname;

<!-- SVG.Animation.attrib .............................. -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.Animation.extra.attrib "" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.Animation.attrib

<!-- SVG.AnimationAttribute.attrib ..................... -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.AnimationAttribute.extra.attrib "" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.AnimationAttribute.attrib
    "attributeName  CDATA  #REQUIRED
     attributeType  CDATA  #IMPLIED

<!-- SVG.AnimationTiming.attrib ........................ -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.AnimationTiming.extra.attrib "" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.AnimationTiming.attrib
    "begin CDATA #IMPLIED
     restart ( always | never | whenNotActive ) 'always'
     repeatCount CDATA #IMPLIED
     repeatDur CDATA #IMPLIED
     fill ( remove | freeze ) 'remove'

<!-- SVG.AnimationValue.attrib ......................... -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.AnimationValue.extra.attrib "" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.AnimationValue.attrib
    "calcMode ( discrete | linear | paced | spline ) 'linear'
     values CDATA #IMPLIED
     keyTimes CDATA #IMPLIED
     keySplines CDATA #IMPLIED
     from CDATA #IMPLIED

<!-- SVG.AnimationAddtion.attrib ....................... -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.AnimationAddtion.extra.attrib "" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.AnimationAddtion.attrib
    "additive ( replace | sum ) 'replace'
     accumulate ( none | sum ) 'none'

<!-- animate: Animate Element .......................... -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.animate.extra.content "" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.animate.element "INCLUDE" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.animate.content
    "( %SVG.Description.class; %SVG.animate.extra.content; )*"
<!ELEMENT %SVG.animate.qname; %SVG.animate.content; >
<!-- end of SVG.animate.element -->]]>

<!ENTITY % SVG.animate.attlist "INCLUDE" >
<!ATTLIST %SVG.animate.qname;
<!-- end of SVG.animate.attlist -->]]>

<!-- set: Set Element .................................. -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.set.extra.content "" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.set.element "INCLUDE" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.set.content
    "( %SVG.Description.class; %SVG.set.extra.content; )*"
<!ELEMENT %SVG.set.qname; %SVG.set.content; >
<!-- end of SVG.set.element -->]]>

<!ENTITY % SVG.set.attlist "INCLUDE" >
<!ATTLIST %SVG.set.qname;
<!-- end of SVG.set.attlist -->]]>

<!-- animateMotion: Animate Motion Element ............. -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.animateMotion.extra.content "" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.animateMotion.element "INCLUDE" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.animateMotion.content
    "( ( %SVG.mpath.qname;,
         ( %SVG.Description.class; %SVG.animateMotion.extra.content; )* )
       | ( ( %SVG.Description.class; %SVG.animateMotion.extra.content; )+,
	   ( ( %SVG.Description.class; %SVG.animateMotion.extra.content; )* )? ) )"
<!ELEMENT %SVG.animateMotion.qname; %SVG.animateMotion.content; >
<!-- end of SVG.animateMotion.element -->]]>

<!ENTITY % SVG.animateMotion.attlist "INCLUDE" >
<!ATTLIST %SVG.animateMotion.qname;
    calcMode ( discrete | linear | paced | spline ) 'paced'
    values CDATA #IMPLIED
    keyTimes CDATA #IMPLIED
    keySplines CDATA #IMPLIED
    keyPoints CDATA #IMPLIED
    rotate CDATA #IMPLIED
    origin CDATA #IMPLIED
<!-- end of SVG.animateMotion.attlist -->]]>

<!-- animateColor: Animate Color Element ............... -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.animateColor.extra.content "" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.animateColor.element "INCLUDE" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.animateColor.content
    "( %SVG.Description.class; %SVG.animateColor.extra.content; )*"
<!ELEMENT %SVG.animateColor.qname; %SVG.animateColor.content; >
<!-- end of SVG.animateColor.element -->]]>

<!ENTITY % SVG.animateColor.attlist "INCLUDE" >
<!ATTLIST %SVG.animateColor.qname;
<!-- end of SVG.animateColor.attlist -->]]>

<!-- animateTransform: Animate Transform Element ....... -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.animateTransform.extra.content "" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.animateTransform.element "INCLUDE" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.animateTransform.content
    "( %SVG.Description.class; %SVG.animateTransform.extra.content; )*"
<!ELEMENT %SVG.animateTransform.qname; %SVG.animateTransform.content; >
<!-- end of SVG.animateTransform.element -->]]>

<!ENTITY % SVG.animateTransform.attlist "INCLUDE" >
<!ATTLIST %SVG.animateTransform.qname;
    type ( translate | scale | rotate | skewX | skewY ) 'translate'
<!-- end of SVG.animateTransform.attlist -->]]>

<!-- mpath: Motion Path Element ........................ -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.mpath.extra.content "" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.mpath.element "INCLUDE" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.mpath.content
    "( %SVG.Description.class; %SVG.mpath.extra.content; )*"
<!ELEMENT %SVG.mpath.qname; %SVG.mpath.content; >
<!-- end of SVG.mpath.element -->]]>

<!ENTITY % SVG.mpath.attlist "INCLUDE" >
<!ATTLIST %SVG.mpath.qname;
<!-- end of SVG.mpath.attlist -->]]>

<!-- end of svg-animation.mod -->

A.3.39 Font モジュール

Font モジュールは Font.class 要素コレクションを定義する。 The Font Module defines the Font.class element collection.

Font.classfont, font-face
<!-- ....................................................................... -->
<!-- SVG 1.1 Font Module ................................................... -->
<!-- file: svg-font.mod

     This is SVG, a language for describing two-dimensional graphics in XML.
     Copyright 2001, 2002, 2011 W3C (MIT, INRIA, Keio), All Rights Reserved.
     Revision: $Id: svgdtd.html,v 1.2 2011/08/10 04:43:17 schepers Exp $

     This DTD module is identified by the PUBLIC and SYSTEM identifiers:

        PUBLIC "-//W3C//ELEMENTS SVG 1.1 Font//EN"
        SYSTEM "http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/1.1/DTD/svg-font.mod"

     ....................................................................... -->

<!-- Font

        font, font-face, glyph, missing-glyph, hkern, vkern, font-face-src,
        font-face-uri, font-face-format, font-face-name

     This module declares markup to provide support for template.

<!-- Qualified Names (Default) ......................... -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.font.qname "font" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.font-face.qname "font-face" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.glyph.qname "glyph" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.missing-glyph.qname "missing-glyph" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.hkern.qname "hkern" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.vkern.qname "vkern" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.font-face-src.qname "font-face-src" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.font-face-uri.qname "font-face-uri" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.font-face-format.qname "font-face-format" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.font-face-name.qname "font-face-name" >

<!-- Attribute Collections (Default) ................... -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.Core.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Container.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Style.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Viewport.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Text.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.TextContent.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Font.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Paint.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Color.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Opacity.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Graphics.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Marker.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.ColorProfile.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Gradient.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Clip.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Mask.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Filter.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.FilterColor.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Cursor.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.XLinkRequired.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.External.attrib "" >

<!-- SVG.Font.class .................................... -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.Font.extra.class "" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.Font.class
    "| %SVG.font.qname; | %SVG.font-face.qname; %SVG.Font.extra.class;"

<!-- SVG.Presentation.attrib ........................... -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.Presentation.extra.attrib "" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.Presentation.attrib
     flood-color %SVGColor.datatype; #IMPLIED
     flood-opacity %OpacityValue.datatype; #IMPLIED
     lighting-color %SVGColor.datatype; #IMPLIED

<!-- font: Font Element ................................ -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.font.extra.content "" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.font.element "INCLUDE" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.font.content
    "( %SVG.Description.class; | %SVG.font-face.qname;
     | %SVG.missing-glyph.qname; | %SVG.glyph.qname; | %SVG.hkern.qname;
     | %SVG.vkern.qname; %SVG.font.extra.content; )*"
<!ELEMENT %SVG.font.qname; %SVG.font.content; >
<!-- end of SVG.font.element -->]]>

<!ENTITY % SVG.font.attlist "INCLUDE" >
<!ATTLIST %SVG.font.qname;
    horiz-origin-x %Number.datatype; #IMPLIED
    horiz-origin-y %Number.datatype; #IMPLIED
    horiz-adv-x %Number.datatype; #REQUIRED
    vert-origin-x %Number.datatype; #IMPLIED
    vert-origin-y %Number.datatype; #IMPLIED
    vert-adv-y %Number.datatype; #IMPLIED
<!-- end of SVG.font.attlist -->]]>

<!-- font-face: Font Face Element ...................... -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.font-face.extra.content "" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.font-face.element "INCLUDE" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.font-face.content
    "( ( %SVG.font-face-src.qname;,
         ( %SVG.Description.class; %SVG.font-face.extra.content; )* )
       | ( ( %SVG.Description.class; %SVG.font-face.extra.content; )+,
	   ( ( %SVG.Description.class; %SVG.font-face.extra.content; )* )? ) )"
<!ELEMENT %SVG.font-face.qname; %SVG.font-face.content; >
<!-- end of SVG.font-face.element -->]]>

<!ENTITY % SVG.font-face.attlist "INCLUDE" >
<!ATTLIST %SVG.font-face.qname;
    font-family CDATA #IMPLIED
    font-style CDATA #IMPLIED
    font-variant CDATA #IMPLIED
    font-weight CDATA #IMPLIED
    font-stretch CDATA #IMPLIED
    font-size CDATA #IMPLIED
    unicode-range CDATA #IMPLIED
    units-per-em %Number.datatype; #IMPLIED
    panose-1 CDATA #IMPLIED
    stemv %Number.datatype; #IMPLIED
    stemh %Number.datatype; #IMPLIED
    slope %Number.datatype; #IMPLIED
    cap-height %Number.datatype; #IMPLIED
    x-height %Number.datatype; #IMPLIED
    accent-height %Number.datatype; #IMPLIED
    ascent %Number.datatype; #IMPLIED
    descent %Number.datatype; #IMPLIED
    widths CDATA #IMPLIED
    ideographic %Number.datatype; #IMPLIED
    alphabetic %Number.datatype; #IMPLIED
    mathematical %Number.datatype; #IMPLIED
    hanging %Number.datatype; #IMPLIED
    v-ideographic %Number.datatype; #IMPLIED
    v-alphabetic %Number.datatype; #IMPLIED
    v-mathematical %Number.datatype; #IMPLIED
    v-hanging %Number.datatype; #IMPLIED
    underline-position %Number.datatype; #IMPLIED
    underline-thickness %Number.datatype; #IMPLIED
    strikethrough-position %Number.datatype; #IMPLIED
    strikethrough-thickness %Number.datatype; #IMPLIED
    overline-position %Number.datatype; #IMPLIED
    overline-thickness %Number.datatype; #IMPLIED
<!-- end of SVG.font-face.attlist -->]]>

<!-- glyph: Glyph Element .............................. -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.glyph.extra.content "" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.glyph.element "INCLUDE" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.glyph.content
    "( %SVG.Description.class; | %SVG.Animation.class; %SVG.Structure.class;
       %SVG.Conditional.class; %SVG.Image.class; %SVG.Style.class;
       %SVG.Shape.class; %SVG.Text.class; %SVG.Marker.class;
       %SVG.ColorProfile.class; %SVG.Gradient.class; %SVG.Pattern.class;
       %SVG.Clip.class; %SVG.Mask.class; %SVG.Filter.class; %SVG.Cursor.class;
       %SVG.Hyperlink.class; %SVG.View.class; %SVG.Script.class;
       %SVG.Font.class; %SVG.Extensibility.class; %SVG.glyph.extra.content; )*"
<!ELEMENT %SVG.glyph.qname; %SVG.glyph.content; >
<!-- end of SVG.glyph.element -->]]>

<!ENTITY % SVG.glyph.attlist "INCLUDE" >
<!ATTLIST %SVG.glyph.qname;
    unicode CDATA #IMPLIED
    glyph-name CDATA #IMPLIED
    d %PathData.datatype; #IMPLIED
    orientation CDATA #IMPLIED
    arabic-form CDATA #IMPLIED
    lang %LanguageCodes.datatype; #IMPLIED
    horiz-adv-x %Number.datatype; #IMPLIED
    vert-origin-x %Number.datatype; #IMPLIED
    vert-origin-y %Number.datatype; #IMPLIED
    vert-adv-y %Number.datatype; #IMPLIED
<!-- end of SVG.glyph.attlist -->]]>

<!-- missing-glyph: Missing Glyph Element .............. -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.missing-glyph.extra.content "" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.missing-glyph.element "INCLUDE" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.missing-glyph.content
    "( %SVG.Description.class; | %SVG.Animation.class; %SVG.Structure.class;
       %SVG.Conditional.class; %SVG.Image.class; %SVG.Style.class;
       %SVG.Shape.class; %SVG.Text.class; %SVG.Marker.class;
       %SVG.ColorProfile.class; %SVG.Gradient.class; %SVG.Pattern.class;
       %SVG.Clip.class; %SVG.Mask.class; %SVG.Filter.class; %SVG.Cursor.class;
       %SVG.Hyperlink.class; %SVG.View.class; %SVG.Script.class;
       %SVG.Font.class; %SVG.Extensibility.class; %SVG.missing-glyph.extra.content; )*"
<!ELEMENT %SVG.missing-glyph.qname; %SVG.missing-glyph.content; >
<!-- end of SVG.missing-glyph.element -->]]>

<!ENTITY % SVG.missing-glyph.attlist "INCLUDE" >
<!ATTLIST %SVG.missing-glyph.qname;
    d %PathData.datatype; #IMPLIED
    horiz-adv-x %Number.datatype; #IMPLIED
    vert-origin-x %Number.datatype; #IMPLIED
    vert-origin-y %Number.datatype; #IMPLIED
    vert-adv-y %Number.datatype; #IMPLIED
<!-- end of SVG.missing-glyph.attlist -->]]>

<!-- hkern: Horizontal Kerning Element ................. -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.hkern.element "INCLUDE" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.hkern.content "EMPTY" >
<!ELEMENT %SVG.hkern.qname; %SVG.hkern.content; >
<!-- end of SVG.hkern.element -->]]>

<!ENTITY % SVG.hkern.attlist "INCLUDE" >
<!ATTLIST %SVG.hkern.qname;
    k %Number.datatype; #REQUIRED
<!-- end of SVG.hkern.attlist -->]]>

<!-- vkern: Vertical Kerning Element ................... -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.vkern.element "INCLUDE" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.vkern.content "EMPTY" >
<!ELEMENT %SVG.vkern.qname; %SVG.vkern.content; >
<!-- end of SVG.vkern.element -->]]>

<!ENTITY % SVG.vkern.attlist "INCLUDE" >
<!ATTLIST %SVG.vkern.qname;
    k %Number.datatype; #REQUIRED
<!-- end of SVG.vkern.attlist -->]]>

<!-- font-face-src: Font Face Source Element ........... -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.font-face-src.extra.content "" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.font-face-src.element "INCLUDE" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.font-face-src.content
    "( %SVG.font-face-uri.qname; | %SVG.font-face-name.qname;
       %SVG.font-face-src.extra.content; )+"
<!ELEMENT %SVG.font-face-src.qname; %SVG.font-face-src.content; >
<!-- end of SVG.font-face-src.element -->]]>

<!ENTITY % SVG.font-face-src.attlist "INCLUDE" >
<!ATTLIST %SVG.font-face-src.qname;
<!-- end of SVG.font-face-src.attlist -->]]>

<!-- font-face-uri: Font Face URI Element .............. -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.font-face-uri.extra.content "" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.font-face-uri.element "INCLUDE" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.font-face-uri.content
    "( %SVG.font-face-format.qname; %SVG.font-face-uri.extra.content; )*"
<!ELEMENT %SVG.font-face-uri.qname; %SVG.font-face-uri.content; >
<!-- end of SVG.font-face-uri.element -->]]>

<!ENTITY % SVG.font-face-uri.attlist "INCLUDE" >
<!ATTLIST %SVG.font-face-uri.qname;
<!-- end of SVG.font-face-uri.attlist -->]]>

<!-- font-face-format: Font Face Format Element ........ -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.font-face-format.element "INCLUDE" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.font-face-format.content "EMPTY" >
<!ELEMENT %SVG.font-face-format.qname; %SVG.font-face-format.content; >
<!-- end of SVG.font-face-format.element -->]]>

<!ENTITY % SVG.font-face-format.attlist "INCLUDE" >
<!ATTLIST %SVG.font-face-format.qname;
    string CDATA #IMPLIED
<!-- end of SVG.font-face-format.attlist -->]]>

<!-- font-face-name: Font Face Name Element ............ -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.font-face-name.element "INCLUDE" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.font-face-name.content "EMPTY" >
<!ELEMENT %SVG.font-face-name.qname; %SVG.font-face-name.content; >
<!-- end of SVG.font-face-name.element -->]]>

<!ENTITY % SVG.font-face-name.attlist "INCLUDE" >
<!ATTLIST %SVG.font-face-name.qname;
<!-- end of SVG.font-face-name.attlist -->]]>

<!-- end of svg-font.mod -->

A.3.40 基本 Font モジュール

基本 Font モジュールは Font.class 要素コレクションを定義する。 The Basic Font Module defines the Font.class element collection.

Font.classfont, font-face
<!-- ....................................................................... -->
<!-- SVG 1.1 Basic Font Module ............................................. -->
<!-- file: svg-basic-font.mod

     This is SVG, a language for describing two-dimensional graphics in XML.
     Copyright 2001, 2002, 2011 W3C (MIT, INRIA, Keio), All Rights Reserved.
     Revision: $Id: svgdtd.html,v 1.2 2011/08/10 04:43:17 schepers Exp $

     This DTD module is identified by the PUBLIC and SYSTEM identifiers:

        PUBLIC "-//W3C//ELEMENTS SVG 1.1 Basic Font//EN"
        SYSTEM "http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/1.1/DTD/svg-basic-font.mod"

     ....................................................................... -->

<!-- Basic Font

        font, font-face, glyph, missing-glyph, hkern, font-face-src,

     This module declares markup to provide support for template.

<!-- Qualified Names (Default) ......................... -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.font.qname "font" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.font-face.qname "font-face" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.glyph.qname "glyph" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.missing-glyph.qname "missing-glyph" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.hkern.qname "hkern" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.font-face-src.qname "font-face-src" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.font-face-name.qname "font-face-name" >

<!-- Attribute Collections (Default) ................... -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.Core.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Container.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Style.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Viewport.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Text.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.TextContent.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Font.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Paint.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Color.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Opacity.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Graphics.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Marker.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.ColorProfile.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Gradient.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Clip.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Mask.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Filter.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.FilterColor.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Cursor.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.XLinkRequired.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.External.attrib "" >

<!-- SVG.Font.class .................................... -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.Font.extra.class "" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.Font.class
    "| %SVG.font.qname; | %SVG.font-face.qname; %SVG.Font.extra.class;"

<!-- font: Font Element ................................ -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.font.extra.content "" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.font.element "INCLUDE" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.font.content
    "( %SVG.Description.class; | %SVG.font-face.qname;
     | %SVG.missing-glyph.qname; | %SVG.glyph.qname; | %SVG.hkern.qname;
       %SVG.font.extra.content; )*"
<!ELEMENT %SVG.font.qname; %SVG.font.content; >
<!-- end of SVG.font.element -->]]>

<!ENTITY % SVG.font.attlist "INCLUDE" >
<!ATTLIST %SVG.font.qname;
    horiz-origin-x %Number.datatype; #IMPLIED
    horiz-adv-x %Number.datatype; #REQUIRED
<!-- end of SVG.font.attlist -->]]>

<!-- font-face: Font Face Element ...................... -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.font-face.extra.content "" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.font-face.element "INCLUDE" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.font-face.content
    "( ( %SVG.font-face-src.qname;,
         ( %SVG.Description.class; %SVG.font-face.extra.content; )* )
       | ( ( %SVG.Description.class; %SVG.font-face.extra.content; )+,
	   ( ( %SVG.Description.class; %SVG.font-face.extra.content; )* )? ) )"
<!ELEMENT %SVG.font-face.qname; %SVG.font-face.content; >
<!-- end of SVG.font-face.element -->]]>

<!ENTITY % SVG.font-face.attlist "INCLUDE" >
<!ATTLIST %SVG.font-face.qname;
    font-family CDATA #IMPLIED
    font-style CDATA #IMPLIED
    font-variant CDATA #IMPLIED
    font-weight CDATA #IMPLIED
    font-stretch CDATA #IMPLIED
    font-size CDATA #IMPLIED
    unicode-range CDATA #IMPLIED
    units-per-em %Number.datatype; #IMPLIED
    panose-1 CDATA #IMPLIED
    stemv %Number.datatype; #IMPLIED
    stemh %Number.datatype; #IMPLIED
    slope %Number.datatype; #IMPLIED
    cap-height %Number.datatype; #IMPLIED
    x-height %Number.datatype; #IMPLIED
    accent-height %Number.datatype; #IMPLIED
    ascent %Number.datatype; #IMPLIED
    descent %Number.datatype; #IMPLIED
    widths CDATA #IMPLIED
    ideographic %Number.datatype; #IMPLIED
    alphabetic %Number.datatype; #IMPLIED
    mathematical %Number.datatype; #IMPLIED
    hanging %Number.datatype; #IMPLIED
    underline-position %Number.datatype; #IMPLIED
    underline-thickness %Number.datatype; #IMPLIED
    strikethrough-position %Number.datatype; #IMPLIED
    strikethrough-thickness %Number.datatype; #IMPLIED
    overline-position %Number.datatype; #IMPLIED
    overline-thickness %Number.datatype; #IMPLIED
<!-- end of SVG.font-face.attlist -->]]>

<!-- glyph: Glyph Element .............................. -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.glyph.extra.content "" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.glyph.element "INCLUDE" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.glyph.content
    "( %SVG.Description.class; %SVG.glyph.extra.content; )*"
<!ELEMENT %SVG.glyph.qname; %SVG.glyph.content; >
<!-- end of SVG.glyph.element -->]]>

<!ENTITY % SVG.glyph.attlist "INCLUDE" >
<!ATTLIST %SVG.glyph.qname;
    unicode CDATA #IMPLIED
    glyph-name CDATA #IMPLIED
    d %PathData.datatype; #IMPLIED
    arabic-form CDATA #IMPLIED
    lang %LanguageCodes.datatype; #IMPLIED
    horiz-adv-x %Number.datatype; #IMPLIED
<!-- end of SVG.glyph.attlist -->]]>

<!-- missing-glyph: Missing Glyph Element .............. -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.missing-glyph.extra.content "" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.missing-glyph.element "INCLUDE" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.missing-glyph.content
    "( %SVG.Description.class; %SVG.missing-glyph.extra.content; )*"
<!ELEMENT %SVG.missing-glyph.qname; %SVG.missing-glyph.content; >
<!-- end of SVG.missing-glyph.element -->]]>

<!ENTITY % SVG.missing-glyph.attlist "INCLUDE" >
<!ATTLIST %SVG.missing-glyph.qname;
    d %PathData.datatype; #IMPLIED
    horiz-adv-x %Number.datatype; #IMPLIED
<!-- end of SVG.missing-glyph.attlist -->]]>

<!-- hkern: Horizontal Kerning Element ................. -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.hkern.element "INCLUDE" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.hkern.content "EMPTY" >
<!ELEMENT %SVG.hkern.qname; %SVG.hkern.content; >
<!-- end of SVG.hkern.element -->]]>

<!ENTITY % SVG.hkern.attlist "INCLUDE" >
<!ATTLIST %SVG.hkern.qname;
    k %Number.datatype; #REQUIRED
<!-- end of SVG.hkern.attlist -->]]>

<!-- font-face-src: Font Face Source Element ........... -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.font-face-src.extra.content "" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.font-face-src.element "INCLUDE" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.font-face-src.content
    "( %SVG.font-face-name.qname; %SVG.font-face-src.extra.content; )+"
<!ELEMENT %SVG.font-face-src.qname; %SVG.font-face-src.content; >
<!-- end of SVG.font-face-src.element -->]]>

<!ENTITY % SVG.font-face-src.attlist "INCLUDE" >
<!ATTLIST %SVG.font-face-src.qname;
<!-- end of SVG.font-face-src.attlist -->]]>

<!-- font-face-name: Font Face Name Element ............ -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.font-face-name.element "INCLUDE" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.font-face-name.content "EMPTY" >
<!ELEMENT %SVG.font-face-name.qname; %SVG.font-face-name.content; >
<!-- end of SVG.font-face-name.element -->]]>

<!ENTITY % SVG.font-face-name.attlist "INCLUDE" >
<!ATTLIST %SVG.font-face-name.qname;
<!-- end of SVG.font-face-name.attlist -->]]>

<!-- end of svg-basic-font.mod -->

A.3.41 Extensibility モジュール

Extensibility モジュールは Extensibility.class 要素コレクションを定義する。 The Extensibility Module defines the Extensibility.class element collection.

<!-- ....................................................................... -->
<!-- SVG 1.1 Extensibility Module .......................................... -->
<!-- file: svg-extensibility.mod

     This is SVG, a language for describing two-dimensional graphics in XML.
     Copyright 2001, 2002, 2011 W3C (MIT, INRIA, Keio), All Rights Reserved.
     Revision: $Id: svgdtd.html,v 1.2 2011/08/10 04:43:17 schepers Exp $

     This DTD module is identified by the PUBLIC and SYSTEM identifiers:

        PUBLIC "-//W3C//ELEMENTS SVG 1.1 Extensibility//EN"
        SYSTEM "http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/1.1/DTD/svg-extensibility.mod"

     ....................................................................... -->

<!-- Extensibility


     This module declares markup to provide support for extensibility.

<!-- Qualified Names (Default) ......................... -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.foreignObject.qname "foreignObject" >

<!-- Attribute Collections (Default) ................... -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.Core.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Conditional.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Style.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Viewport.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Text.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.TextContent.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Font.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Paint.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Color.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Opacity.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Graphics.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Marker.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Gradient.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Clip.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Mask.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Filter.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.FilterColor.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.GraphicalEvents.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Cursor.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.External.attrib "" >

<!-- SVG.Extensibility.class ........................... -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.Extensibility.extra.class "" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.Extensibility.class
    "| %SVG.foreignObject.qname; %SVG.Extensibility.extra.class;"

<!-- SVG.Presentation.attrib ........................... -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.Presentation.extra.attrib "" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.Presentation.attrib
     flood-color %SVGColor.datatype; #IMPLIED
     flood-opacity %OpacityValue.datatype; #IMPLIED
     lighting-color %SVGColor.datatype; #IMPLIED

<!-- foreignObject: Foreign Object Element ............. -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.foreignObject.extra.content "" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.foreignObject.element "INCLUDE" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.foreignObject.content
    "( #PCDATA %SVG.foreignObject.extra.content; )*"
<!ELEMENT %SVG.foreignObject.qname; %SVG.foreignObject.content; >
<!-- end of SVG.foreignObject.element -->]]>

<!ENTITY % SVG.foreignObject.attlist "INCLUDE" >
<!ATTLIST %SVG.foreignObject.qname;
    x %Coordinate.datatype; #IMPLIED
    y %Coordinate.datatype; #IMPLIED
    width %Length.datatype; #REQUIRED
    height %Length.datatype; #REQUIRED
    transform %TransformList.datatype; #IMPLIED
<!-- end of SVG.foreignObject.attlist -->]]>

<!-- end of svg-extensibility.mod -->

A.4 SVG 1.1 DTD

A.4.1 SVG 1.1 DTD ドライバ

この節は XML DTD として表現される SVG 1.1 の文書型実装の DTD ドライバを含む。 これは A.3 節 で定義した SVG 1.1 モジュール実装をもとにしている。 This section contains the DTD driver for the SVG 1.1 document type implementation as an XML DTD. It relies upon SVG 1.1 module implementations defined in Section A.3.

<!-- ....................................................................... -->
<!-- SVG 1.1 DTD ........................................................... -->
<!-- file: svg11.dtd

<!-- SVG 1.1 DTD

     This is SVG, a language for describing two-dimensional graphics in XML.

     The Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG)
     Copyright 2001, 2002, 2011 World Wide Web Consortium
        (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Institut National de
         Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique, Keio University).
         All Rights Reserved.

     Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute the SVG DTD and its
     accompanying documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby
     granted in perpetuity, provided that the above copyright notice and
     this paragraph appear in all copies.  The copyright holders make no
     representation about the suitability of the DTD for any purpose.

     It is provided "as is" without expressed or implied warranty.

        Author:   Jun Fujisawa <fujisawa.jun@canon.co.jp>
        Revision: $Id: svgdtd.html,v 1.2 2011/08/10 04:43:17 schepers Exp $

<!-- This is the driver file for version 1.1 of the SVG DTD.

     This DTD is identified by the PUBLIC and SYSTEM identifiers:

        PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN"
        SYSTEM "http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/1.1/DTD/svg11.dtd"
<!ENTITY % SVG.version "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN" >

<!-- Use this URI to identify the default namespace:


     See the Qualified Names module for information
     on the use of namespace prefixes in the DTD.
<!ENTITY % NS.prefixed "IGNORE" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.prefix "" >

<!-- reserved for future use with document profiles -->
<!ENTITY % SVG.profile "" >

<!-- ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -->

<!-- Pre-Framework Redeclaration Placeholder ..................... -->
<!ENTITY % svg-prefw-redecl.module "IGNORE" >

<!-- Document Model Module ....................................... -->
<!ENTITY % svg-model.mod
    PUBLIC "-//W3C//ENTITIES SVG 1.1 Document Model//EN"
           "svg11-model.mod" >

<!-- Attribute Collection Module ................................. -->
<!ENTITY % svg-attribs.mod
    PUBLIC "-//W3C//ENTITIES SVG 1.1 Attribute Collection//EN"
           "svg11-attribs.mod" >

<!-- Modular Framework Module .................................... -->
<!ENTITY % svg-framework.module "INCLUDE" >
<!ENTITY % svg-framework.mod
    PUBLIC "-//W3C//ENTITIES SVG 1.1 Modular Framework//EN"
           "svg-framework.mod" >

<!-- Post-Framework Redeclaration Placeholder .................... -->
<!ENTITY % svg-postfw-redecl.module "IGNORE" >

<!-- ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -->

<!-- Core Attribute Module ....................................... -->
<!ENTITY % svg-core-attrib.module "INCLUDE" >
<!ENTITY % svg-core-attrib.mod
    PUBLIC "-//W3C//ENTITIES SVG 1.1 Core Attribute//EN"
           "svg-core-attrib.mod" >

<!-- Container Attribute Module .................................. -->
<!ENTITY % svg-container-attrib.module "INCLUDE" >
<!ENTITY % svg-container-attrib.mod
    PUBLIC "-//W3C//ENTITIES SVG 1.1 Container Attribute//EN"
           "svg-container-attrib.mod" >

<!-- Viewport Attribute Module ................................... -->
<!ENTITY % svg-viewport-attrib.module "INCLUDE" >
<!ENTITY % svg-viewport-attrib.mod
    PUBLIC "-//W3C//ENTITIES SVG 1.1 Viewport Attribute//EN"
           "svg-viewport-attrib.mod" >

<!-- Paint Attribute Module ...................................... -->
<!ENTITY % svg-paint-attrib.module "INCLUDE" >
<!ENTITY % svg-paint-attrib.mod
    PUBLIC "-//W3C//ENTITIES SVG 1.1 Paint Attribute//EN"
           "svg-paint-attrib.mod" >

<!-- Paint Opacity Attribute Module .............................. -->
<!ENTITY % svg-opacity-attrib.module "INCLUDE" >
<!ENTITY % svg-opacity-attrib.mod
    PUBLIC "-//W3C//ENTITIES SVG 1.1 Paint Opacity Attribute//EN"
           "svg-opacity-attrib.mod" >

<!-- Graphics Attribute Module ................................... -->
<!ENTITY % svg-graphics-attrib.module "INCLUDE" >
<!ENTITY % svg-graphics-attrib.mod
    PUBLIC "-//W3C//ENTITIES SVG 1.1 Graphics Attribute//EN"
           "svg-graphics-attrib.mod" >

<!-- Document Events Attribute Module ............................ -->
<!ENTITY % svg-docevents-attrib.module "INCLUDE" >
<!ENTITY % svg-docevents-attrib.mod
    PUBLIC "-//W3C//ENTITIES SVG 1.1 Document Events Attribute//EN"
           "svg-docevents-attrib.mod" >

<!-- Graphical Element Events Attribute Module ................... -->
<!ENTITY % svg-graphevents-attrib.module "INCLUDE" >
<!ENTITY % svg-graphevents-attrib.mod
    PUBLIC "-//W3C//ENTITIES SVG 1.1 Graphical Element Events Attribute//EN"
           "svg-graphevents-attrib.mod" >

<!-- Animation Events Attribute Module ........................... -->
<!ENTITY % svg-animevents-attrib.module "INCLUDE" >
<!ENTITY % svg-animevents-attrib.mod
    PUBLIC "-//W3C//ENTITIES SVG 1.1 Animation Events Attribute//EN"
           "svg-animevents-attrib.mod" >

<!-- XLink Attribute Module ...................................... -->
<!ENTITY % svg-xlink-attrib.module "INCLUDE" >
<!ENTITY % svg-xlink-attrib.mod
    PUBLIC "-//W3C//ENTITIES SVG 1.1 XLink Attribute//EN"
           "svg-xlink-attrib.mod" >

<!-- External Resources Attribute Module ......................... -->
<!ENTITY % svg-extresources-attrib.module "INCLUDE" >
<!ENTITY % svg-extresources-attrib.mod
    PUBLIC "-//W3C//ENTITIES SVG 1.1 External Resources Attribute//EN"
           "svg-extresources-attrib.mod" >

<!-- ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -->

<!-- Structure Module ............................................ -->
<!ENTITY % svg-structure.module "INCLUDE" >
<!ENTITY % svg-structure.mod
    PUBLIC "-//W3C//ELEMENTS SVG 1.1 Structure//EN"
           "svg-structure.mod" >

<!-- Conditional Processing Module ............................... -->
<!ENTITY % svg-conditional.module "INCLUDE" >
<!ENTITY % svg-conditional.mod
    PUBLIC "-//W3C//ELEMENTS SVG 1.1 Conditional Processing//EN"
           "svg-conditional.mod" >

<!-- Image Module ................................................ -->
<!ENTITY % svg-image.module "INCLUDE" >
<!ENTITY % svg-image.mod
    PUBLIC "-//W3C//ELEMENTS SVG 1.1 Image//EN"
           "svg-image.mod" >

<!-- Style Module ................................................ -->
<!ENTITY % svg-style.module "INCLUDE" >
<!ENTITY % svg-style.mod
    PUBLIC "-//W3C//ELEMENTS SVG 1.1 Style//EN"
           "svg-style.mod" >

<!-- Shape Module ................................................ -->
<!ENTITY % svg-shape.module "INCLUDE" >
<!ENTITY % svg-shape.mod
    PUBLIC "-//W3C//ELEMENTS SVG 1.1 Shape//EN"
           "svg-shape.mod" >

<!-- Text Module ................................................. -->
<!ENTITY % svg-text.module "INCLUDE" >
<!ENTITY % svg-text.mod
    PUBLIC "-//W3C//ELEMENTS SVG 1.1 Text//EN"
           "svg-text.mod" >

<!-- Marker Module ............................................... -->
<!ENTITY % svg-marker.module "INCLUDE" >
<!ENTITY % svg-marker.mod
    PUBLIC "-//W3C//ELEMENTS SVG 1.1 Marker//EN"
           "svg-marker.mod" >

<!-- Color Profile Module ........................................ -->
<!ENTITY % svg-profile.module "INCLUDE" >
<!ENTITY % svg-profile.mod
    PUBLIC "-//W3C//ELEMENTS SVG 1.1 Color Profile//EN"
           "svg-profile.mod" >

<!-- Gradient Module ............................................. -->
<!ENTITY % svg-gradient.module "INCLUDE" >
<!ENTITY % svg-gradient.mod
    PUBLIC "-//W3C//ELEMENTS SVG 1.1 Gradient//EN"
           "svg-gradient.mod" >

<!-- Pattern Module .............................................. -->
<!ENTITY % svg-pattern.module "INCLUDE" >
<!ENTITY % svg-pattern.mod
    PUBLIC "-//W3C//ELEMENTS SVG 1.1 Pattern//EN"
           "svg-pattern.mod" >

<!-- Clip Module ................................................. -->
<!ENTITY % svg-clip.module "INCLUDE" >
<!ENTITY % svg-clip.mod
    PUBLIC "-//W3C//ELEMENTS SVG 1.1 Clip//EN"
           "svg-clip.mod" >

<!-- Mask Module ................................................. -->
<!ENTITY % svg-mask.module "INCLUDE" >
<!ENTITY % svg-mask.mod
    PUBLIC "-//W3C//ELEMENTS SVG 1.1 Mask//EN"
           "svg-mask.mod" >

<!-- Filter Module ............................................... -->
<!ENTITY % svg-filter.module "INCLUDE" >
<!ENTITY % svg-filter.mod
    PUBLIC "-//W3C//ELEMENTS SVG 1.1 Filter//EN"
           "svg-filter.mod" >

<!-- Cursor Module ............................................... -->
<!ENTITY % svg-cursor.module "INCLUDE" >
<!ENTITY % svg-cursor.mod
    PUBLIC "-//W3C//ELEMENTS SVG 1.1 Cursor//EN"
           "svg-cursor.mod" >

<!-- Hyperlinking Module ......................................... -->
<!ENTITY % svg-hyperlink.module "INCLUDE" >
<!ENTITY % svg-hyperlink.mod
    PUBLIC "-//W3C//ELEMENTS SVG 1.1 Hyperlinking//EN"
           "svg-hyperlink.mod" >

<!-- View Module ................................................. -->
<!ENTITY % svg-view.module "INCLUDE" >
<!ENTITY % svg-view.mod
    PUBLIC "-//W3C//ELEMENTS SVG 1.1 View//EN"
           "svg-view.mod" >

<!-- Scripting Module ............................................ -->
<!ENTITY % svg-script.module "INCLUDE" >
<!ENTITY % svg-script.mod
    PUBLIC "-//W3C//ELEMENTS SVG 1.1 Scripting//EN"
           "svg-script.mod" >

<!-- Animation Module ............................................ -->
<!ENTITY % svg-animation.module "INCLUDE" >
<!ENTITY % svg-animation.mod
    PUBLIC "-//W3C//ELEMENTS SVG 1.1 Animation//EN"
           "svg-animation.mod" >

<!-- Font Module ................................................. -->
<!ENTITY % svg-font.module "INCLUDE" >
<!ENTITY % svg-font.mod
    PUBLIC "-//W3C//ELEMENTS SVG 1.1 Font//EN"
           "svg-font.mod" >

<!-- Extensibility Module ........................................ -->
<!ENTITY % svg-extensibility.module "INCLUDE" >
<!ENTITY % svg-extensibility.mod
    PUBLIC "-//W3C//ELEMENTS SVG 1.1 Extensibility//EN"
           "svg-extensibility.mod" >

<!-- end of SVG 1.1 DTD .................................................... -->
<!-- ....................................................................... -->

A.4.2 SVG 1.1 文書モデル

( SVG 1.1 などの) SVG ファミリ文書型は利用する内容モデルを定義しなければならない。 これは SVG のモジュール化のフレームワークにより具体化される個別の内容モデルモジュールを通してなされる。 内容モデルモジュールと SVG 1.1 DTD ドライバ(上記)は協同して文書型に固有の要件に応じてモジュール実装のカスタマイズにあたる。 SVG 1.1 の内容モデルモジュールは以下のように定義される: A SVG Family Document Type (such as SVG 1.1) must define the content model that it uses. This is done through a separate content model module that is instantiated by the SVG Modular Framework. The content model module and the SVG 1.1 DTD Driver (above) work together to customize the module implementations to the document type's specific requirements. The content model module for SVG 1.1 is defined below:

<!-- ....................................................................... -->
<!-- SVG 1.1 Document Model Module ......................................... -->
<!-- file: svg11-model.mod

     This is SVG, a language for describing two-dimensional graphics in XML.
     Copyright 2001, 2002, 2011 W3C (MIT, INRIA, Keio), All Rights Reserved.
     Revision: $Id: svgdtd.html,v 1.2 2011/08/10 04:43:17 schepers Exp $

     This DTD module is identified by the PUBLIC and SYSTEM identifiers:

        PUBLIC "-//W3C//ENTITIES SVG 1.1 Document Model//EN"
        SYSTEM "http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/1.1/DTD/svg11-model.mod"

     ....................................................................... -->

<!-- SVG 1.1 Document Model

     This module describes the groupings of elements that make up
     common content models for SVG elements.

<!-- module: svg-structure.mod ......................... -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.Description.extra.class "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Description.class
    "%SVG.desc.qname; | %SVG.title.qname; | %SVG.metadata.qname;

<!ENTITY % SVG.Use.extra.class "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Use.class
    "| %SVG.use.qname; %SVG.Use.extra.class;"

<!ENTITY % SVG.Structure.extra.class "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Structure.class
    "| %SVG.svg.qname; | %SVG.g.qname; | %SVG.defs.qname; | %SVG.symbol.qname;
       %SVG.Use.class; %SVG.Structure.extra.class;"

<!-- module: svg-conditional.mod ....................... -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.Conditional.extra.class "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Conditional.class
    "| %SVG.switch.qname; %SVG.Conditional.extra.class;"

<!-- module: svg-image.mod ............................. -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.Image.extra.class "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Image.class
    "| %SVG.image.qname; %SVG.Image.extra.class;"

<!-- module: svg-style.mod ............................. -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.Style.extra.class "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Style.class
    "| %SVG.style.qname; %SVG.Style.extra.class;"

<!-- module: svg-shape.mod ............................. -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.Shape.extra.class "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Shape.class
    "| %SVG.path.qname; | %SVG.rect.qname; | %SVG.circle.qname;
     | %SVG.line.qname; | %SVG.ellipse.qname; | %SVG.polyline.qname;
     | %SVG.polygon.qname; %SVG.Shape.extra.class;"

<!-- module: svg-text.mod .............................. -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.Text.extra.class "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Text.class
    "| %SVG.text.qname; | %SVG.altGlyphDef.qname; %SVG.Text.extra.class;"

<!ENTITY % SVG.TextContent.extra.class "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.TextContent.class
    "| %SVG.tspan.qname; | %SVG.tref.qname; | %SVG.textPath.qname;
     | %SVG.altGlyph.qname; %SVG.TextContent.extra.class;"

<!-- module: svg-marker.mod ............................ -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.Marker.extra.class "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Marker.class
    "| %SVG.marker.qname; %SVG.Marker.extra.class;"

<!-- module: svg-profile.mod ........................... -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.ColorProfile.extra.class "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.ColorProfile.class
    "| %SVG.color-profile.qname; %SVG.ColorProfile.extra.class;"

<!-- module: svg-gradient.mod .......................... -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.Gradient.extra.class "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Gradient.class
    "| %SVG.linearGradient.qname; | %SVG.radialGradient.qname;

<!-- module: svg-pattern.mod ........................... -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.Pattern.extra.class "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Pattern.class
    "| %SVG.pattern.qname; %SVG.Pattern.extra.class;"

<!-- module: svg-clip.mod .............................. -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.Clip.extra.class "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Clip.class
    "| %SVG.clipPath.qname; %SVG.Clip.extra.class;"

<!-- module: svg-mask.mod .............................. -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.Mask.extra.class "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Mask.class
    "| %SVG.mask.qname; %SVG.Mask.extra.class;"

<!-- module: svg-filter.mod ............................ -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.Filter.extra.class "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Filter.class
    "| %SVG.filter.qname; %SVG.Filter.extra.class;"

<!ENTITY % SVG.FilterPrimitive.extra.class "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.FilterPrimitive.class
    "| %SVG.feBlend.qname; | %SVG.feColorMatrix.qname;
     | %SVG.feComponentTransfer.qname; | %SVG.feComposite.qname;
     | %SVG.feConvolveMatrix.qname; | %SVG.feDiffuseLighting.qname;
     | %SVG.feDisplacementMap.qname; | %SVG.feFlood.qname;
     | %SVG.feGaussianBlur.qname; | %SVG.feImage.qname; | %SVG.feMerge.qname;
     | %SVG.feMorphology.qname; | %SVG.feOffset.qname;
     | %SVG.feSpecularLighting.qname; | %SVG.feTile.qname;
     | %SVG.feTurbulence.qname; %SVG.FilterPrimitive.extra.class;"

<!-- module: svg-cursor.mod ............................ -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.Cursor.extra.class "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Cursor.class
    "| %SVG.cursor.qname; %SVG.Cursor.extra.class;"

<!-- module: svg-hyperlink.mod ......................... -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.Hyperlink.extra.class "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Hyperlink.class
    "| %SVG.a.qname; %SVG.Hyperlink.extra.class;"

<!-- module: svg-view.mod .............................. -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.View.extra.class "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.View.class
    "| %SVG.view.qname; %SVG.View.extra.class;"

<!-- module: svg-script.mod ............................ -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.Script.extra.class "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Script.class
    "| %SVG.script.qname; %SVG.Script.extra.class;"

<!-- module: svg-animation.mod ......................... -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.Animation.extra.class "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Animation.class
    "%SVG.animate.qname; | %SVG.set.qname; | %SVG.animateMotion.qname; |
     %SVG.animateColor.qname; | %SVG.animateTransform.qname;

<!-- module: svg-font.mod .............................. -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.Font.extra.class "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Font.class
    "| %SVG.font.qname; | %SVG.font-face.qname; %SVG.Font.extra.class;"

<!-- module: svg-extensibility.mod ..................... -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.Extensibility.extra.class "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Extensibility.class
    "| %SVG.foreignObject.qname; %SVG.Extensibility.extra.class;"

<!-- end of svg11-model.mod -->

A.4.3 SVG 1.1 属性コレクション

この節では SVG 1.1 の属性コレクションを与える。 属性コレクションモジュールと SVG 1.1 DTD ドライバは協同して文書型に固有の要件に応じてモジュール実装のカスタマイズにあたる。 This section contains the attribute collection for SVG 1.1. The attribute collection module and the SVG 1.1 DTD Driver work together to customize the module implementations to the document type's specific requirements.

<!-- ....................................................................... -->
<!-- SVG 1.1 Attribute Collection Module ................................... -->
<!-- file: svg11-attribs.mod

     This is SVG, a language for describing two-dimensional graphics in XML.
     Copyright 2001, 2002, 2011 W3C (MIT, INRIA, Keio), All Rights Reserved.
     Revision: $Id: svgdtd.html,v 1.2 2011/08/10 04:43:17 schepers Exp $

     This DTD module is identified by the PUBLIC and SYSTEM identifiers:

        PUBLIC "-//W3C//ENTITIES SVG 1.1 Attribute Collection//EN"
        SYSTEM "http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/1.1/DTD/svg11-attribs.mod"

     ....................................................................... -->

<!-- SVG 1.1 Attribute Collection

     This module defines the set of common attributes that can be present
     on many SVG elements.

<!-- module: svg-conditional.mod ....................... -->

<!ENTITY % ExtensionList.datatype "CDATA" >
<!ENTITY % FeatureList.datatype "CDATA" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.Conditional.extra.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Conditional.attrib
    "requiredFeatures %FeatureList.datatype; #IMPLIED
     requiredExtensions %ExtensionList.datatype; #IMPLIED
     systemLanguage %LanguageCodes.datatype; #IMPLIED

<!-- module: svg-style.mod ............................. -->

<!ENTITY % ClassList.datatype "CDATA" >
<!ENTITY % StyleSheet.datatype "CDATA" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.Style.extra.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Style.attrib
    "style %StyleSheet.datatype; #IMPLIED
     class %ClassList.datatype; #IMPLIED

<!-- module: svg-text.mod .............................. -->

<!ENTITY % BaselineShiftValue.datatype "CDATA" >
<!ENTITY % FontFamilyValue.datatype "CDATA" >
<!ENTITY % FontSizeValue.datatype "CDATA" >
<!ENTITY % FontSizeAdjustValue.datatype "CDATA" >
<!ENTITY % GlyphOrientationHorizontalValue.datatype "CDATA" >
<!ENTITY % GlyphOrientationVerticalValue.datatype "CDATA" >
<!ENTITY % KerningValue.datatype "CDATA" >
<!ENTITY % SpacingValue.datatype "CDATA" >
<!ENTITY % TextDecorationValue.datatype "CDATA" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.Text.extra.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Text.attrib
    "writing-mode ( lr-tb | rl-tb | tb-rl | lr | rl | tb | inherit ) #IMPLIED

<!ENTITY % SVG.TextContent.extra.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.TextContent.attrib
    "alignment-baseline ( auto | baseline | before-edge | text-before-edge |
                          middle | central | after-edge | text-after-edge |
                          ideographic | alphabetic | hanging | mathematical |
                          inherit ) #IMPLIED
     baseline-shift %BaselineShiftValue.datatype; #IMPLIED
     direction ( ltr | rtl | inherit ) #IMPLIED
     dominant-baseline ( auto | use-script | no-change | reset-size |
                         ideographic | alphabetic | hanging | mathematical |
                         central | middle | text-after-edge | text-before-edge |
                         inherit ) #IMPLIED
     glyph-orientation-horizontal %GlyphOrientationHorizontalValue.datatype;
     glyph-orientation-vertical %GlyphOrientationVerticalValue.datatype;
     kerning %KerningValue.datatype; #IMPLIED
     letter-spacing %SpacingValue.datatype; #IMPLIED
     text-anchor ( start | middle | end | inherit ) #IMPLIED
     text-decoration %TextDecorationValue.datatype; #IMPLIED
     unicode-bidi ( normal | embed | bidi-override | inherit ) #IMPLIED
     word-spacing %SpacingValue.datatype; #IMPLIED

<!ENTITY % SVG.Font.extra.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Font.attrib
    "font-family %FontFamilyValue.datatype; #IMPLIED
     font-size %FontSizeValue.datatype; #IMPLIED
     font-size-adjust %FontSizeAdjustValue.datatype; #IMPLIED
     font-stretch ( normal | wider | narrower | ultra-condensed |
                    extra-condensed | condensed | semi-condensed |
                    semi-expanded | expanded | extra-expanded |
                    ultra-expanded | inherit ) #IMPLIED
     font-style ( normal | italic | oblique | inherit ) #IMPLIED
     font-variant ( normal | small-caps | inherit ) #IMPLIED
     font-weight ( normal | bold | bolder | lighter | 100 | 200 | 300 | 400 |
                   500 | 600 | 700 | 800 | 900 | inherit ) #IMPLIED

<!-- module: svg-marker.mod ............................ -->

<!ENTITY % MarkerValue.datatype "CDATA" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.Marker.extra.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Marker.attrib
    "marker-start %MarkerValue.datatype; #IMPLIED
     marker-mid %MarkerValue.datatype; #IMPLIED
     marker-end %MarkerValue.datatype; #IMPLIED

<!-- module: svg-profile.mod ........................... -->

<!ENTITY % SVG.ColorProfile.extra.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.ColorProfile.attrib
    "color-profile CDATA #IMPLIED

<!-- module: svg-gradient.mod .......................... -->

<!ENTITY % NumberOrPercentage.datatype "CDATA" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.Gradient.extra.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Gradient.attrib
    "stop-color %SVGColor.datatype; #IMPLIED
     stop-opacity %OpacityValue.datatype; #IMPLIED

<!-- module: svg-clip.mod .............................. -->

<!ENTITY % ClipPathValue.datatype "CDATA" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.Clip.extra.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Clip.attrib
    "clip-path %ClipPathValue.datatype; #IMPLIED
     clip-rule %ClipFillRule.datatype; #IMPLIED

<!-- module: svg-mask.mod .............................. -->

<!ENTITY % MaskValue.datatype "CDATA" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.Mask.extra.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Mask.attrib
    "mask %MaskValue.datatype; #IMPLIED

<!-- module: svg-filter.mod ............................ -->

<!ENTITY % FilterValue.datatype "CDATA" >
<!ENTITY % NumberOptionalNumber.datatype "CDATA" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.Filter.extra.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Filter.attrib
    "filter %FilterValue.datatype; #IMPLIED

<!ENTITY % SVG.FilterColor.extra.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.FilterColor.attrib
    "color-interpolation-filters ( auto | sRGB | linearRGB | inherit )

<!-- module: svg-cursor.mod ............................ -->

<!ENTITY % CursorValue.datatype "CDATA" >

<!ENTITY % SVG.Cursor.extra.attrib "" >
<!ENTITY % SVG.Cursor.attrib
    "cursor %CursorValue.datatype; #IMPLIED

<!-- end of svg11-attribs.mod -->